
class StackTraceProcessor : SentryEventProcessor
    hidden [Sentry.Extensibility.IDiagnosticLogger] $logger
    hidden [string[]] $modulePaths
    hidden [hashtable] $pwshModules = @{}

    StackTraceProcessor([Sentry.SentryOptions] $options)
        $this.logger = $options.DiagnosticLogger
        if ($null -eq $this.logger) {
            $this.logger = Get-Variable -Scope script -Name SentryPowerShellDiagnosticLogger -ValueOnly -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

        if ($env:PSModulePath.Contains(';'))
            # Windows
            $this.modulePaths = $env:PSModulePath -split ';'
            # Unix
            $this.modulePaths = $env:PSModulePath -split ':'

    [Sentry.SentryEvent]DoProcess([Sentry.SentryEvent] $event_)
        if ($null -ne $this.SentryException)
        elseif ($null -ne $event_.Message)

        # Add modules present in PowerShell
        foreach ($module in $this.pwshModules.GetEnumerator())
            $event_.Modules[$module.Name] = $module.Value

        # Add .NET modules. Note: we don't let sentry-dotnet do it because it would just add all the loaded assemblies,
        # regardless of their presence in a stacktrace. So we set the option ReportAssembliesMode=None in [Start-Sentry].
        foreach ($thread in $event_.SentryThreads)
            foreach ($frame in $thread.Stacktrace.Frames)
                # .NET SDK sets the assembly info to frame.Package, for example:
                # "System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e"
                if ($frame.Package -match '^(?<Assembly>[^,]+), Version=(?<Version>[^,]+), ')
                    $event_.Modules[$Matches.Assembly] = $Matches.Version

        return $event_

    hidden ProcessMessage([Sentry.SentryEvent] $event_)
        $this.PrependThread($event_, $this.GetStackTrace())

    hidden ProcessException([Sentry.SentryEvent] $event_)
        $this.SentryException.Stacktrace = $this.GetStackTrace()
        if ($this.SentryException.Stacktrace.Frames.Count -gt 0)
            $topFrame = $this.SentryException.Stacktrace.Frames | Select-Object -Last 1
            $this.SentryException.Module = $topFrame.Module

        # Add the c# exception to the front of the exception list, followed by whatever is already there.
        $newExceptions = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[Sentry.Protocol.SentryException]
        if ($null -ne $event_.SentryExceptions)
            foreach ($e in $event_.SentryExceptions)
                if ($null -eq $e.Mechanism)
                    $e.Mechanism = [Sentry.Protocol.Mechanism]::new()
                $e.Mechanism.Synthetic = $true
        $event_.SentryExceptions = $newExceptions
        $this.PrependThread($event_, $this.SentryException.Stacktrace)

    hidden PrependThread([Sentry.SentryEvent] $event_, [Sentry.SentryStackTrace] $sentryStackTrace)
        $newThreads = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[Sentry.SentryThread]
        $thread = New-Object Sentry.SentryThread
        $thread.Id = 0
        $thread.Name = 'PowerShell Script'
        $thread.Crashed = $true
        $thread.Current = $true
        $thread.Stacktrace = $sentryStackTrace
        if ($null -ne $event_.SentryThreads)
            foreach ($t in $event_.SentryThreads)
                $t.Crashed = $false
                $t.Current = $false
        $event_.SentryThreads = $newThreads

    hidden [Sentry.SentryStackTrace]GetStackTrace()
        # We collect all frames and then reverse them to the order expected by Sentry (caller->callee).
        # Do not try to make this code go backwards because it relies on the InvocationInfo from the previous frame.
        $sentryFrames = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[Sentry.SentryStackFrame]
        if ($null -ne $this.StackTraceString)
            $sentryFrames.Capacity = $this.StackTraceString.Count + 1
            # Note: if InvocationInfo is present, use it to update:
            # - the first frame (in case of `$_ | Out-Sentry` in a catch clause).
            # - the second frame (in case of `write-error` and `$_ | Out-Sentry` in a trap).
            if ($null -ne $this.InvocationInfo)
                $sentryFrameInitial = $this.CreateFrame($this.InvocationInfo)
                $sentryFrameInitial = $null

            foreach ($frame in $this.StackTraceString)
                $sentryFrame = $this.CreateFrame($frame)
                if ($null -ne $sentryFrameInitial -and $sentryFrames.Count -lt 2)
                    if ($sentryFrameInitial.AbsolutePath -eq $sentryFrame.AbsolutePath -and $sentryFrameInitial.LineNumber -eq $sentryFrame.LineNumber)
                        $sentryFrame.ContextLine = $sentryFrameInitial.ContextLine
                        $sentryFrame.ColumnNumber = $sentryFrameInitial.ColumnNumber
                        $sentryFrameInitial = $null

            if ($null -ne $sentryFrameInitial)
                $sentryFrames.Insert(0, $sentryFrameInitial)

        elseif ($null -ne $this.StackTraceFrames)
            $sentryFrames.Capacity = $this.StackTraceFrames.Count + 1
            foreach ($frame in $this.StackTraceFrames)

        foreach ($sentryFrame in $sentryFrames)
            # Update module info
            $sentryFrame.InApp = [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($sentryFrame.Module)

        $stacktrace_ = [Sentry.SentryStackTrace]::new()
        $stacktrace_.Frames = $sentryFrames
        return $stacktrace_

    hidden [Sentry.SentryStackFrame] CreateFrame([System.Management.Automation.InvocationInfo] $info)
        $sentryFrame = [Sentry.SentryStackFrame]::new()
        $sentryFrame.AbsolutePath = $info.ScriptName
        $sentryFrame.LineNumber = $info.ScriptLineNumber
        $sentryFrame.ColumnNumber = $info.OffsetInLine
        $sentryFrame.ContextLine = $info.Line.TrimEnd()
        return $sentryFrame

    hidden [Sentry.SentryStackFrame] CreateFrame([System.Management.Automation.CallStackFrame] $frame)
        $sentryFrame = [Sentry.SentryStackFrame]::new()
        $this.SetScriptInfo($sentryFrame, $frame)
        $this.SetFunction($sentryFrame, $frame)
        return $sentryFrame

    hidden [Sentry.SentryStackFrame] CreateFrame([string] $frame)
        $sentryFrame = [Sentry.SentryStackFrame]::new()
        # at funcB, C:\dev\sentry-powershell\tests\capture.tests.ps1: line 363
        $regex = 'at (?<Function>[^,]*), (?<AbsolutePath>.*): line (?<LineNumber>\d*)'
        if ($frame -match $regex)
            if ($Matches.AbsolutePath -ne '<No file>')
                $sentryFrame.AbsolutePath = $Matches.AbsolutePath
            $sentryFrame.LineNumber = [int]$Matches.LineNumber
            $sentryFrame.Function = $Matches.Function
            Write-Warning "Failed to parse stack frame: $frame"
        return $sentryFrame

    hidden EnhanceTailFrames([Sentry.SentryStackFrame[]] $sentryFrames)
        if ($null -eq $this.StackTraceFrames)

        # The last frame is usually how the PowerShell was invoked. We need to get this info from $this.StackTraceFrames
        # - for pwsh scriptname.ps1 it would be something like `. scriptname.ps1`
        # - for pwsh -c `& {..}` it would be the `& {..}` code block. And in this case, the next frame would also be
        # just a scriptblock without a filename so we need to get the source code from the StackTraceFrames too.
        $i = 0;
        for ($j = $sentryFrames.Count - 1; $j -ge 0; $j--)
            $sentryFrame = $sentryFrames[$j]
            $frame = $this.StackTraceFrames | Select-Object -Last 1 -Skip $i

            if ($null -eq $frame)

            if ($null -eq $sentryFrame.AbsolutePath -and $null -eq $frame.ScriptName)
                if ($frame.ScriptLineNumber -gt 0 -and $frame.ScriptLineNumber -eq $sentryFrame.LineNumber)
                    $this.SetScriptInfo($sentryFrame, $frame)
                    $this.SetFunction($sentryFrame, $frame)
                $this.SetContextLines($sentryFrame, $frame)

                # Try to match following frames that are part of the same codeblock.
                while ($j -gt 0)
                    $nextSentryFrame = $sentryFrames[$j - 1]
                    if ($nextSentryFrame.AbsolutePath -ne $sentryFrame.AbsolutePath)
                    $this.SetContextLines($nextSentryFrame, $frame)

    hidden SetScriptInfo([Sentry.SentryStackFrame] $sentryFrame, [System.Management.Automation.CallStackFrame] $frame)
        if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($frame.ScriptName))
            $sentryFrame.AbsolutePath = $frame.ScriptName
            $sentryFrame.LineNumber = $frame.ScriptLineNumber
        elseif (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($frame.Position) -and ![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($frame.Position.File))
            $sentryFrame.AbsolutePath = $frame.Position.File
            $sentryFrame.LineNumber = $frame.Position.StartLineNumber
            $sentryFrame.ColumnNumber = $frame.Position.StartColumnNumber

    hidden SetModule([Sentry.SentryStackFrame] $sentryFrame)
        if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($sentryFrame.AbsolutePath))
            if ($prefix = $this.modulePaths | Where-Object { $sentryFrame.AbsolutePath.StartsWith($_) })
                $relativePath = $sentryFrame.AbsolutePath.Substring($prefix.Length + 1)
                $parts = $relativePath -split '[\\/]'
                $sentryFrame.Module = $parts | Select-Object -First 1
                if ($parts.Length -ge 2)
                    if (-not $this.pwshModules.ContainsKey($parts[0]))
                        $this.pwshModules[$parts[0]] = $parts[1]
                    elseif ($this.pwshModules[$parts[0]] -ne $parts[1])
                        $this.pwshModules[$parts[0]] = $this.pwshModules[$parts[0]] + ", $($parts[1])"

    hidden SetFunction([Sentry.SentryStackFrame] $sentryFrame, [System.Management.Automation.CallStackFrame] $frame)
        if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($sentryFrame.AbsolutePath) -and $frame.FunctionName -eq '<ScriptBlock>' -and ![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($frame.Position))
            $sentryFrame.Function = $frame.Position.Text

            # $frame.Position.Text may be a multiline command (e.g. when executed with `pwsh -c '& { ... \n ... \n ... }`)
            # So we need to trim it to a single line.
            if ($sentryFrame.Function.Contains("`n"))
                $lines = $sentryFrame.Function -split "[`r`n]+"
                $sentryFrame.Function = $lines[0] + ' '
                if ($lines.Count -gt 2)
                    $sentryFrame.Function += ' ...<multiline script content omitted>... '
                $sentryFrame.Function += $lines[$lines.Count - 1]
            $sentryFrame.Function = $frame.FunctionName

    hidden SetContextLines([Sentry.SentryStackFrame] $sentryFrame, [System.Management.Automation.CallStackFrame] $frame)
        if ($sentryFrame.LineNumber -gt 0)
                $lines = $frame.InvocationInfo.MyCommand.ScriptBlock.ToString() -split "`n"
                $this.SetContextLines($sentryFrame, $lines)
                Write-Warning "Failed to read context lines for frame with function '$($sentryFrame.Function)': $_"

    hidden SetContextLines([Sentry.SentryStackFrame] $sentryFrame)
        if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($sentryFrame.AbsolutePath) -or $sentryFrame.LineNumber -lt 1)

        if ((Test-Path $sentryFrame.AbsolutePath -IsValid) -and (Test-Path $sentryFrame.AbsolutePath -PathType Leaf))
                $lines = Get-Content $sentryFrame.AbsolutePath -TotalCount ($sentryFrame.LineNumber + 5)
                $this.SetContextLines($sentryFrame, $lines)
                Write-Warning "Failed to read context lines for $($sentryFrame.AbsolutePath): $_"

    hidden SetContextLines([Sentry.SentryStackFrame] $sentryFrame, [string[]] $lines)
        if ($lines.Count -lt $sentryFrame.LineNumber)
            if ($null -ne $this.logger) {
                    "Couldn't set frame context because the line number ($($sentryFrame.LineNumber)) " +
                    "is lower than the available number of source code lines ($($lines.Count))."

        $numContextLines = 5

        if ($null -eq $sentryFrame.ContextLine)
            $sentryFrame.ContextLine = $lines[$sentryFrame.LineNumber - 1]

        $preContextCount = [math]::Min($numContextLines, $sentryFrame.LineNumber - 1)
        $postContextCount = [math]::Min($numContextLines, $lines.Count - $sentryFrame.LineNumber)

        if ($sentryFrame.LineNumber -gt $numContextLines + 1)
            $lines = $lines | Select-Object -Skip ($sentryFrame.LineNumber - $numContextLines - 1)

        # Note: these are read-only in sentry-dotnet so we just update the underlying lists instead of replacing.
        $lines | Select-Object -First $preContextCount | ForEach-Object { $sentryFrame.PreContext.Add($_) }
        $lines | Select-Object -First $postContextCount -Skip ($preContextCount + 1) | ForEach-Object { $sentryFrame.PostContext.Add($_) }