# ========================================================= # ConvertTo-AsciiDoc # ========================================================= function ConvertTo-AsciiDoc { param ( [Parameter(Position=0,Mandatory)][string] $outputDirectory, [Parameter()][Alias('a')][string[]] $kramdocAttributes ) $InformationPreference = 'Continue' Write-Information "Converting Markdown to AsciiDoc" Write-Information "===========================================" $ConvertMarkdownToAsciiDocScriptBlock = { param ( [Parameter()][System.IO.FileInfo] $markdownFile, [Parameter()][string[]] $attributes ) & { $relativeFilePath = Resolve-Path -Path $markdownFile.FullName -Relative Write-Information ("Converting " + $relativeFilePath) $asciiDocPath = Resolve-Path -Path $markdownFile.Directory -Relative | Join-Path -ChildPath ($markdownFile.basename + '.adoc'); $parameters = @( '--wrap=none', '-o', $asciiDocPath ) $attributes | ForEach-Object { $parameters += '-a' $parameters += $_ } $parameters += $markdownFile.FullName & kramdoc $parameters } *>&1 | Out-Host } $jobs = @(); Get-ChildItem -r -Path $outputDirectory -i *.md | ForEach-Object { $jobs += Start-ThreadJob -ScriptBlock $ConvertMarkdownToAsciiDocScriptBlock -ThrottleLimit 10 -StreamingHost $Host -ArgumentList $_, $kramdocAttributes } if ($jobs) { # Wait for all to complete Wait-Job -Job $jobs | Out-Null $jobs | ForEach-Object { Receive-Job -Job $_ Remove-Job -Job $_ } } Write-Information "" } Export-ModuleMember ConvertTo-AsciiDoc # ========================================================= # ConvertTo-Docbook # ========================================================= function ConvertTo-DocBook { Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "PathSpec to grep files to convert.")] [ValidateNotNullOrWhiteSpace()] [string[]] $PathSpec, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateNotNullOrWhiteSpace()] [Alias('o')] [string] $OutputDir = 'build/docx', [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [Alias('k')] [string[]] $KramdocAttributes, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [Alias('a')] [string[]] $AsciidoctorAttributes ) if (Test-Path $OutputDir) { Remove-Item -r -fo $OutputDir } $null = New-Item $OutputDir -ItemType Directory Copy-Item $PathSpec -Destination $OutputDir -Force -Recurse ConvertTo-AsciiDoc $OutputDir -a $KramdocAttributes $parameters = @( '-b', 'docbook', '-r', 'asciidoctor-diagram', '-a', 'source-highlighter=pygments', '-a', 'compress', '-a', "revdate=$date" ) $AsciidoctorAttributes | ForEach-Object { $parameters += '-a' $parameters += $_ } $parameters += "'$($OutputDir)/**/*.adoc'" & asciidoctor @parameters if ($DebugPreference -eq 'SilentlyContinue') { Remove-Item -r -fo -i *.adoc,*.md $OutputDir } } Export-ModuleMember ConvertTo-DocBook # ========================================================= # ConvertTo-Docx # ========================================================= function ConvertTo-Docx { Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "PathSpec to grep files to convert.")] [ValidateNotNullOrWhiteSpace()] [string[]] $PathSpec, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateNotNullOrWhiteSpace()] [Alias('o')] [string] $OutputDir = 'build/docx', [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [Alias('k')] [string[]] $KramdocAttributes, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [Alias('a')] [string[]] $AsciidoctorAttributes ) ConvertTo-DocBook $PathSpec -o $OutputDir -k $KramdocAttributes -a $AsciidoctorAttributes Get-ChildItem -r -Path $OutputDir -i *.xml | ForEach-Object { $file=$_.directoryname+'\\'+$_.basename+'.docx'; Push-Location $_.DirectoryName; pandoc -f docbook -t docx -s $_.FullName -o $file Pop-Location } if ($DebugPreference -eq 'SilentlyContinue') { Remove-Item -r -fo -i *.xml $OutputDir } } Export-ModuleMember ConvertTo-Docx # ========================================================= # ConvertTo-Pdf # ========================================================= class ConversionFileInfo { # Optionally, add attributes to prevent invalid values [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][ConversionFolderInfo] $FolderInfo [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][string]$SourcePath [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][string]$TargetPath [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][string]$ChangeDate ConversionFolderInfo( [ConversionFolderInfo] $FolderInfo, [string] $SourcePath, [string] $ChangeDate, [string] $TargetPath ) { $this.FolderInfo = $FolderInfo $this.SourcePath = $SourcePath $this.ChangeDate = $ChangeDate $this.TargetPath = $TargetPath } } function collectFileInformation { Param( [Parameter(Position=0,Mandatory)][ConversionFolderInfo[]] $folders, [Parameter(Position=1,Mandatory)][string] $outputDirectory ) $InformationPreference = 'Continue' Write-Information "Collecting file information" Write-Information "===========================================" $filesToProcess = $folders | ForEach-Object { $folderInfo = $_; Push-Location $folderInfo.SourcePath Write-Information (Get-Location | Out-String) Get-ChildItem -r -i *.adoc,*.md | ForEach-Object { $date = git log -1 --format="%cE, %ai" $_.FullName; if (!$date) { $date = "unoffical" } $relativePath = Resolve-Path -Path $_.FullName -Relative | Split-Path -Parent $targetPath = Join-Path $outputDirectory -ChildPath ($folderInfo.TargetPath) | Join-Path -ChildPath $relativePath | Join-Path -ChildPath ($_.BaseName+'.adoc') [ConversionFileInfo]@{ FolderInfo = $folderInfo; SourcePath = $_; ChangeDate = $date; TargetPath = $targetPath; } } Pop-Location } Write-Information ($filesToProcess | Out-String) Write-Information "" return $filesToProcess } function convertAsciiDocToPdf { param ( [Parameter(Position=0,Mandatory)] [ConversionFileInfo[]] $filesToProcess, [Parameter()][Alias('a')][string[]] $asciidoctorAttributes ) $InformationPreference = 'Continue' Write-Information "Converting AsciiDoc to PDF" Write-Information "===========================================" $ConvertAsciiDocToPdfScriptBlock = { param ( [Object] $fileToConvert, [string[]] $attributes ) & { $file = $fileToConvert.TargetPath; $date = $fileToConvert.ChangeDate; Write-Information ("Converting " + $file) $parameters = @( '-r', 'asciidoctor-diagram', '-a', 'source-highlighter=pygments', '-a', 'compress', '-a', "revdate=$date" ) $attributes | ForEach-Object { $parameters += '-a' $parameters += $_ } $parameters += $file & asciidoctor-pdf $parameters } *>&1 | Out-Host } $jobs = @(); $filesToProcess | ForEach-Object { $jobs += Start-ThreadJob -ScriptBlock $ConvertAsciiDocToPdfScriptBlock -ThrottleLimit 10 -StreamingHost $Host -ArgumentList $_, $asciidoctorAttributes } # Wait for all to complete if ($jobs) { Wait-Job -Job $jobs | Out-Null $jobs | foreach { Receive-Job -Job $_ Remove-Job -Job $_ } } Write-Information "" } function ConvertTo-Pdf { param ( [Parameter(Position=0,Mandatory)] [ConversionFolderInfo[]] $sources, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [Alias('o')] [string] $outputDirectory = './build/pdf', [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [Alias('k')] [string[]] $kramdocAttributes, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [Alias('a')] [string[]] $asciidoctorAttributes ) $InformationPreference = 'Continue' Write-Information "Start build PDF" Write-Information "===========================================" Write-Information "" # Write-Information "Checking for ThreadJob module" # Write-Information "===========================================" # if (Get-Module -ListAvailable -Name "Microsoft.PowerShell.ThreadJob") { # Write-Information "ThreadJob module exists" # } # else { # Write-Information "ThreadJob module doesn't exist, installing." # Install-Module -Name Microsoft.PowerShell.ThreadJob -Scope CurrentUser -Force # Write-Information "ThreadJob module installed." # } # Write-Information "" if (Test-Path $outputDirectory) { Remove-Item -r -fo $outputDirectory } $null = New-Item $outputDirectory -ItemType Directory Write-Information "Copy source to output" Write-Information "===========================================" $sources | ForEach-Object { Copy-Item $_.SourcePath -Destination (Join-Path $outputDirectory $_.TargetPath) -Force -Recurse } Write-Information "" Write-Information "Execute conversion" Write-Information "===========================================" $filesToProcess = collectFileInformation $sources $outputDirectory ConvertTo-AsciiDoc $outputDirectory -a $kramdocAttributes convertAsciiDocToPdf $filesToProcess -a $asciidoctorAttributes Write-Information "" Write-Information "Cleaning up" Write-Information "===========================================" # Remove-Item $outputDirectory -i @("*.adoc", "*.md", "diag-*.*") -Recurse -Force Write-Information "" Write-Information "End build PDF" Write-Information "" } Export-ModuleMember ConvertTo-Pdf # ========================================================= # Use-ConversionFolder # ========================================================= class ConversionFolderInfo { # Optionally, add attributes to prevent invalid values [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][string]$SourcePath [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][string]$TargetPath ConversionFolderInfo([string] $path) { $this.Init($path, $path) } ConversionFolderInfo( [string] $SourcePath, [string] $TargetPath ) { $this.Init($SourcePath, $TargetPath) } hidden Init([string] $SourcePath, [string] $TargetPath) { $this.SourcePath = $SourcePath $this.TargetPath = $TargetPath } } function Use-ConversionFolder { param ( [Parameter(Position=0,Mandatory)] [string] $source, [Parameter(Position=1)] [string] $target ) if (!$target) { $target = $source } return [ConversionFolderInfo]::new($source, $target) } Export-ModuleMember Use-ConversionFolder |