Function Get-SecretAudit { <# .SYNOPSIS Get audit trail for a secret from secret server .DESCRIPTION Get audit trail for a secret from secret server .PARAMETER SearchTerm If specified, obtain audit trail for all passwords matching this search term. Accepts wildcards as '*'. .PARAMETER SecretId Secret Id to audit. .PARAMETER Uri uri for your win auth web service. .PARAMETER WebServiceProxy Existing web service proxy from SecretServerConfig variable .EXAMPLE Get-SecretAudit -SearchTerm "SQL" #Get all secret audit records for secrets that matched the searchterm SQL .EXAMPLE Get-SecretAudit -SecretId 5 #Get all secret audit records for secret with ID 5 .EXAMPLE Get-Secret -SearchTerm "SQL" | Get-SecretAudit #Functional equivalent to Get-SecretAudit -SearchTerm "SQL" .FUNCTIONALITY Secret Server #> [cmdletbinding()] param( [string]$SearchTerm = $null, [Parameter( Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true, ValueFromRemainingArguments=$false, Position=1)] [int[]]$SecretId, [string]$Uri = $SecretServerConfig.Uri, [System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol]$WebServiceProxy = $SecretServerConfig.Proxy ) Begin { if(-not $WebServiceProxy.whoami) { Write-Warning "Your SecretServerConfig proxy does not appear connected. Creating new connection to $uri" try { $WebServiceProxy = New-WebServiceProxy -uri $Uri -UseDefaultCredential -ErrorAction stop } catch { Throw "Error creating proxy for $Uri`: $_" } } #spit out errors and results for given id function Get-SSSecAudit { [cmdletbinding()] param($id) $result = $WebServiceProxy.GetSecretAudit($id) if($result.Errors) { Write-Error "Error obtaining Secret Audit for $id`:`n$($Result.Errors | Out-String)" } if($result.SecretAudits) { $result.SecretAudits } } #Search for secrets if searchterm was specified if($SearchTerm) { Write-Verbose "Calling Get-Secret for searchterm $SearchTerm" @( Get-Secret -SearchTerm $SearchTerm ) | ForEach-Object { Get-SSSecAudit -id $_.SecretId } } } Process { foreach($Id in $SecretId) { Get-SSSecAudit -id $Id } } } |