
Function Get-SecretPermission
        Get secret permissions from secret server
        Get secret permissions from secret server.
        We return one object per access control entry.
        Some properties are hidden by default, use Select-Object or Get-Member to explore.
    .PARAMETER SecretId
        SecretId to search for.
    .PARAMETER IncludeDeleted
        Include deleted secrets
    .PARAMETER IncludeRestricted
        Include restricted secrets
    .PARAMETER WebServiceProxy
        An existing Web Service proxy to use. Defaults to $SecretServerConfig.Proxy
        Uri for your win auth web service. Defaults to $SecretServerConfig.Uri. Overridden by WebServiceProxy parameter
        Get-SecretPermission -Id 5
        #Get Secret permissions for Secret ID 5
        Get-Secret -SearchTerm "SVC-Webcommander" | Get-SecretPermission
        # Get secret permissions for any results found by the SearchTerm 'SVC-WebCommander'
        Get-SecretPermission -Id 5 | Select -Property *
        #Get Secret permissions for Secret ID 5, include all properties
        Secret Server


        [Parameter( Mandatory=$false,
        [int[]]$SecretId = $null,



        [string]$Uri = $SecretServerConfig.Uri,

        [System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol]$WebServiceProxy = $SecretServerConfig.Proxy

        Write-Verbose "Working with PSBoundParameters $($PSBoundParameters | Out-String)"
        if(-not $WebServiceProxy.whoami)
            Write-Warning "Your SecretServerConfig proxy does not appear connected. Creating new connection to $uri"
                $WebServiceProxy = New-WebServiceProxy -uri $Uri -UseDefaultCredential -ErrorAction stop
                Throw "Error creating proxy for $Uri`: $_"

        #Set up a type name an default properties
        #This should be in the module def, but for simplicity of updates, here for now...
            $TypeName = "SecretServer.SecretPermissions"
            $defaultDisplaySet = echo SecretName Name DomainName View Edit Owner
            Update-TypeData -TypeName $TypeName -DefaultDisplayPropertySet $defaultDisplaySet -Force

        foreach($Id in $SecretId)
                #If we don't remove this key, it is bound to Get-Secret below...
                    $PSBoundParameters.Remove('SecretId') | Out-Null

                $Raw = Get-Secret @PSBoundParameters -As Raw -LoadSettingsAndPermissions -ErrorAction Stop -SecretId $Id
                Write-Error "Error obtaining permissions for secret id '$id':`n$_"


                #Get some initial data...
                $init = [pscustomobject]@{
                    SecretName = $Raw.Name
                    SecretId = $Raw.Id
                    SecretTypeId = $Raw.SecretTypeId
                    CurrentUserHasView = $Raw.SecretPermissions.CurrentUserHasView
                    CurrentUserHasEdit = $Raw.SecretPermissions.CurrentUserHasEdit
                    CurrentUserHasOwner = $Raw.SecretPermissions.CurrentUserHasOwner
                    InheritPermissionsEnabled = $Raw.SecretPermissions.InheritPermissionsEnabled
                    IsChangeToPermissions = $Raw.SecretPermissions.IsChangeToPermissions

                #Now loop through each ACE, merge initial data with ACE data
                $Permissions = $Raw.SecretPermissions.Permissions
                foreach($Permission in $Permissions)
                    $Output = $init | Select -Property *, 
                        @{ label = "Name";       expression = {$Permission.UserOrGroup.Name} },
                        @{ label = "DomainName"; expression = {$Permission.UserOrGroup.DomainName} },
                        @{ label = "IsUser";     expression = {$Permission.UserOrGroup.IsUser} },
                        @{ label = "GroupId";    expression = {$Permission.UserOrGroup.GroupId} },
                        @{ label = "UserId";     expression = {$Permission.UserOrGroup.UserId} },
                        @{ label = "View";       expression = {$Permission.View} },
                        @{ label = "Edit";       expression = {$Permission.Edit} },
                        @{ label = "Owner";      expression = {$Permission.Owner} }

                    #Provide a friendly type name that will inherit the default properties
