. "$privateDir/DiagnosticLogger.ps1" . "$privateDir/ScopeIntegration.ps1" . "$privateDir/SynchronousWorker.ps1" . "$privateDir/SynchronousTransport.ps1" . "$privateDir/EventUpdater.ps1" function Start-Sentry { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Simple')] param( [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'Simple', Position = 0)] [Uri] $Dsn, [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'Options', Position = 0)] [scriptblock] $EditOptions ) begin { $options = [Sentry.SentryOptions]::new() $options.FlushTimeout = [System.TimeSpan]::FromSeconds(10) $options.ShutDownTimeout = $options.FlushTimeout $options.ReportAssembliesMode = [Sentry.ReportAssembliesMode]::None $options.IsGlobalModeEnabled = $true $options.AddIntegration([ScopeIntegration]::new()) $options.AddEventProcessor([EventUpdater]::new()) if ($DebugPreference -eq 'SilentlyContinue') { $Options.Debug = $false $options.DiagnosticLevel = [Sentry.SentryLevel]::Info } else { $Options.Debug = $true $options.DiagnosticLevel = [Sentry.SentryLevel]::Debug } if ($EditOptions -eq $null) { $options.Dsn = $Dsn } else { # Execute the script block in the caller's scope & set the automatic $_ variable to the options object. $options | ForEach-Object $EditOptions } $logger = [DiagnosticLogger]::new($options.DiagnosticLevel) # Note: this is currently a no-op if options.debug == false; see # As a workaround, we set the logger as a global variable so that we can reach it in other scripts. $options.DiagnosticLogger = $logger $script:SentryPowerShellDiagnosticLogger = $logger if ($null -eq $options.Transport) { try { $options.Transport = [SynchronousTransport]::new($options) } catch { $logger.Log([Sentry.SentryLevel]::Warning, 'Failed to create a PowerShell-specific synchronous transport', $_.Exception, @()) } } if ($null -eq $options.BackgroundWorker) { try { $options.BackgroundWorker = [SynchronousWorker]::new($options) } catch { $logger.Log([Sentry.SentryLevel]::Warning, 'Failed to create a PowerShell-specific synchronous worker', $_.Exception, @()) } } # Workaround for $options.DisableAppDomainProcessExitFlush() } process { [Sentry.SentrySdk]::init($options) | Out-Null } } |