$script:SPDscUtilModulePath = Join-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -ChildPath '..\..\Modules\SharePointDsc.Util' Import-Module -Name $script:SPDscUtilModulePath function Get-TargetResource { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([System.Collections.Hashtable])] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.String] $WebAppUrl, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateSet("WebApplication", "SiteCollection")] [System.String] $SettingsScope, [Parameter()] [System.Boolean] $AllowSharePointDesigner, [Parameter()] [System.Boolean] $AllowDetachPagesFromDefinition, [Parameter()] [System.Boolean] $AllowCustomiseMasterPage, [Parameter()] [System.Boolean] $AllowManageSiteURLStructure, [Parameter()] [System.Boolean] $AllowCreateDeclarativeWorkflow, [Parameter()] [System.Boolean] $AllowSavePublishDeclarativeWorkflow, [Parameter()] [System.Boolean] $AllowSaveDeclarativeWorkflowAsTemplate, [Parameter()] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] $InstallAccount ) Write-Verbose -Message "Getting SharePoint Designer configuration settings" switch ($SettingsScope) { "WebApplication" { $result = Invoke-SPDscCommand -Credential $InstallAccount ` -Arguments $PSBoundParameters ` -ScriptBlock { $params = $args[0] $nullReturn = @{ WebAppUrl = $params.WebAppUrl SettingsScope = $params.SettingsScope AllowSharePointDesigner = $null AllowDetachPagesFromDefinition = $null AllowCustomiseMasterPage = $null AllowManageSiteURLStructure = $null AllowCreateDeclarativeWorkflow = $null AllowSavePublishDeclarativeWorkflow = $null AllowSaveDeclarativeWorkflowAsTemplate = $null } try { $null = Get-SPFarm } catch { Write-Verbose -Message ("No local SharePoint farm was detected. " + ` "SharePoint Designer settings will not be applied") return $nullReturn } # Check if web application exists $webapp = Get-SPWebApplication | Where-Object -FilterScript { ($_.Url).StartsWith($params.WebAppUrl, "CurrentCultureIgnoreCase") } if ($null -eq $webapp) { Write-Verbose -Message ("Web application not found. SharePoint Designer " + ` "settings will not be applied") return $nullReturn } else { # Get SPD settings for the web application $spdSettings = Get-SPDesignerSettings $params.WebAppUrl return @{ # Set the SPD settings WebAppUrl = $params.WebAppUrl SettingsScope = $params.SettingsScope AllowSharePointDesigner = $spdSettings.AllowDesigner AllowDetachPagesFromDefinition = $spdSettings.AllowRevertFromTemplate AllowCustomiseMasterPage = $spdSettings.AllowMasterPageEditing AllowManageSiteURLStructure = $spdSettings.ShowURLStructure AllowCreateDeclarativeWorkflow = ` $spdSettings.AllowCreateDeclarativeWorkflow AllowSavePublishDeclarativeWorkflow = ` $spdSettings.AllowSavePublishDeclarativeWorkflow AllowSaveDeclarativeWorkflowAsTemplate = ` $spdSettings.AllowSaveDeclarativeWorkflowAsTemplate } } } } "SiteCollection" { if ((Test-SPDscRunAsCredential -Credential $InstallAccount) -eq $true) { $result = Invoke-SPDscCommand -Credential $InstallAccount ` -Arguments $PSBoundParameters ` -ScriptBlock { $params = $args[0] $nullReturn = @{ WebAppUrl = $params.WebAppUrl SettingsScope = $params.SettingsScope AllowSharePointDesigner = $null AllowDetachPagesFromDefinition = $null AllowCustomiseMasterPage = $null AllowManageSiteURLStructure = $null AllowCreateDeclarativeWorkflow = $null AllowSavePublishDeclarativeWorkflow = $null AllowSaveDeclarativeWorkflowAsTemplate = $null } try { $null = Get-SPFarm } catch { Write-Verbose -Message ("No local SharePoint farm was detected. " + ` "SharePoint Designer settings will not be applied") return $nullReturn } # Check if site collections exists $site = Get-SPSite -Identity $params.WebAppUrl -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if ($null -eq $site) { Write-Verbose -Message ("Site collection not found. SharePoint " + ` "Designer settings will not be applied") return $nullReturn } else { return @{ # Set the SPD settings WebAppUrl = $params.WebAppUrl SettingsScope = $params.SettingsScope AllowSharePointDesigner = $site.AllowDesigner AllowDetachPagesFromDefinition = $site.AllowRevertFromTemplate AllowCustomiseMasterPage = $site.AllowMasterPageEditing AllowManageSiteURLStructure = $site.ShowURLStructure AllowCreateDeclarativeWorkflow = $site.AllowCreateDeclarativeWorkflow AllowSavePublishDeclarativeWorkflow = ` $site.AllowSavePublishDeclarativeWorkflow AllowSaveDeclarativeWorkflowAsTemplate = ` $site.AllowSaveDeclarativeWorkflowAsTemplate } } } } else { $message = ("A known issue exists that prevents these settings from being managed " + ` "when InstallAccount is used instead of PsDscRunAsAccount. See " + ` "http://aka.ms/SharePointDscRemoteIssues for details.") Add-SPDscEvent -Message $message ` -EntryType 'Error' ` -EventID 100 ` -Source $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Source throw $message } } } return $result } function Set-TargetResource { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.String] $WebAppUrl, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateSet("WebApplication", "SiteCollection")] [System.String] $SettingsScope, [Parameter()] [System.Boolean] $AllowSharePointDesigner, [Parameter()] [System.Boolean] $AllowDetachPagesFromDefinition, [Parameter()] [System.Boolean] $AllowCustomiseMasterPage, [Parameter()] [System.Boolean] $AllowManageSiteURLStructure, [Parameter()] [System.Boolean] $AllowCreateDeclarativeWorkflow, [Parameter()] [System.Boolean] $AllowSavePublishDeclarativeWorkflow, [Parameter()] [System.Boolean] $AllowSaveDeclarativeWorkflowAsTemplate, [Parameter()] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] $InstallAccount ) Write-Verbose -Message "Setting SharePoint Designer configuration settings" switch ($SettingsScope) { "WebApplication" { Invoke-SPDscCommand -Credential $InstallAccount ` -Arguments @($PSBoundParameters, $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Source) ` -ScriptBlock { $params = $args[0] $eventSource = $args[1] try { $null = Get-SPFarm } catch { $message = ("No local SharePoint farm was detected. SharePoint " + ` "Designer settings will not be applied") Add-SPDscEvent -Message $message ` -EntryType 'Error' ` -EventID 100 ` -Source $eventSource throw $message } Write-Verbose -Message "Start update SPD web application settings" # Check if web application exists $webapp = Get-SPWebApplication | Where-Object -FilterScript { ($_.Url).StartsWith($params.WebAppUrl, "CurrentCultureIgnoreCase") } if ($null -eq $webapp) { $message = ("Web application not found. SharePoint Designer settings " + ` "will not be applied") Add-SPDscEvent -Message $message ` -EntryType 'Error' ` -EventID 100 ` -Source $eventSource throw $message } else { # Set the SharePoint Designer settings if ($params.ContainsKey("AllowSharePointDesigner")) { $webapp.AllowDesigner = $params.AllowSharePointDesigner } if ($params.ContainsKey("AllowDetachPagesFromDefinition")) { $webapp.AllowRevertFromTemplate = $params.AllowDetachPagesFromDefinition } if ($params.ContainsKey("AllowCustomiseMasterPage")) { $webapp.AllowMasterPageEditing = $params.AllowCustomiseMasterPage } if ($params.ContainsKey("AllowManageSiteURLStructure")) { $webapp.ShowURLStructure = $params.AllowManageSiteURLStructure } if ($params.ContainsKey("AllowCreateDeclarativeWorkflow")) { $webapp.AllowCreateDeclarativeWorkflow = ` $params.AllowCreateDeclarativeWorkflow } if ($params.ContainsKey("AllowSavePublishDeclarativeWorkflow")) { $webapp.AllowSavePublishDeclarativeWorkflow = ` $params.AllowSavePublishDeclarativeWorkflow } if ($params.ContainsKey("AllowSaveDeclarativeWorkflowAsTemplate")) { $webapp.AllowSaveDeclarativeWorkflowAsTemplate = ` $params.AllowSaveDeclarativeWorkflowAsTemplate } $webapp.Update() } } } "SiteCollection" { if ((Test-SPDscRunAsCredential -Credential $InstallAccount) -eq $true) { Invoke-SPDscCommand -Credential $InstallAccount ` -Arguments @($PSBoundParameters, $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Source) ` -ScriptBlock { $params = $args[0] $eventSource = $args[1] try { $null = Get-SPFarm } catch { $message = ("No local SharePoint farm was detected. SharePoint Designer " + ` "settings will not be applied") Add-SPDscEvent -Message $message ` -EntryType 'Error' ` -EventID 100 ` -Source $eventSource throw $message } Write-Verbose -Message "Start update SPD site collection settings" # Check if site collection exists $site = Get-SPSite -Identity $params.WebAppUrl -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if ($null -eq $site) { $message = ("Site collection not found. SharePoint Designer settings " + ` "will not be applied") Add-SPDscEvent -Message $message ` -EntryType 'Error' ` -EventID 100 ` -Source $eventSource throw $message } else { # Set the SharePoint Designer settings if ($params.ContainsKey("AllowSharePointDesigner")) { $site.AllowDesigner = $params.AllowSharePointDesigner } if ($params.ContainsKey("AllowDetachPagesFromDefinition")) { $site.AllowRevertFromTemplate = $params.AllowDetachPagesFromDefinition } if ($params.ContainsKey("AllowCustomiseMasterPage")) { $site.AllowMasterPageEditing = $params.AllowCustomiseMasterPage } if ($params.ContainsKey("AllowManageSiteURLStructure")) { $site.ShowURLStructure = $params.AllowManageSiteURLStructure } if ($params.ContainsKey("AllowCreateDeclarativeWorkflow")) { $site.AllowCreateDeclarativeWorkflow = ` $params.AllowCreateDeclarativeWorkflow } if ($params.ContainsKey("AllowSavePublishDeclarativeWorkflow")) { $site.AllowSavePublishDeclarativeWorkflow = ` $params.AllowSavePublishDeclarativeWorkflow } if ($params.ContainsKey("AllowSaveDeclarativeWorkflowAsTemplate")) { $site.AllowSaveDeclarativeWorkflowAsTemplate = ` $params.AllowSaveDeclarativeWorkflowAsTemplate } } } } else { $message = ("A known issue exists that prevents these settings from being " + ` "managed when InstallAccount is used instead of PsDscRunAsAccount. " + ` "See http://aka.ms/SharePointDscRemoteIssues for details.") Add-SPDscEvent -Message $message ` -EntryType 'Error' ` -EventID 100 ` -Source $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Source throw $message } } } } function Test-TargetResource { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([System.Boolean])] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.String] $WebAppUrl, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateSet("WebApplication", "SiteCollection")] [System.String] $SettingsScope, [Parameter()] [System.Boolean] $AllowSharePointDesigner, [Parameter()] [System.Boolean] $AllowDetachPagesFromDefinition, [Parameter()] [System.Boolean] $AllowCustomiseMasterPage, [Parameter()] [System.Boolean] $AllowManageSiteURLStructure, [Parameter()] [System.Boolean] $AllowCreateDeclarativeWorkflow, [Parameter()] [System.Boolean] $AllowSavePublishDeclarativeWorkflow, [Parameter()] [System.Boolean] $AllowSaveDeclarativeWorkflowAsTemplate, [Parameter()] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] $InstallAccount ) Write-Verbose -Message "Testing SharePoint Designer configuration settings" $CurrentValues = Get-TargetResource @PSBoundParameters Write-Verbose -Message "Current Values: $(Convert-SPDscHashtableToString -Hashtable $CurrentValues)" Write-Verbose -Message "Target Values: $(Convert-SPDscHashtableToString -Hashtable $PSBoundParameters)" $result = Test-SPDscParameterState -CurrentValues $CurrentValues ` -Source $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Source) ` -DesiredValues $PSBoundParameters Write-Verbose -Message "Test-TargetResource returned $result" return $result } <# Nik20170106 - Read the Designer Settings of either the Site Collection or the Web Application #> function Export-TargetResource { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([System.String])] param ( [Parameter()] [System.String] $URL, [Parameter()] [System.String] $Scope, [Parameter()] [System.String] $WebAppName ) $VerbosePreference = "SilentlyContinue" $ParentModuleBase = Get-Module "SharePointDsc" -ListAvailable | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Modulebase $module = Join-Path -Path $ParentModuleBase -ChildPath "\DSCResources\MSFT_SPDesignerSettings\MSFT_SPDesignerSettings.psm1" -Resolve $Content = '' $params = Get-DSCFakeParameters -ModulePath $module $params.WebAppUrl = $URL $params.SettingsScope = $Scope $results = Get-TargetResource @params <# Nik20170106 - The logic here differs from other Read functions due to a bug in the Designer Resource that doesn't properly obtains a reference to the Site Collection. #> if ($null -ne $results) { $PartialContent = " SPDesignerSettings " + $Scope + [System.Guid]::NewGuid().ToString() + "`r`n" $PartialContent += " {`r`n" $results = Repair-Credentials -results $results $currentBlock = Get-DSCBlock -Params $results -ModulePath $module $currentBlock = Convert-DSCStringParamToVariable -DSCBlock $currentBlock -ParameterName "PsDscRunAsCredential" $PartialContent += $currentBlock if ($webAppName) { $PartialContent += " DependsOn = `"[SP" + $scope.Replace("Collection", "") + "]" + $WebAppName + "`";`r`n" } $PartialContent += " }`r`n" $Content += $PartialContent } return $Content } Export-ModuleMember -Function *-TargetResource |