
function Assert-ModuleVersion
        # The path to the module's manifest.

        # Path to any additional assemblies whose versions should get checked.

        # Path to a release notes file.

        # The path to the module's nuspec file.

        # A list of assembly file names that should be excluded from the version check. Wildcards allowed. Only assembly names are matched

    Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'

    $errorsAtStart = $Error.Count

    $manifest = Test-ModuleManifest -Path $ManifestPath
    if( -not $manifest )

    $version = $manifest.Version

    Write-Verbose -Message ('Checking that {0} module is at version {1}.' -f $manifest.Name,$version)

    $badAssemblies = Invoke-Command {
                            $manifest.RequiredAssemblies | 
                                ForEach-Object { 
                                    if( -not [IO.Path]::IsPathRooted($_) )
                                        Join-Path -Path (Split-Path -Parent -Path $manifest.Path) -ChildPath $_
                            if( $AssemblyPath )
                        } |
                        Where-Object { 
                            foreach( $exclusion in $ExcludeAssembly )
                                if( (Split-Path -Leaf -Path $_) -like $exclusion )
                                    return $false
                            return $true
                        } |
                        Get-Item | 
                        Where-Object { 
                            -not ($_.VersionInfo.FileVersion.ToString().StartsWith($version.ToString())) -or -not ($_.VersionInfo.ProductVersion.ToString().StartsWith($version.ToString()))
                        } |
                        ForEach-Object {
                            ' * {0} (FileVersion: {1}; ProductVersion: {2})' -f $_.Name,$_.VersionInfo.FileVersion,$_.VersionInfo.ProductVersion
    if( $badAssemblies )
        Write-Error -Message ('The following assemblies are not at version {0}.{1}{2}' -f $version,([Environment]::NewLine),($badAssemblies -join ([Environment]::NewLine)))

    if( $ReleaseNotesPath )
        $foundFirstVersion = $false
        $releaseNotesVersion = Get-Content -Path $ReleaseNotesPath |
                                    ForEach-Object {
                                        if( -not $foundFirstVersion -and $_ -match '^#\s+(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)' )
                                            $foundFirstVersion = $true
                                            return [Version]$Matches[1]
        if( -not $releaseNotesVersion )
            Write-Error -Message ('Version {0} not found in release notes ({1}).' -f $version,$ReleaseNotesPath)

    if( $NuspecPath )
        $nuspec = [xml](Get-Content -Raw -Path $NuspecPath)
        if( $nuspec )
            $nuspecVersion = [Version]($nuspec.package.metadata.version)
            if( $nuspecVersion )
                if( $version -ne $nuspecVersion )
                    Write-Error -Message ('Nuspec file ''{0}'' is at version {1}, but should be at version {2}..' -f $NuspecPath,$nuspecVersion,$version)
                Write-Error -Message ('Nuspec file ''{0}'' contains an invalid version.' -f $NuspecPath)
            Write-Error -Message ('Nuspec file ''{0}'' does not contain valid XML.' -f $NuspecPath)

    return (($Error.Count - $errorsAtStart) -eq 0)