Function Get-SSGroupMembership { <# .SYNOPSIS Get secret server group membership from database .DESCRIPTION Get secret server group membership from database This command requires privileges on the Secret Server database. Given the sensitivity of this data, consider exposing this command through delegated constrained endpoints, perhaps through JitJea .PARAMETER UserName UserName to search for. Accepts wildcards as * or % .PARAMETER UserId UserId to search for. Accepts wildcards as * or % .PARAMETER GroupName GroupName to search for. Accepts wildcards as * or % .PARAMETER GroupId GroupId to search for. Accepts wildcards as * or % .PARAMETER Credential Credential for SQL authentication to Secret Server database. If this is not specified, integrated Windows Authentication is used. .PARAMETER ServerInstance SQL Instance hosting the Secret Server database. Defaults to $SecretServerConfig.ServerInstance .PARAMETER Database SQL Database for Secret Server. Defaults to $SecretServerConfig.Database .EXAMPLE Get-SSGroupMembership -UserName cmonster -GroupName *server* #Get group membership for cmonster, where the group is like *server*. Use database and ServerInstance configured in $SecretServerConfig via Set-SecretServerConfig .EXAMPLE Get-SSGroupMembership -UserName cmonster | Select -ExpandProperty GroupName #Get all group membership for cmonster, expand the group name. Use database and ServerInstance configured in $SecretServerConfig via Set-SecretServerConfig .EXAMPLE Get-SSGroupMembership -GroupId 3 -Credential $SQLCred -ServerInstance SecretServerSQL -Database SecretServer | Select -ExpandProperty UserName #Connect to SecretServer database on SecretServerSQL instance, using SQL account credentials in $SQLCred. #Get users in group 3, list the UserName only .FUNCTIONALITY Secret Server #> [cmdletbinding()] Param( [string]$UserName, [string]$UserId, [string]$GroupName, [string]$GroupId, [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]$Credential, [string]$ServerInstance = $SecretServerConfig.ServerInstance, [string]$Database = $SecretServerConfig.Database ) #Set up the where statement and sql parameters $JoinQuery = @() $SQLParameters = @{} $SQLParamKeys = echo UserName, UserId, GroupName, GroupId foreach($SQLParamKey in $SQLParamKeys) { if($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey($SQLParamKey)) { $col = $SQLParamKey if($col -like 'GroupId'){$col = 'g.GroupId'} $JoinQuery += "$col LIKE @$SQLParamKey" $SQLParameters.$SQLParamKey = $PSBoundParameters.$SQLParamKey.Replace('*','%') } } if($JoinQuery.count -gt 0) { $Where = " AND ( $($JoinQuery -join " AND ") )" } $Query = " SELECT gdn.DisplayName AS [GroupName], gdn.GroupId, u.UserName, u.UserId, CASE g.Active WHEN 1 THEN 'Yes' WHEN 0 THEN 'No' END AS [IsGroupActive] FROM tbGroup g WITH (NOLOCK) INNER JOIN vGroupDisplayName gdn WITH (NOLOCK) ON g.GroupId = gdn.GroupId LEFT JOIN tbUserGroup ug WITH (NOLOCK) ON g.GroupId = ug.GroupId LEFT JOIN tbUser u WITH (NOLOCK) ON ug.UserId = u.UserId AND u.OrganizationId = 1 LEFT JOIN vUserDisplayName udn WITH (NOLOCK) ON u.UserId = udn.UserId WHERE (u.[Enabled] = 1 OR u.UserId IS NULL) AND g.IsPersonal = 0 AND g.OrganizationId = 1 AND g.SystemGroup = 0 $WHERE ORDER BY [GroupName] ASC ,2 " #Define Invoke-SqlCmd2 params $SqlCmdParams = @{ ServerInstance = $ServerInstance Database = $Database Query = $Query As = 'PSObject' } if($Credential){ $SqlCmdParams.Credential = $Credential } if($SQLParameters.Keys.Count -gt 0) { $SqlCmdParams.SQLParameters = $SQLParameters } #Give some final verbose output Write-Verbose "Query:`n$($Query | Out-String)`n`SQlParameters:`n$($SQlParameters | Out-String)" Invoke-Sqlcmd2 @SqlCmdParams } |