
.GUID 5027146b-5a2b-498f-b873-e5f268f149ad
.AUTHOR f.malaeb
.TAGS Send-GraphMail
   Send Microsoft Graph Email messaging using a simplified approach
    Send Microsoft Graph Email messaging using a simplified approach with support to a multiple parameters
    This Script wont authenticate to Graph API, make sure to use Connect-MgGraph first
    Specify a URI to a help page, this will show when Get-Help -Online is used.
    Send-GraphMail Support the following parameters
    [Array] To: The recipients address, it can be an array for multiple account, just make sure to include the array type @("","")
    [Array] Bcc: Similar to To, but this is the BCC and also support array of recipients
    [Array] CC: Similar to To and Bcc, also support array of recipients.
    [String] Subject: The Message Subject
    [String] MessageFormat: it can be HTML or Text
    [String] Body: The Message Body you want to send.
    [Switch] BodyFromFile: This is a Switch parameter. Using it mean that the body is stored in a file in your harddrive. When using the BodyFromFile, the Body parameter should be the full path of the file.
    [Switch] DeliveryReport: Set to receive a delivery report email or not
    [Switch] ReadReport: set to receive a read report or not.
    [Switch] Flag: enable the follow-up flag for the message
    [ValicationSet] Importance: Set the message priority, it can be one of the following, Low or High
    [String] Attachments: The Attachment file path. For now it only support 1 attachment, if you want more, let me know
    [String] DocumentType: The attachment MIME type, for example for text file, the DocumentType is text/plain
    [Switch] ReturnJSON: This wont send the email, but instead it return the JSON file fully structured and ready so you can invoke it with any other tool.
    NOT included, Beta endpoins are not included, such as Mentions.
Send Graph email message to multiple users with attachments and multiple To, CC and single Bcc
Send-GraphMail -To @('','') -CC @('',' -Bcc "" -Subject "Test Message" -MessageFormat HTML -Body 'This is the Message Body' -DeliveryReport -ReadReport -Flag -Importance High -Attachments C:\MyFile.txt -DocumentType 'text/plain'
Send Graph email, load the Body from a file stored locally, make sure to use the BodyFromFile switch
send-GraphMail -To '' -Subject "Test Message" -MessageFormat HTML -Body C:\11111.csv -BodyFromFile -DeliveryReport -ReadReport -Flag -Importance High -Attachments 'C:\MyFile.txt' -DocumentType 'text/plain'
Return and get how the JSON is structured without sending the Email, this is done by using the -ReturnJSON Parameter
$JSONFile=send-GraphMail -To '' -Subject "Test Message" -MessageFormat HTML -Body "Hi This is New Message" -Flag -ReturnJSON
Function Send-GraphMail {
    param (
        [ValidateSet('Low','High')] $Importance,



## Body Subject Parameter
switch ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Subject')) {
    $true { $Body.Message.Add('Subject',"MySubject") }
    $false {}
## DeliveryReport
switch ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('DeliveryReport')) {
    $true { $Body.Message.Add('isDeliveryReceiptRequested',"True") }
    $false {}

## Flag
switch ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Flag')) {
    $true { $Body.Message.Add('flag',@{flagStatus="flagged"}) }
    $false {}

## Read Report
switch ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('ReadReport')) {
    $true { $Body.Message.Add('isReadReceiptRequested',"True") }
    $false {}
## $Importance
switch ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Importance')) {
    $true { $Body.Message.Add('Importance',$Importance) }
    $false {}

## Body Parameter
switch ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Body')) {
    $true { 
        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('BodyFromFile')){
           $MessageBody = Get-Content -Path ($PSBoundParameters['Body']) -Raw -ErrorAction stop
                write-host "Cannot Attach Body, The error is " -ForegroundColor Yellow
                Throw $_.Exception
    $false {}

## Attachment Parameter
switch ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Attachments')) {
    $true { $Body.Message.Add('Attachments',@()) 
            Foreach ($Singleattach In $Attachments){ #OKay as you are reading here, This should fixed to support multiple attachment, Each attach should have its own ContentType.
                $AttachDetails.Add("@odata.type", "#microsoft.graph.fileAttachment")

    $false {}

if ((!($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('To'))) -and (!($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Bcc'))) -and (!($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Bcc'))) ){
    Throw "You need to use one Address parameter To or CC or BCC"
## To Parameter
switch ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('To')) {
    $true { $Body.Message.Add('ToRecipients',@()) 
            Foreach ($SingleToAddress In $To){

    $false {}

## CC Parameter
switch ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('cc')) {
    $true { $Body.Message.Add('CcRecipients',@()) 
            Foreach ($SingleCCAddress In $cc){
    $false {}

## Bcc Parameter
switch ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Bcc')) {
    $true { $Body.Message.Add('BccRecipients',@()) 
            Foreach ($SingleBCCAddress In $Bcc){
    $false {}

switch ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('ReturnStructure')) {
    $true { return  $Body  }
    $false {}

switch ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('ReturnJSON')) {
    $true { return  ($Body | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100)  }
    $false {}

if ((!(Get-MgContext)) -and (!($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('ReturnJSON'))))
    {Throw "Please connect to Graph first"}
Send-mgUsermail -UserId (Get-MgContext).Account -BodyParameter $Body -Debug 
