Param( [Switch]$Console = $false, #--[ Set to true to enable local console result display. Defaults to false ]-- [Switch]$Debug = $False, #--[ Set to true to only send results to debug email address. Default to false ]-- [Switch]$Enable = $False, #--[ Set to true to only send results to debug email address. Default to false ]-- $Computer = "", #--[ Use to target once PC. Forces single source if detected ]-- $Source = "AD", #--[ Where to get target list. Defaults to Ad ]-- $Mode = "disable", #--[ Run mode. Defaults to disable ]-- $RndMin = 1, #--[ Task minute randomizer start. Defaults to 1 ]-- $RndMax = 59 #--[ Task minute randomizer end. Defaults to 59 ]-- ) <#============================================================================== File Name : Set-Scheduled-Task.ps1 Original Author : Kenneth C. Mazie (kcmjr AT : Description : Creates a new (or over-writes existing) scheduled task on target systems. : Notes : Normal operation is with no command line options. If "debug" is used as an argument : debugging level 1 is enabled. Requires PowerShell AD module or will exit. : - This script will batch apply a scheduled task to the targeted PC with settings from the : variables section below. : - Modify items in the variables section to suit your site and department/facility codes. : - As written the script performs NO actions until the "$Enable" variable is set to "$True" : via the command line. : - Test thoroughly on a single PC before use. VERIFY IT REBOOTS AND DOESN'T JUST HANG. : - Targeting is via AD or text file. You can use Active Directory and filtering to : identify the systems to process, or use a flat text file named "targets.txt" located in : the same folder as this script. : - Please use PowerShell v5 or newer or the script will yell at you. : - Screen output is all that is provided, to output to a text file you must redirect : the write-host commands. : - To execute this script open a PowerShell window using an account with local : administrator access to the targeted PCs. Change to the script folder. Call the script thus: : "./set-scheduled-task.ps1 -option1 -option2 etc." : Arguments : Command line options for testing: : - "-console $true" Will enable local console echo : - "-enable $true" Will enable the script. : - "-debug" Not used : - "-mode" Options include "set","delete", and "disable". Defaults to "set" : - "-source" Tells the script where to get the targets from. Options include "AD", : "single", or "file". Defaults to "AD". : - "-computer" Specifies a single target. If used forces single mode. : - "-rndmin" Task start minute randomizer. Defaults to 1 : - "-rndmax" Task end minute randomizer. Defaults to 59. Use these two to define the : start/stop window and length. : - These may be used individually or in any combination and in any order. : Warnings : None : Legal : Public Domain. Modify and redistribute freely. No rights reserved. : SCRIPT PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR GUARANTEES OF : ANY KIND. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. NO TECHNICAL SUPPORT PROVIDED. : Credits : Code snippets and/or ideas came from many sources including but : not limited to the following: : Last Update by : Kenneth C. Mazie Version History : v1.00 - 08-25-14 - Original Change History : v1.01 - 00-00-00 - #> $CurrentVersion = 1.00 <#--[ Denotes current version : ==============================================================================#> <#PSScriptInfo .VERSION 1.00 .GUID a00b50af-9e63-493f-ac3e-a49f5bf4d3cb .AUTHOR Kenneth C. Mazie (kcmjr AT .DESCRIPTION Creates a new scheduled task on target systems. Also can disable or delete existing tasks that use the same task name. #> #===========================[ Initialization ]================================== Clear-Host $ErrorActionPreference = "stop" If ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -lt 5){ #--[ Force PowerShell v5 (as opposed to using a "requires" tag) ]-- Write-host `n`n"Please upgrade your PowerShell version to at least v5."`n`n -ForegroundColor Red Break } Function SendEmail { #--[ Function to send email notification (Not Used Yet) ]-- #----[ NOTE: Not currently used ]---- $SMTP = new-object System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient($MailServer) $Email = New-Object System.Net.Mail.MailMessage $Email.Body = $Message $Email.IsBodyHtml = $true $Email.To.Add($Recipient) $Email.From = $MailFrom $Email.Subject = $Subject $SMTP.Send($Email) $Email.Dispose() $SMTP.Dispose() } #--[ Manual Bypass Debugging Options For Testing ]------------------------------------------------ #$Console = $true #--[ Enables local console result display ]-- #$Debug = $true #--[ Forces email to only go to debug user ]-- #$Enable = $true #false #--[ Set to $TRUE to enable task creation ]-- #$Source = "single" #--[ Force a single target ]-- #$Mode = "disable" #--[ Set task mode ]-- #$RndMin = 1 #--[ Task minute randomizer start ]-- #$RndMax = 59 #--[ Task minute randomizer end ]-- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #--[ Variables ]------------------------------------- $TaskName = "Nightly_Restart" #--[ Name of scheduled task ]-- $DeptCodes = @("hr","it","op") #--[ Department code(s) to scan (quoted and comma delimited) ]-- $BypassList = @("pc123","pc456","pc789") #--[ Explicit systems to NOT touch ]-- $SiteCode = "pc*" #--[ system type and site code to scan ]-- $TaskHour = "02" #--[ Hour of day to run the task ]-- If ($Computer){$Source = "single"} If ($Source -eq "single"){ #--[ Target source selection from command line ]-- $Targets = Get-ADComputer -Filter {Name -like $Computer} | Select -Property Name #--[ This can be used to load a single, or small list of systemstext file from the script folder ]-- }ElseIf ($Source -eq "file"){ $Targets = Get-Content $PSSCriptRoot\targets.txt #--[ This can be used to load a text file from the script folder ]-- }Else{ $Targets = Get-ADComputer -Filter {Name -like $SiteCode} | Select -Property Name #--[ Will get all systems from AD starting with the sitecode variable ]-- } #--[ Cycle through targets ]-- If ($Console){Write-host `n'--[ Begin... ]----------------------------------------------' -ForegroundColor Red} ForEach ($Target in $Targets){ If ($Target -IsNot [String]){$Target = ($Target.Name | Out-String).Trim()} $DeptMatch = $False $BypassMatch = $False #--[ Filters ]-- If ($Source -ne "single"){ $DeptCodes | ForEach{ If ($Target -match $_){ $DeptMatch = $true } } }Else{ $DeptMatch = $true } $BypassList | ForEach{ If ($Target -match $_){ $BypassMatch = $True } } If ($Console){ Write-host `n'--[ Source :'($Source).PadRight(9," ") -ForegroundColor Yellow -NoNewline Write-host ']--------------------------------------' -ForegroundColor Yellow Write-host '--[ Mode :'($Mode).PadRight(8," ") -ForegroundColor Yellow -NoNewline Write-host ' ]--------------------------------------' -ForegroundColor Yellow Write-host '--[ Base Hour :'($TaskHour).PadRight(8," ") -ForegroundColor Yellow -NoNewline Write-host ' ]--------------------------------------' -ForegroundColor Yellow Write-host '--[ RND Min :'($RndMin.ToString()).PadRight(8," ") -ForegroundColor Yellow -NoNewline Write-host ' ]--------------------------------------' -ForegroundColor Yellow Write-host '--[ RND Max :'($RndMax.ToString()).PadRight(8," ") -ForegroundColor Yellow -NoNewline Write-host ' ]--------------------------------------' -ForegroundColor Yellow } If ($DeptMatch){ If ($Console){Write-host `n'--[ ' -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Yellow} If ($Console){Write-host $Target.ToUpper() -NoNewline -ForegroundColor White} If ($Console){Write-host ' ]----------------------------------------------------------' -ForegroundColor yellow} If ($BypassMatch){ If ($Console){Write-host "-- This target is on the BYPASS list..." -ForegroundColor Red} }Else{ If (Test-Connection -ComputerName $Target -count 1 -ea 0) { #--[ Validate connection to target ]-- If ($Console){Write-host "-- Connection test successful..." -ForegroundColor Green} $Time = $TaskHour+':'+("{0:d2}" -f (Get-Random -Minimum $RndMin -Maximum $RndMax )) #$Time = $TaskHour+":30" #--[ Use to bypass randomizer and set a unique time ]-- Try{ If ($Enable){ #--[ Only process the task if enable is TRUE ]-- If ($Mode -eq "set"){ If ($Console){Write-host "-- Task time set to"$Time" ..." -ForegroundColor yellow} IEX -Command 'schtasks /create /f /s $Target /ru "NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" /rp "" /sc "daily" /tn $TaskName /tr "shutdown -r -t 0" /st $Time' | Out-Null If ($Console){Write-host "-- Task creation successful..." -ForegroundColor Green} Sleep -Milliseconds 500 $Result = IEX -Command 'schtasks /query /s $Target /tn $TaskName' #--[ Vertify task creation ]-- If ($Result -like "*error*"){ If ($Console){Write-host "-- Task verification FAILED..." -ForegroundColor Red} }Else{ If ($Console){Write-host "-- Task verification successful..." -ForegroundColor Green} } }ElseIf ($Mode -eq "delete"){ $Result = IEX -Command 'schtasks /delete /f /s $Target /tn $TaskName ' #| Out-Null Sleep -Milliseconds 500 If ($Result -like "*success*"){ If ($Console){Write-host "-- Task deletion verified..." -ForegroundColor Green} }Else{ If ($Console){Write-host "-- Task deletion FAILED..." -ForegroundColor Red} } }ElseIf ($Mode -eq "disable"){ IEX -Command 'schtasks /change /disable /s $Target /tn $TaskName ' | Out-Null Sleep -Milliseconds 500 $Result = IEX -Command 'schtasks /query /s $Target /tn $TaskName' #--[ Vertify task disable ]-- If ($Result -like "*disabled*"){ If ($Console){Write-host "-- Task disable verified..." -ForegroundColor Green} }Else{ If ($Console){Write-host "-- Task disable FAILED..." -ForegroundColor Red} } } #--[ Future Enhancement ]-- #IEX -Command 'schtasks /create /f /s $Target /ru "NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" /rp "" /mo "onstart" /sc "once" /tn "OneTime Reboot Notify" /tr "shutdown -r -t 0" ' | Out-Null }Else{ If ($Console){Write-host "-- Task creation is NOT enabled. No actions will be taken..." -ForegroundColor Yellow} } }Catch{ If ($Console){Write-host "-- Task processing Failed: " $_.Exception.Message -ForegroundColor Red} } }Else{ If ($Console){Write-host "-- Connection test FAILED..." -ForegroundColor Red} } } }#> } If ($Console){Write-host `n'--- COMPLETED ---' -ForegroundColor Red} #> |