
.GUID 48bf0316-66c3-4253-9154-6fc5b28e482a
.AUTHOR Rob Sewell
.DESCRIPTION Returns Database Name and Size in MB for databases on a SQL server
.TAGS SQL, Database, Databases, Size
    Returns the databases on a SQL Server and their size
    Returns Database Name and Size in MB for databases on a SQL server
    This will return the user database names and sizes on the local machine default instance
    Show-DatabasesOnServer -Servers SERVER1
    This will return the database names and sizes on SERVER1
    Show-DatabasesOnServer -Servers SERVER1 -IncludeSystemDatabases
    This will return all of the database names and sizes on SERVER1 including system databases
    Show-DatabasesOnServer -Servers 'SERVER1','SERVER2\INSTANCE'
    This will return the user database names and sizes on SERVER1 and SERVER2\INSTANCE
    $Servers = 'SERVER1','SERVER2','SERVER3'
    Show-DatabasesOnServer -Servers $servers|out-file c:\temp\dbsize.txt
    This will get the user database names and sizes on SERVER1, SERVER2 and SERVER3 and export to a text file c:\temp\dbsize.txt
    AUTHOR : Rob Sewell
    Initial Release 22/07/2013
    Updated with switch for system databases added assembly loading and error handling 20/12/2015
    Some tidying up and ping check 01/06/2016

Function Show-DatabasesOnServer 

param (
    # Server Name or array of Server Names - Defaults to $ENV:COMPUTERNAME
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, 
        ValueFromPipeline = $true,
        ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, 
    Position = 0)]
    $Servers = $Env:COMPUTERNAME,
    # Switch to include System Databases
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    [void][reflection.assembly]::LoadWithPartialName( "Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo" );
    foreach($Server in $Servers)
    $ServerName = $Server.Split('\')[0]
    $Instance = $Server.Split('\')[1]
    $Servername = $Server

    ## Check for connectivity
      if((Test-Connection $ServerName -count 1 -Quiet) -eq $false){
       Write-Error "Could not connect to $ServerName - Server did not respond to ping"
    $srv = New-Object ('Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Server') $Server

            $Return = $srv.databases| Select Name, Size
            Write-Error "Failed to get database information from $Server"
            $Return = $srv.databases.Where{$_.IsSystemObject -eq $false}| Select Name, Size
            Write-Error "Failed to get database information from $Server"
    Write-Output "`n The Databases on $Server and their Size in MB `n"