Function Set-Secret { <# .SYNOPSIS Set details on secrets from secret server. .DESCRIPTION Set details on secrets from secret server. If the specified SearchTerm and SearchID find more than a single Secret, we throw an error .PARAMETER SearchTerm String to search for. Accepts wildcards as '*'. .PARAMETER SecretId SecretId to search for. .PARAMETER SecretName If specified, update to this Secret Name .PARAMETER Username If specified, update to this username .PARAMETER Password If specified, update to this Password. This takes a secure string, not a string .PARAMETER Notes If specified, update to this Notes .PARAMETER Server If specified, update to this Server .PARAMETER URL If specified, update to this URL .PARAMETER Resource If specified, update to this Resource .PARAMETER Machine If specified, update to this Machine .PARAMETER Domain If specified, update to this Domain .PARAMETER Force If specified, suppress prompt for confirmation .PARAMETER WebServiceProxy An existing Web Service proxy to use. Defaults to $SecretServerConfig.Proxy .PARAMETER Uri Uri for your win auth web service. Defaults to $SecretServerConfig.Uri. Overridden by WebServiceProxy parameter .EXAMPLE Get-Secret webcommander | Set-Secret -Notes "Nothing to see here" #Get the secret for webcommander, set the notes field to 'nothing to see here'. #If multiple results matched webcommander, we would get an error. .EXAMPLE #Get the password we will pass in. We need a secure string. There are many ways to do this... $Credential = Get-Credential -username none -message 'Enter a password' #Change the secret password for secret 5 Set-Secret -SecretId 5 -Password $Credential.Password .FUNCTIONALITY Secret Server #> [cmdletbinding(SupportsShouldProcess=$true, ConfirmImpact="Medium")] param( [Parameter( Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true, ValueFromRemainingArguments=$false, Position=0)] [int]$SecretId, [Parameter( Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true, ValueFromRemainingArguments=$false, Position=1)] [string]$SearchTerm = $null, [String]$SecretName, [string]$Username, [System.Security.SecureString]$Password, [string]$Notes, [string]$Server, [string]$URL, [string]$Resource, [string]$Machine, [string]$Domain, [switch]$Force, [string]$Uri = $SecretServerConfig.Uri, [System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol]$WebServiceProxy = $SecretServerConfig.Proxy ) Begin { $RejectAll = $false $ConfirmAll = $false if(-not $WebServiceProxy.whoami) { Write-Warning "Your SecretServerConfig proxy does not appear connected. Creating new connection to $uri" try { $WebServiceProxy = New-WebServiceProxy -uri $Uri -UseDefaultCredential -ErrorAction stop } catch { Throw "Error creating proxy for $Uri`: $_" } } } Process { #Find all passwords we have visibility to $SecretSummary = @( $WebServiceProxy.SearchSecrets($SearchTerm,$false,$false).SecretSummaries) if($SecretId) { $SecretSummary = @( $SecretSummary | Where-Object {$_.SecretId -like $SecretId} ) } if($SecretSummary.count -ne 1) { Throw "To edit a secret, you must specify a searchterm or secret ID that returns only a single secret to modify: $($AllSecrets.count) secrets found" } #Get the secret try { $Secret = $WebServiceProxy.GetSecret($SecretSummary.SecretId,$false, $null) | Select -ExpandProperty Secret -ErrorAction stop } catch { Throw "Error obtaining secret: $_" } #These are properties that might be set... $CommonProps = Echo Username, Password, Notes, Server, URL, Resource, Machine, Domain #Update the properties. We can loop over some common field names we offer as parameters if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess( "Processed the Secret '$($Secret | Out-String)'", "Process the Secret '$($Secret | Out-String)'?", "Processing Secret" )) { $NewSecretPropsString = $PSBoundParameters.GetEnumerator() | Where-Object {$CommonProps -contains $_.Key} | Format-Table -AutoSize | Out-String if($Force -Or $PSCmdlet.ShouldContinue("Are you REALLY sure you want to change existing`n'$($Secret | Out-String)`n with changes:`n$NewSecretPropsString'?", "Processing '$($Secret | Out-String)'", [ref]$ConfirmAll, [ref]$RejectAll)) { if($SecretName) { $Secret.Name = $SecretName } foreach($CommonProp in $CommonProps) { if($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey($CommonProp)) { #Get value for this field... convert password to string if($CommonProp -eq "Password") { Try { $Val = Convert-SecStrToStr -secstr $PSBoundParameters[$CommonProp] -ErrorAction stop } Catch { Throw "$_" } } else { $Val = $PSBoundParameters[$CommonProp] } if($Secret.Items.FieldName -contains $CommonProp) { $Secret.Items | ForEach-Object { if($_.FieldName -like $CommonProp) { Write-Verbose "Changing $CommonProp from '$($_.Value)' to '$Val'" $_.Value = $Val } } } else { Write-Error "You specified parameter '$CommonProp'='$Val'. This property does not exist on this secret." } } } $WebServiceProxy.UpdateSecret($Secret) } } } } |