
.GUID 4835f9f2-4290-42c0-bee5-cc18546d6053
.AUTHOR Rahamath

 This script is to same DNS NIC settings depending on location and predefined DNS server settings
$Global:LogFile = "c:\temp\Set-NicCompliance.log"

Function Logging {
    Param ($Message,$Level)
    "$(Get-Date) `t $Level `t $Message" | Out-file -Append $Global:LogFile
    write-host "$(Get-Date) `t $Level `t $Message"

Function Get-NicDetails {
    Param ($ComputerName=$env:COMPUTERNAME)

    Try {

        $NICs=Get-WmiObject Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration -ComputerName $ComputerName -ErrorAction stop |
            where {$_.IPEnabled -eq "True" -and $_.DefaultIPGateway -ne $Null}
        Foreach ($NIC in $NICs) {
            If ($NIC.DHCPenabled -eq $True) {
                Logging "DHCP is enalbed on NIC with IP $($NIC.IPAddress.split(" ")[0])." "INFO"
                Logging "No action required, settings are controlled by DHCP server" "INFO"
            Else { 
                 $CurrentDNSServer=($NIC.DNSServerSearchOrder) -join ","
                 #Write-host $Global:DNSServers
                 If ($Global:Dnsservers -eq $CurrentDNSServer) {
                        Logging "Detected DNS settings : $CurrentDNSServer `t IPAddress:$($NIC.IPAddress.split(" ")[0])" "INFO"
                        Logging "Expected DNS Settings : $Global:Dnsservers" "INFO"
                        Logging "No Action required, all settings are in palce" "INFO"
                 Else {
                    Logging "Detected DNS settings : $CurrentDNSServer `t IPAddress:$($NIC.IPAddress.split(" ")[0])" "INFO"
                    Logging "Expected DNS Settings : $Global:Dnsservers" "INFO"
                    Logging "Settings are not as expected, corrective Action will be taken" "INFO"
                    If ($Proc.ReturnValue -eq "0" -or $Proc.RetrunValue -eq "1") {
                        Logging "DNS settings applied sucessfully : $($Global:Dnsservers)" "INFO"
                    Else {
                        Logging "DNS Settings failed to apply" "ERROR"
     Catch {
        Logging "Unable to connect to WMI: $($_.Exception.Message)" "ERROR"

Function Get-ServerDetails {
    Param ($ComputerName=$env:COMPUTERNAME)
    #Write-Host $ComputerName
    switch ($ComputerName) {
    {$ComputerName -like "*pc*"} { 
        [string[]]$DNSSetting = "","","",""
        Logging "Server name detected is $ComputerName and must have DNS Settings $DnsSetting" "INFO"
        return $DNSSetting

    {$ComputerName -like "*GB2*"} { 
        [string[]]$DNSSetting = "","","",""
        Logging "Server name detected is $ComputerName and must have DNS Settings $DnsSetting" "INFO"
        return $DnsSetting

    default {
        Logging "Server name detected is $ComputerName, but no valid DNS settings found" "ERROR"
        Exit 1

