
    Copy all agents of a template onto this container.
    .PARAMETER TemplateID
    The id of the template.
    .PARAMETER SensorhubID
    The id of the container.
    .PARAMETER AuthToken
    Either a session or an API key. If no AuthToken is provided the global Server-Eye session will be used if available.

function Set-Template {

    Begin {
        $AuthToken = Test-SEAuth -AuthToken $AuthToken

    Process {
            Set-SeApiTemplate -AuthToken $AuthToken -cId $SensorhubID -Tid $TemplateID -ErrorAction Stop -ErrorVariable x
                if($x[0].ErrorRecord.ErrorDetails.Message -match ('"message":"container_not_found"')  ){
                    Write-host "Please check the SensorhubID, its not in den Database."
                if ($x[0].ErrorRecord.ErrorDetails.Message -match ('"message":"unauthorized","requiredRole":["architect"]"')) {
                    Write-host "The User needs the Role Achritect."

    End {
