
ConvertFrom-StringData @'
    IdentityIsNullRemovingAll = Identity is NULL. Removing all Identities from {0}
    GrantingPolicyRightsToIds = Granting {0} rights to {1}
    TaskSuccess = Task successfully completed
    TaskFail = Task did not complete successfully
    TestIdentityIsPresentOnPolicy = Testing {0} is present on policy {1}
    NoIdentitiesFoundOnPolicy = No identities found on {0}
    EchoDebugInf = Temp inf {0}
    IdentityFoundExpectedNull = Identity found on {0}. Expected NULL
    AttemptingSetPolicy = Attempting to Set {0} for policy {1}
    UserRightAppliedSuccess = {0} successfully given rights to {1} policy
    IdentityDoesNotHaveRight = {0} does not have Privilege {1}
    ShouldNotHaveRights = {0} are users that should not have rights to {1} policy