
Function Invoke-SherwebRequest {
        Sends API requests to Sherweb endpoints with automatic authentication token management and rate limiting handling.
        This function sends HTTP requests to Sherweb API endpoints, managing authentication tokens automatically.
        It handles rate limiting with exponential backoff retry logic and automatically refreshes expired tokens.
    .PARAMETER FilterQuery
        Optional query string to filter the API results. Do not include the leading '?' character.
        Mandatory parameter to specify which Sherweb API to use. Valid values are 'ServiceProvider' or 'Distributor'.
    .PARAMETER GatewayBaseURL
        Base URL of the Sherweb API gateway. Defaults to ''.
    .PARAMETER Endpoint
        Mandatory parameter specifying the API endpoint to call (without the base URL).
    .PARAMETER MaxRetries
        Maximum number of retry attempts when rate limited. Defaults to 3.
    .PARAMETER InitialRetryDelaySeconds
        Initial delay in seconds before the first retry attempt. Defaults to 3 seconds.
        Actual delay will increase exponentially with each retry.
    .PARAMETER Method
        Mandatory HTTP method to use for the request. Valid values are 'GET', 'POST', 'PATCH', or 'DELTE'.
        Optional JSON body to include with the request for POST, PATCH operations.
        Invoke-SherwebRequest -API ServiceProvider -Endpoint 'customers' -Method GET
        Retrieves all customers using the Service Provider API.
        Invoke-SherwebRequest -API ServiceProvider -Endpoint 'billing/subscriptions' -Method GET -FilterQuery 'customerId=c4c56db-03fe-4564-a5b9-173453453'
        Gets the subscriptions for a customer with id of 'c4c56db-03fe-4564-a5b9-173453453' using the Service Provider API.
        Before using this function, you must authenticate using Connect-Sherweb.
        The function will automatically refresh the token if it has expired.

    [OutputType([PSCustomObject[]], [PSCustomObject], [Void])]

        [ValidateSet("ServiceProvider", "Distributor")]


        [ValidateSet("GET", "POST", "PATCH", "DELETE")]

        [string]$GatewayBaseURL = '',

        [int]$MaxRetries = 3,


        [int]$InitialRetryDelaySeconds = 3,


    Begin {
        if ($null -eq $script:SherwebAccessToken){
                    [System.ArgumentException]::new('No access token found. Run Connect-Sherweb first.'),
        elseif ([DateTime]::Now -gt $script:SherwebAccessToken.Expiration) {
            $connectSplat = @{
                ClientId     = $script:SherwebAccessToken.ClientId
                ClientSecret = (Convert-SecureStringToPlainText -SecureString $script:SherwebAccessToken.ClientSecret)
                Scope        = $script:SherwebAccessToken.Scope
            Connect-Sherweb @connectSplat
        Write-Verbose -Message  "Beginning Invoke-SherwebRequest Process"

        # Remove leading slash from endpoint if present
        Write-Verbose -Message  "Removing leading slash from endpoint if present"
        $Endpoint = $Endpoint.TrimStart('/')

        $Scope = switch ($API){
            "ServiceProvider" { "service-provider" }
            "Distributor" { "distributor" }

        # Build base URL
        Write-Verbose -Message  "Building base URL"
        $Uri = "$GatewayBaseURL/$Scope/v1/$Endpoint"
        Write-Verbose -Message  "Base URL: $Uri"

        # Add filter query if present
        if ($FilterQuery) {
            Write-Verbose -Message  "Filter Query: $FilterQuery"
            $Uri = "$Uri`?$FilterQuery"
            Write-Verbose -Message  "URL with Filter Query: $Uri"

        $InvokeRestMethodParams = @{
            Headers     = @{
                'Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key' = (Convert-SecureStringToPlainText -SecureString $script:SherwebAccessToken.GatewaySubscriptionKey)
                'Authorization'             = "Bearer $($script:SherwebAccessToken.AccessToken)"
                'Content-Type'              = 'application/json'
            Method      = $Method
            URI         = $uri
            ErrorAction = "Stop"  # Changed to Stop to ensure we catch errors
        if ($Null -ne $Body){
            $InvokeRestMethodParams.Body = $Body

    Process {
        Write-Verbose -Message  "Performing REST method invocation"
        [int]$retryCount = 0
        [bool]$success = $false

        do {
            try {
                $response = Invoke-RestMethod @InvokeRestMethodParams
                $success = $true
            catch {
                $errorMessage = $_.Exception.Message
                $statusCode = $_.Exception.Response.StatusCode
                $errorResponse = $_.ErrorDetails.Message | ConvertFrom-Json -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

                if ($statusCode -eq 429) {
                    # Extract retry delay from error message if available
                    $retryDelay = $InitialRetryDelaySeconds
                    if ($errorResponse.detail -match "Try again in (\d+) seconds") {
                        $retryDelay = [int]$matches[1]

                    # Apply exponential backoff
                    $waitTime = $retryDelay * [Math]::Pow(2, ($retryCount - 1))
                    if ($retryCount -le $MaxRetries) {
                        Write-Warning "Rate limit exceeded. Waiting $waitTime seconds before retry $retryCount of $MaxRetries..."
                        Start-Sleep -Seconds $waitTime
                else {
                    if ($errorResponse.detail){
                        $errorMessage = $errorResponse.detail
                    throw "Error Code ${statusCode}: $errorMessage"
        } while (-not $success -and $retryCount -le $MaxRetries)

    End {