
    Get a list with the secret Key.
    Get a list with the secret Key for a customer, nessesary for the installation of Server-Eye via the PowerShell.
    .PARAMETER CustomerId
    Shows the specific customer with this customer Id.
    .PARAMETER AuthToken
    Either a session or an API key. If no AuthToken is provided the global Server-Eye session will be used if available.
    Get-SECustomerSecret -CustomerId "4028e08a2e0ed329012e4ca526f705b1"
    Name CustomerId CustomerNumber secretKey
    ---- ---------- -------------- ---------
    Systemmanager IT 4028e08a2e0ed329012e4ca526f705b1 75953213 *********************************

function Get-CustomerSecret {
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory = $false)]
        [alias("ApiKey", "Session")]
    Begin {
        $AuthToken = Test-SEAuth -AuthToken $AuthToken

    Process {
        $Customer = Get-SECustomer -CustomerId $CustomerId
        $Secret = Get-SeApiCustomerSecret -cid $CustomerId -AuthToken $AuthToken
            Name           = $customer.Name
            CustomerId     = $customer.CustomerId
            CustomerNumber = $customer.CustomerNumber
            secretKey      = $Secret.secretKey