
function Show-Demo
        Shows a Demo
        Shows a PowerShell Demo Script.

    # The source of the demo. This can be a string, file, command, module, or path.
    [Alias('DemoPath','DemoName','DemoText','DemoScript','FullName', 'DemoFile', 'File', 'Source')]    

    # The name of the chapter

    # The current step (within -Chapter)

    # The typing style. Can be letters, words, or none.
    $TypeStyle = 'Letters',

    # If this is an integer less than 10000, it will be considered 'words per minute'
    # Otherwise, this will be the timespan to wait between words / letters being displayed.

    # The amount of time to wait between each step.
    # If provided, implies -AutoPlay.

    # If set, will automatically play demos.
    # Use -PauseBetweenStep to specify how long to wait between each step.

    # If set, will make the demo noniteractive.

    # If set, will show the prompt between each step.
    # This can also be enabled or disabled within a demo, with .ShowPrompt or .HidePrompt

    # If set, will attempt to record the demo.
    # This presumes that [obs-powershell]( is installed.

    # If provided, will set the message displayed at demo start.
    # If provided, will set the message displayed at demo start.

    process {
        $demoFile = 
            if ($From) {
                Get-Demo -From $From
            } else {
        if (-not $demoFile) {
            Write-Error "No demo to show"

        $demoFile | Add-Member StartMessage $StartMessage -Force
        $demoFile | Add-Member EndMessage $EndMessage -Force

        if ($chapter) {
            $demoFile | Add-Member CurrentChapter $Chapter -Force
        if ($step) {
            $demoFile | Add-Member CurrentStep $step -Force

        if ($Record) {            
            $demoFile | Add-Member RecordDemo $true -Force

        if ($ShowPrompt) {
            $demoFile | Add-Member ShowPrompt $true -Force

        $demoFile | Add-Member TypeStyle $TypeStyle -Force
        if ($TypeStyle -eq 'Letters' -and -not $TypeSpeed) {
            $TypeSpeed = [timespan]::FromMilliseconds(1)
        elseif ($TypeStyle -eq 'Words' -and -not $TypeSpeed) {
            $TypeSpeed = [timespan]::FromMilliseconds(30)
        $demoFile | Add-Member TypeSpeed $TypeSpeed -Force

        if ($NonInteractive -or
            ($Host.Name -eq 'Default Host') -or
            $env:BUILD_ID -or
        ) {
            $demoFile | Add-Member Interactive $false -Force
        } else {
            $demoFile | Add-Member Interactive $true -Force

        if ($AutoPlay -or $PauseBetweenStep.TotalMilliseconds) {
            if (-not $PauseBetweenStep.TotalMilliseconds) {
                $PauseBetweenStep = [timespan]::FromMilliseconds(500)
            $demoFile | Add-Member Autoplay $true -Force
            $demoFile | Add-Member PauseBetweenStep $PauseBetweenStep -Force

        if ($NonInteractive) {
            $demoFile | Format-Custom | Out-String -Width 1mb
        } else {
            $demoFile | Format-Custom