ConvertFrom-StringData @'
Section = Section: {0} Value = ValueName: {0} Option = Options: {0} RawValue = Raw current value: {0} TestingPolicy = Testing SecurityOption: {0} SetFailed = Failed to update security option {0}. Refer to %windir%\\security\\logs\\scesrv.log for details. SetSuccess = Successfully update security option PoliciesBeingCompared = Current policy: {0} Desired policy: {1} RetrievingValue = Retrieving value for {0} RestrictedRemoteSamIdentity = Network access Restrict clients allowed to make remote calls to SAM: Identity {0} not found RestrictedRemoteSamPermission = Network access Restrict clients allowed to make remote calls to SAM: Permission '{0}' not in desired state for {1} CimRestrictedRemoteSam = '@ |