# Import utilities . $PSScriptRoot\..\Util.ps1 function Sesio-Config { param ( [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true)] [string]$Command, [Parameter(ValueFromRemainingArguments=$true)] $RemainingArgs ) switch ($Command.ToLower()) { "add" { $params = @{} for ($i = 0; $i -lt $RemainingArgs.Count; $i += 2) { if ($i + 1 -lt $RemainingArgs.Count) { $params[$RemainingArgs[$i].TrimStart('-')] = $RemainingArgs[$i + 1] } } Config-Add @params } "azure" { Config-Azure @RemainingArgs } "list" { Config-List @RemainingArgs } "env" { Config-Env @RemainingArgs } "help" { Config-Help } default { Write-Host "Unknown command: $Command" } } } function Config-Azure { # Check if azd is installed $azdInstalled = $null -ne (Get-Command azd -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) if (-not $azdInstalled) { Write-Host "$warningColor[Warning]$resetColor Azure Developer CLI (azd) is not installed. Do you want to download and install it? (Y/N)" if ($downloadChoice -eq 'Y' -or $downloadChoice -eq 'y') { Write-Host "$infoColor[Info]$resetColor Downloading and installing Azure Developer CLI (azd)..." winget install Microsoft.AzureDeveloperCLI # Refresh the PATH $env:Path = [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("Path","Machine") + ";" + [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("Path","User") Write-Host "$infoColor[Info]$resetColor Azure Developer CLI (azd) has been installed." } else { Write-Host "$errorColor[Error]$resetColor Azure Developer CLI (azd) is required for this operation. Exiting." return } } # Verify azd installation try { $azdVersion = azd version Write-Host "[$infoColor`Info$resetColor] Azure Developer CLI (azd) version: $azdVersion" } catch { Write-Host "[$errorColor`Error$resetColor] Unable to verify Azure Developer CLI (azd) installation. Please install it manually and try again." return } # Login to Azure Write-Host "[$infoColor`Info$resetColor] Logging in to Azure..." azd auth login # Prompt user to select a subscription $subscriptionId = Read-Host "Enter the Subscription ID you want to use: " # Set the selected subscription azd account set --subscription $subscriptionId Write-Host "[$infoColor`Info$resetColor] Azure configuration completed successfully." } function Config-Add { Write-Host "Adding config" } function Config-List { Write-Host "Listing config" } function Config-Help { Write-Host "$infoColor Sesio Config Help $resetColor" Write-Host "" Write-Host "$infoColor Usage: Sesio config <command> [options]$resetColor" Write-Host "$infoColor Commands:$resetColor" Write-Host "$infoColor--------------------------------$resetColor" Write-Host "$errorColor[add]$resetColor - Add configuration" Write-Host "$errorColor[azure]$resetColor - Configure Azure settings" Write-Host "$errorColor[list]$resetColor - List configurations" Write-Host "$errorColor[env]$resetColor - Manage environment variables" Write-Host " $warningColor[set]$resetColor KEY VALUE - Set environment variable" Write-Host " $warningColor[get]$resetColor KEY - Get environment variable" Write-Host " $warningColor[list]$resetColor - List all environment variables" Write-Host "$errorColor[help]$resetColor - Show help for a command" Write-Host "$infoColor[--------------------------------]$resetColor" } function Config-Env { param ( [Parameter(Position=0)] [string]$Action, [Parameter(Position=1)] [string]$Key, [Parameter(Position=2)] [string]$Value ) # Update to use .sesio folder for .env file $sesioFolder = Join-Path $env:USERPROFILE ".sesio" $envFile = Join-Path $sesioFolder ".env" # Create .sesio folder if it doesn't exist if (-not (Test-Path $sesioFolder)) { New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $sesioFolder -Force | Out-Null } switch ($Action.ToLower()) { "set" { if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Key) -or [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Value)) { Write-Warning "Usage: sesio config env set KEY VALUE" return } Set-EnvVariable -Key $Key -Value $Value -EnvFile $envFile } "get" { if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Key)) { Write-Warning "Usage: sesio config env get KEY" return } Get-EnvVariable -Key $Key -EnvFile $envFile } "list" { List-EnvVariables -EnvFile $envFile } default { Write-Error "Unknown env command. Available commands: set, get, list" } } } function Set-EnvVariable { param ($Key, $Value, $EnvFile) if (-not (Test-Path $EnvFile)) { New-Item -Path $EnvFile -ItemType File } $content = Get-Content $EnvFile -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $newLine = "$Key=$Value" $keyExists = $false if ($content) { $newContent = @() foreach ($line in $content) { if ($line -match "^$Key=") { $newContent += $newLine $keyExists = $true } else { $newContent += $line } } if (-not $keyExists) { $newContent += $newLine } $newContent | Set-Content $EnvFile } else { $newLine | Set-Content $EnvFile } Write-Info "Environment variable '$Key' has been set" } function Get-EnvVariable { param ($Key, $EnvFile) if (-not (Test-Path $EnvFile)) { Write-Warning "Environment file not found" return } $content = Get-Content $EnvFile foreach ($line in $content) { if ($line -match "^$Key=(.*)$") { Write-Host "$Key=$($matches[1])" return } } Write-Warning "Environment variable '$Key' not found" } function List-EnvVariables { param ($EnvFile) if (-not (Test-Path $EnvFile)) { Write-Warning "Environment file not found" return } # Define sensitive variables $sensitiveVars = @( 'AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID', 'AZURE_TENANT_ID', 'api_key', 'secret_key', 'pwsh-key' # Add more sensitive variables as needed ) $content = Get-Content $EnvFile if ($content) { $cyan = "`e[36m" $yellow = "`e[33m" $reset = "`e[0m" $green = "`e[32m" Write-Host "${green}Environment Variables:${reset}" Write-Host "${green}------------------------${reset}" $envVars = @() foreach ($line in $content) { if ($line -match "^(.+?)=(.*)$") { $key = $matches[1] $value = $matches[2] # Mask sensitive values if ($sensitiveVars -contains $key) { $value = "********" } $envVars += [PSCustomObject]@{ Key = $key Value = $value } } } $envVars | Format-Table -Property @{ Label = "Variable" Expression = { "$cyan$($_.Key)$reset" } Width = 30 }, @{ Label = "Value" Expression = { "$yellow$($_.Value)$reset" } Width = 50 } } else { Write-Warning "No environment variables found" } } export-modulemember -function Sesio-Config |