
Function Set-SecretServerConfig {
        Set Secret Server module configuration.
        Set Secret Server module configuration, and live $SecretServerConfig global variable.
        This data is used as the default for most commands.
    .PARAMETER Proxy
        Specify a proxy to use
        This is not stored in the XML
        Specify a Uri to use
    .PARAMETER ServerInstance
        SQL Instance to query for commands that hit Secret Server database
    .PARAMETER Database
        SQL database to query for commands that hit Secret Server database
    .PARAMETER Token
        Specify a Token to use
        $Uri = 'https://SecretServer.Example/winauthwebservices/sswinauthwebservice.asmx'
        $Proxy = New-WebServiceProxy -Uri $uri -UseDefaultCredential
        Set-SecretServerConfig -Proxy $Proxy -Uri $Uri
        Set-SecretServerConfig -Uri 'https://SecretServer.Example/winauthwebservices/sswinauthwebservice.asmx'
        Secret Server


        $Existing = Get-SecretServerConfig -ErrorAction stop
        Throw "Error getting Secret Server config: $_"

    foreach($Key in $PSBoundParameters.Keys)
        if(Get-Variable -name $Key)
            #We use add-member force to cover cases where we add props to this config...
            $Existing | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $Key -Value $PSBoundParameters.$Key -Force

    #Write the global variable and the xml
    $Global:SecretServerConfig = $Existing
    $Existing | Select -Property * -ExcludeProperty Proxy | Export-Clixml -Path "$PSScriptRoot\SecretServer.xml" -force
