
.Version 0.1.0
.Guid 19631007-d664-4cb5-85ab-a532b893b3a3
.Author Ronald Bode (iRon)
.Copyright Ronald Bode (iRon)
.Tags Script Line Numbers Example Analyze

# Adds, updates or removes line numbers in a script.
# Set-LineNumbers adds, update or remove line numbers to a powershell script
# without affecting the functionality of the code.
# This might come in handy when you want to analyze a script or share it with others.
# String
# String
# # Adding line numbers
# Given a script that might look like:
# $Script = @'
# function CountChar([String]$Text, [Char]$Char) {
# $Text.ToCharArray() | Where-Object { $_ -eq $Char } | Measure-Object | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Count
# }
# $Text = @"
# Finished files are the result of years
# of scientific study combined with the
# experience of many years.
# "@
# CountChar -Text $Text -Char 'f'
# '@
# The following command will add line numbers to the script:
# $Numbered = $Script | Set-LineNumbers
# $Numbered
# <# 01 #> function CountChar([String]$Text, [Char]$Char) {
# <# 02 #> $Text.ToCharArray() | Where-Object { $_ -eq $Char } | Measure-Object | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Count
# <# 03 #> }
# <# 04 #>
# <# 05 #> $Text = @"
# Finished files are the result of years
# of scientific study combined with the
# experience of many years.
# "@
# <# 10 #> CountChar -Text $Text -Char 'f'
# > [!Note]
# > Line numbers `06` till `09` are suppressed as line `05` is a multiline here-string.
# # updated line numbers
# In case you have changed a script with line numbers and would like to renumber the script,
# you might simply call the invoke the `Set-LineNumbers` cmdlet again.
# The example below adds the comment "# Count the F's" to the script and renumbers it:
# "# Count the F's", $Numbered | Set-LineNumbers
# # Removing line numbers
# In case you copy or download a script with line numbers and would like to remove them:
# $Numbered | Set-LineNumbers -Remove
# A string that contains the script to add, update or remove line numbers.
# If set, the line numbers will be removed from the script.

    [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $True)][String]$Script,

if ($Input) { $Content = $Input -Join [Environment]::NewLine } else { $Content = $Script }
$Tokens = [System.Management.Automation.PSParser]::Tokenize($Content, [ref]$Null)
$Format = "<# {0:D$($Tokens[-1].StartLine.ToString().Length)} #>"
$StringBuilder = [System.Text.StringBuilder]::new()
$Start = 0
$LineNumber = 1
foreach ($Token in $Tokens) {
    if ($LineNumber) {
        if ($Token.Type -eq 'Comment' -and $Token.Content -match '^<\#\ \d+\ \#>$') {
            $Start = $Token.Start + $Token.Length + 1
        else {
            if ($Start -gt $Token.Start) { $Start = $Token.Start }
            if (-not $Remove) {
                $Null = $StringBuilder.Append(($Format -f $LineNumber))
                if ($Token.Type -ne 'NewLine') { $Null = $StringBuilder.Append(' ') }
            $LineNumber = $Null
    if ($Token.Type -eq 'NewLine') {
        $End = if ($Token) { $Token.Start + $Token.Length } else { $Content.Length }
        $Length = $End - $Start
        $Null = $StringBuilder.Append($Content.SubString($Start, $Length))
        $Start = $End
        $LineNumber = $Token.EndLine
if ($Start -lt $Content.Length) { $Null = $StringBuilder.Append($Content.SubString($Start)) }