
# This is where the strings go, that are written by
# Write-PSFMessage, Stop-PSFFunction or the PSFramework validation scriptblocks
    'Connect-SCC.Basic.Disabled'                               = 'Local client policies prevent the use of PowerShell remoting with Modern Authentication. As most of the code has been migrated to REST this should not affect most of the commands. This happens when a Group Policy prevents the use of Basic Authentication for Clients - WinRM does not know the difference between basic authentication and modern authentication. If you encounter problems with an expected command not existing or reporting remoting-based problems, use "Enable-SccAuthentication" from a console ran "As Administrator"' #
    'Enable-SccAuthentication.Enabling'                        = 'Enabling Modern Authentication for PowerShell Remoting' #
    'Enable-SccAuthentication.NotElevated'                     = 'This command requires elevation. Please start a new console "As Administrator"' #
    'Import-SccLabelLocalizationXml.Content.BadDocument'       = 'Not an export file from AIP: {0}' # $fileItem
    'Import-SccLabelLocalizationXml.Content.Error'             = 'Not a legal XML document: {0}' # $fileItem
    'Import-SccLabelLocalizationXml.DisplayName.BadCharacters' = 'Bad character detected for {0} in language {1}: {2} | {3} | This will prevent its application. Specified string: {4}' # ($entry.ID -split "/")[-2], $language, ($characters -join ","), $entry.defaultText, $entry.LocalizedText
    'Import-SccLabelLocalizationXml.DisplayName.TooLong'       = 'Too long displayname detected for {0} in language {1} | {2} | The maximum length is 64 characters, this displayname cannot be imported! Specified string: {3}' # ($entry.ID -split "/")[-2], $language, $entry.defaultText, $entry.LocalizedText
    'Import-SccLabelLocalizationXml.InvalidPath.Error'         = 'Not a legal filesystem path: {0}' # $pathItem
    'Import-SccLabelLocalizationXml.Processing'                = 'Processing localization data from {0}' # $fileItem
    'Import-SccLabelLocalizationXml.Tooltip.BadCharacters'     = 'Bad character detected for {0} in language {1}: {2} | {3} | This will prevent its application. Specified string: {4}' # ($entry.ID -split "/")[-2], $language, ($characters -join ","), $entry.defaultText, $entry.LocalizedText
    'Import-SccLabelLocalizationXml.Tooltip.TooLong'           = 'Too long tooltip detected for {0} in language {1} | {2} | The maximum length is 1000 characters, this tooltip cannot be imported! Specified string: {3}' # ($entry.ID -split "/")[-2], $language, $entry.defaultText, $entry.LocalizedText
    'Set-SccLabelLocalization.Label.NoIdentity.Error'          = 'No label identity was specified. Please specify at least one of "-Name", "-FriendlyName" or "-Identity"' #
    'Set-SccLabelLocalization.Label.NotFound.Error'            = 'No label was found that matched: {0} | {1} | {2}' # $Name, $FriendlyName, $Identity
    'Set-SccLabelLocalization.Processing'                      = 'Processing localization update for {0}' # $targetLabel.FriendlyName
    'Set-SccLabelLocalization.Skipping.AlreadySet'             = 'Skipping update to {0}, as "-Default" was specified and {1} > {2} is already set' # $targetLabel.FriendlyName, $Type, $Language
    'Set-SccLabelLocalization.Text.DisplayName.BadCharacters'  = 'The specified displayname for {0} ({1}) contains invalid characters: {2}. Text specified: {3}' # $targetLabel.FriendlyName, $Language, ($characters -join ","), $Text
    'Set-SccLabelLocalization.Text.DisplayName.TooLong'        = 'The specified displayname for {0} ({1}) is too long. Maximum length is 64 characters. Text specified: {2}' # $targetLabel.FriendlyName, $Language, $Text
    'Set-SccLabelLocalization.Text.Tooltip.BadCharacters'      = 'The specified tooltip for {0} ({1}) contains invalid characters: {2}. Text specified: {3}' # $targetLabel.FriendlyName, $Language, ($characters -join ","), $Text
    'Set-SccLabelLocalization.Text.Tooltip.TooLong'            = 'The specified tooltip for {0} ({1}) is too long. Maximum length is 1000 characters. Text specified: {2}' # $targetLabel.FriendlyName, $Language, $Text
    'Set-SccLabelLocalization.Updating'                        = 'Updating {1} in language {2} on {0}' # $targetLabel.FriendlyName, $Type, $Language
    'Set-SccLabelLocalization.Updating.Bulk'                   = 'Executing bulk update of all localization changes to {0}' # $labelObject.FriendlyName
    'Set-SccLabelLocalization.Updating.Bulk.Failed'            = 'Failed to update localization settings on {0}' # $labelObject.FriendlyName