.SYNOPSIS Get Notes for a sensor or a sensorhub. .DESCRIPTION This will list all Notes for a sensor or a sensorhub. .PARAMETER SensorId The id of the agent. .PARAMETER SensorhubId The id of the container. .PARAMETER AuthToken Either a session or an API key. If no AuthToken is provided the global Server-Eye session will be used if available. #> function Get-Note { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'ofSensor')] Param( [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'ofSensor')] $SensorId, [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'ofSensorhub')] [Alias("ConnectorID")] $SensorhubId, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'ofSensorhub')] [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'ofSensor')] $AuthToken ) Begin { $AuthToken = Test-SEAuth -AuthToken $AuthToken } Process { if ($SensorId) { getNotesfromSensor -sensorId $SensorId -auth $AuthToken } elseif ($SensorhubId) { getNoteOfContainer -containerID $SensorhubId -auth $AuthToken } else { Write-Error "Unsupported input" } } End { } } function getNoteOfContainer ($containerID, $auth) { $notes = Get-SeApiContainerNoteList -AuthToken $auth -CId $containerId $container = Get-SeApiContainer -AuthToken $auth -CId $containerId $sensorhubName = "" $connectorName = "" $customerName = "" if ($container.type -eq "0") { $customer = Get-SECustomer -AuthToken $auth -CustomerId $container.customerId $connectorName = $container.Name $connectorID = $container.cId $customerName = $customer.Name foreach ($note in $notes) { $displayName = "$($note.prename) $($note.surname)".Trim() formatConnectorNote -note $note -auth $auth } } else { $sensorhub = Get-SESensorhub -AuthToken $auth -SensorhubId $containerId $sensorhubName = $sensorhub.Name $SensorhubId = $Sensorhub.sensorhubId $connectorName = $sensorhub.'OCC-Connector' $customerName = $sensorhub.Customer foreach ($note in $notes) { $displayName = "$($note.prename) $($note.surname)".Trim() formatSensorhubNote -note $note -auth $auth } } } function getNotesfromSensor ($sensorId, $auth) { $notes = Get-SeApiAgentNoteList -AuthToken $auth -AId $sensorId $sensor = Get-SESensor -SensorId $sensorId -AuthToken $auth foreach ($note in $notes) { $displayName = "$($note.prename) $($note.surname)".Trim() formatSensorNote -note $note -auth $auth -sensor $sensor } } function formatSensorNote($note, $auth, $sensor) { [PSCustomObject]@{ Message = $note.Message PostedOn = $note.postedOn PostedFrom = $displayName Email = $ NoteID = $note.nId Sensor = $ SensorID = $sensor.SensorId Sensorhub = $sensor.sensorhub 'OCC-Connector' = $sensor.'OCC-Connector' Customer = $sensor.customer } } function formatSensorhubNote($note, $auth) { [PSCustomObject]@{ Message = $note.Message PostedOn = $note.postedOn PostedFrom = $displayName Email = $ NoteID = $note.nId Sensorhub = $sensorhubName SensorhubId = $SensorhubId 'OCC Connector' = $connectorName Customer = $customerName } } function formatConnectorNote($note, $auth) { [PSCustomObject]@{ Message = $note.Message PostedOn = $note.postedOn PostedFrom = $displayName Email = $ NoteID = $note.nId 'OCC Connector' = $connectorName $ConnectorID = $ConnectorID Customer = $customerName } } |