
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
<!-- Generated with EZOut 2.0.1: Install-Module EZOut or -->
                        $demoContent =
@(foreach ($chapter in $this.Chapters) {
    "# $($chapter.Number) $($chapter.Name)"
    $stepIndex = 0
    foreach ($step in $chapter.Steps) {
        if ($this.CurrentChapter -eq $chapter -and $this.CurrentStep -eq $stepIndex) {
            " &lt;# *** You Are Here! *** #&gt;"

}) -join [Environment]::NewLine

    Go to the Next Chapter in a Demo
    Advances a demo to the next chapter.
$demo = $this
$chapterIndex = $demo.Chapters.IndexOf($demo.CurrentChapter)
if (-not $demo.Chapters[$chapterIndex]) {
    $demo | Add-Member NoteProperty DemoFinished ([datetime]::Now) -Force
    $null = New-Event -SourceIdentifier Demo.Complete -Sender $this
} else {
    $null = New-Event -SourceIdentifier Demo.NextChapter -Sender $this -EventArguments $demo.Chapters[$chapterIndex].Name -MessageData $demo.Chapters[$chapterIndex]
    $demo | Add-Member NoteProperty CurrentChapter $demo.Chapters[$chapterIndex] -Force
    $demo | Add-Member NoteProperty CurrentStep 0 -Force
    Go to the next demo step
    Advances a demo to the next step.
$demo = $this
# No more steps in this chapter
if (-not $demo.CurrentChapter.Steps[$demo.CurrentStep - 1]) {

$null = New-Event -SourceIdentifier Demo.NextStep -Sender $this -EventArguments $args
    Processes demo input
    Processes user input to a demo file.
$demo = $this

$null = New-Event -SourceIdentifier Demo.ProcessInput -Sender $this -EventArguments @($hostinput)

switch ($hostInput) {
    '?' {
            ForegroundColor = 'Cyan'
            InputObject = @"
Running demo: $($demo.Name)
(q) Quit
(# ...) Goto Chapter/Step
(f ...) Find cmds using X
(t) Timecheck
(s) Skip
(!) Debug Demo
(d) Dump demo
    'q' {
    'd' {
        $demoDump = $demo.Dump()
        $demoDump | Out-Host
        if (Get-Command Set-Clipboard -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) {
            $demoDump | Set-Clipboard
    's' {
        $demo | Add-Member NoteProperty StepToRun $null -Force
    't' {
        $duration = [Datetime]::now - $demo.DemoStarted
            ForegroundColor = 'Warning'
            Italic = $true
            InputObject =
                "{0} {1} [{2}m, {3}s]" -f $demo.Name, $demo.Status, [int]$Duration.TotalMinutes, [int]$Duration.Seconds
    '!' {
        Write-Warning "Debugging Demo: Use Resume-Demo to resume."
    default {
        if ($hostInput -match '^\s{0,}\#\s{0,}\d') {
            $demo | Add-Member NoteProperty StepToRun $null -Force
            $demo.SetChapter($hostInput -replace '^\s{0,}\#\s{0,}')
        elseif ($hostInput -match '^\s{0,}(?&gt;f|/)\s{0,}\S') {
            $toFind = $hostInput -replace '^\s{0,}(?&gt;f|/)\s{0,}'
            Select-String -Path $demo.DemoFile -Pattern $toFind | Out-Host

    Resets a demo
    Resets a demo file, so that it can be replayed.
$this | Add-Member NoteProperty Status "NotStarted" -Force
$this | Add-Member NoteProperty StepToRun $null -Force
$demo | Add-Member NoteProperty DemoFinished $null -Force
$demo | Add-Member NoteProperty DemoStarted $null -Force
$demo | Add-Member NoteProperty CurrentChapter $null -Force
$demo | Add-Member NoteProperty CurrentStep $null -Force

$null = New-Event -SourceIdentifier Demo.Reset -Sender $this -EventArguments $args

if (-not $this.Chapters) { throw "No Chapters" }
$chapterParts = @($chapter -split '\.')
$potentialChapterNumbers = @(
    if ($chapterParts.Length -gt 1) {
        ($chapterParts[0..($chapterParts.Length - 2)] -join '\.') + '*'
    $chapter + '*'

$newChapter, $newStep =
    :nextChapter foreach ($chap in $this.Chapters) {
        foreach ($potential in $potentialChapterNumbers) {
            if ($chap.Number -like $potential) {
                if ($potential -ne ($Chapter + '*')) {
                    # Setting chapter and step number
                    $chap, $chapterParts[-1] -as [int]
                    break nextChapter
                } else {
                    $chap, 1

if (-not $newChapter) {
    throw "Could not find chapter '$chapter'"

$this | Add-Member NoteProperty CurrentChapter $newChapter -Force
$this | Add-Member NoteProperty CurrentStep ($newStep - 1) -Force

    Sets demo status
    Sets the status of a demo.

$this | Add-Member Status $status -Force

$null = New-Event -SourceIdentifier Demo.SetStatus -Sender $this -EventArguments @($Status)

$null = New-Event -SourceIdentifier Demo.ShowStep -Sender $this -EventArguments @($step)

$stepTokens = [Management.Automation.PSParser]::Tokenize($step, [ref]$null)
$PreviousToken = $null
foreach ($_ in $stepTokens) {
    $content = $_.Content
    if ($_.Type -in 'Variable', 'String') {
        $content = $step.Substring($_.Start, $_.Length)
    if ($PreviousToken) {
        $token = $_
        $prevEnd = $PreviousToken.Start + $PreviousToken.Length
        $substring = $step.Substring($prevEnd, $token.Start - $prevEnd)
        if ($substring) {
    if ($_.Type -eq 'Comment') {
            InputObject = $content
    elseif ($_.Type -in 'Keyword', 'String', 'CommandArgument') {
            InputObject = $Content
    elseif ($_.Type -in 'Variable', 'Command') {
            InputObject = $Content
    elseif ($_.Type -in 'CommandParameter') {
            InputObject = $Content
    elseif (
        $_.Type -in 'Operator','GroupStart', 'GroupEnd'
    ) {
            InputObject = $Content
    elseif (
        $_.Type -notin 'Comment',
            'Keyword', 'String', 'CommandArgument',
            'Variable', 'Command',
            'Operator','GroupStart', 'GroupEnd'
    ) {
    } else {
    $PreviousToken = $_
    Starts a Demo
    Starts a Demo file.
$this | Add-Member NoteProperty Status Running -Force
$this | Add-Member NoteProperty DemoStarted ([DateTime]::Now) -Force

$null = New-Event -SourceIdentifier Demo.Start -Sender $this -EventArguments $args
                        $this | Add-Member NoteProperty CurrentStep 1 -Force
    Stops a demo
    Stops a demo that is currently running
$this | Add-Member NoteProperty Status Stopped -Force
$this | Add-Member NoteProperty StepToRun $null -Force
$this | Add-Member NoteProperty DemoFinished ([datetime]::Now) -Force
$demo | Add-Member NoteProperty CurrentChapter $null -Force
$demo | Add-Member NoteProperty CurrentStep $null -Force

$null = New-Event -SourceIdentifier Demo.Stop -Sender $this -EventArguments $args
                        # We don't want to modify this object
$demoCopy = # so create a copy
    if ($this.DemoFile) { # by importing the file
        Import-Demo -DemoPath $this.DemoFile
    } elseif ($this.DemoScript) { # or the script block.
        Import-Demo -DemoPath $this.DemoScript

# We need Write-Host to be overridden in the same way as Export-Demo does.
# So find Export-Demo's Abstract Syntax Tree
$exportDemoAst = $ExecutionContext.SessionState.InvokeCommand.GetCommand('Export-Demo','Function').ScriptBlock.Ast.Body
# and find our inner function
$writeHost = $exportDemoAst.Find({param($ast)
    $ast.Name -eq 'Write-Host' -and $ast.IsFilter -eq $false
}, $false)
# And override it here
${function:Write-Host} = $writeHost.Body.GetScriptBlock()

# Now, modify our demo copy to make it non-interactive
$demoCopy | Add-Member NoteProperty Interactive $false -Force
# and markdown
$demoCopy | Add-Member NoteProperty Markdown $true -Force
# then use the formatter to get the markdown as a string.
$demoCopy |
    Format-Custom |
    Out-String -Width 1mb
                        $stepCount = 0
foreach ($chapter in $this.Chapters) {
    $stepCount += $chapter.Steps.Length
                        $text = $this.Text
$step = @()
$ThisChapterSteps = @()

# We want every step to be able to run independently.
# This would be untrue if the code is unbalanced when a chapter would start
# Thus, while we're primarily looking for comments, we also need to track groups
$groupDepth = 0
for ($tokenNumber =0 ; $tokenNumber -lt $this.Tokens.Length; $tokenNumber++) {
    $token = $this.tokens[$tokenNumber]
    # If the token is a group start
    if ($token.Type -eq 'GroupStart')
        $groupDepth++ # increment depth.
    # If the token was a group end
    elseif ($token.Type -eq 'GroupEnd')
        $groupDepth-- # decrement depth.
    # and
    elseif (
        (-not $groupDepth) -and # If there was no depth and
        $token.StartColumn -le 1 -and # the token was a comment starting in the first column
        $token[-1].Type -ne 'Keyword' -and # and it wasn't preceeded by a keyword
        $token[0].Type -ne 'Keyword' -and # and it wasn't a keyword
        $token[0].Type -ne 'Newline' # and it wasn't a newline
    ) {
        # Then it's the start of a new step
        if ($step) {
            $stepEnd = $step[-1].Start + $step[-1].Length
            $stepStart = $step[0].Start
            # Get the content of the last step
            $stepScript = $text.Substring($stepStart, $stepEnd - $stepStart) -replace '^\s{0,}$'
            if ($stepScript) {
                # and make it into a PSObject
                $stepScript = [PSObject]::new($stepScript)
                # with the PSTypeName 'Demo.Step'
                # and add the .Chapter property, pointing to $this
                $ThisChapterSteps += $stepScript
            # then reset the collection of tokens in the current step.
            $step = @()

    # Add any token we see into the current step.
    $step += $token

# If there were any steps remaining
if ($step) {
    $stepEnd = $step[-1].Start + $step[-1].Length
    $stepStart = $step[0].Start
    $stepScript = $text.Substring($stepStart, $stepEnd - $stepStart) -replace '^\s{0,}$'
    if ($stepScript) {
        # make them into 'Demo.Step' objects
        $stepScript = [PSObject]::new($stepScript)
        )) # and add the chapter.
        $ThisChapterSteps += $stepScript

# Force steps to be returned as a list.
    Hides the prompt
    Hides the prompt within a demo.
# Any additional parameters for the step.
# This is ignored when hiding prompts.

$this.Chapter.Demo | Add-Member NoteProperty ShowPrompt $false

$null = New-Event -SourceIdentifier Demo.HidePrompt -Sender $this.Chapter.Demo -EventArguments @($step)
    Invokes a demo step
    Invokes a step in a demo file.
$hiddenStep = $this.HiddenStep

$invokeResults =
    if (-not $hiddenStep) {
        Invoke-Expression $this
    } elseif ($this.$($hiddenStep.StepType).Invoke) {
$null = New-Event -SourceIdentifier Demo.Step.Invoke -Sender $this -EventArguments $args -MessageData $invokeResults

    Shows the prompt
    Show the prompt within a demo.
# Any additional parameters for the step.
# This is ignored when showing prompts.

$this.Chapter.Demo | Add-Member NoteProperty ShowPrompt $true

$null = New-Event -SourceIdentifier Demo.ShowPrompt -Sender $this.Chapter.Demo -EventArguments @($step)
    Run a silent step
    Run a silent step of a demo.
    Silent steps do not display their results.

Invoke-Expression $silentStep | Out-Null

$null = New-Event -SourceIdentifier Demo.Step.Silent -Sender $this -EventArguments @($silentStep)
                        $specialStepNameRegex = '^\s{0,}\&lt;{0,1}\#\s{0,}\.(?&lt;st&gt;[\S]+)'
if ($this -notmatch $specialStepNameRegex) { return $null }
    StepType = $
    Arguments = $this -replace $specialStepNameRegex
                        $stepTokens = [Management.Automation.PSParser]::Tokenize($this, [ref]$null)
foreach ($token in $stepTokens) {
    if ($token.Type -notin 'Comment', 'Newline') {
        return $false
return $true