
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
using namespace Microsoft.PowerShell.SecretManagement

$ModuleName = 'SecretManagement.LastPass'

# The last segement (underscore + number (eg: _1)) is to view how many format args are expected.
$ErrorMessages = @{
    GetVaultParams0                 = "At least 1 vault implementing $ModuleName must be registered."
    GetVaultParamsMany_1            = "Multiple vault implementing $ModuleName exists: {0}. You must specify a vault name."
    Unregister_NotLpass_1           = "The specified vault is not a $ModuleName vault (VaultType: {0}"
Connect the user to LastPass account.

Connect the user to LastPass account.

Name of the vault to connect to.

Username to connect with.

Cause subsquent logins to not require multifactor authentication.

.PARAMETER StayConnected
Save the LastPass decryption key on the hard drive so re-entering password once the connection window close is not required anymore.
This operation will prompt the user.

Force switch.

PS> Connect-LastPass -Vault MyVault -User -Trust

Connect the user and disable future MFA prompt.
PS> Connect-LastPass -Vault MyVault -User -StayConnected -Force

Connect the user and save the decryption key to disk. Password to connect will never be asked again.

function Connect-LastPass {
        ConfirmImpact = 'High'
    param (
    $Arguments = [System.Collections.Generic.List[String]]@('login')
    if ($trust) { $Arguments.Add('--trust') }
    if ($StayConnected) { 
        if ($Force -and -not $Confirm) { $ConfirmPreference = 'None' }
        if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess('Connect-LastPass','Saving LastPass account decryption key on disk')) {
    $VaultParams = (Get-SelectedVault -Vault $Vault).VaultParameters
    Invoke-lpass -Arguments $Arguments -VaultParams $VaultParams

Disconnect the user to LastPass account.

Disconnect the user to LastPass account.

Name of the vault to perform the disconnect against.

PS> Disconnect-LastPass

function Disconnect-LastPass {
    param (
    $Arguments = [System.Collections.Generic.List[String]]@('logout', '--force')
    $VaultParams = (Get-SelectedVault -Vault $Vault).VaultParameters
    Invoke-lpass -Arguments $Arguments -VaultParams $VaultParams

Register a SecretVault of type SecretManagement.LastPass

Register a SecretVault of type SecretManagement.LastPass

Name of the vault to be registered. If no name is provided, SecretManagement.LastPass will be used.

Call lpass CLI through Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL).

All records will be returned as hashtable. Notes and regular credentials. In turn, Notes and URL field from the credential will also be returned.

Custom path to the lpass CLI.

PS> Register-LastPassVault

Register a vault called SecretManagement.LastPass

PS> Register-LastPassVault -Vault MyVault -Wsl -Detailed

Register a vault called MyVault that will be called through wsl and work with the Detailed output type.

function Register-LastPassVault {
    param (

    $Params = @{
        ModuleName      = 'SecretManagement.LastPass'
        Name            = if ('' -ne $Name) {$Name} else {$ModuleName}
        Verbose         = $VerbosePreference -eq 'Continue'
        VaultParameters = @{
            wsl         = $Wsl.IsPresent
            outputType  = if ($Detailed) { 'Detailed' } else { 'Default' }

    if ($Path -ne '') { $Params.VaultParameters.Add('lpassPath', $Path) }

    Register-SecretVault @Params

Unregister a SecretVault of type SecretManagement.LastPass.

Unregister a SecretVault of type SecretManagement.LastPass.

Name of the vault to be unregistered.

PS> Unregister-LastPassVault -Vault MyVault

Unregister the vault 'MyVault'.

function Unregister-LastPassVault {
    param (
    $Params = @{
        Name = if ('' -ne $Name) { $Name } else { $ModuleName }
        Verbose = $VerbosePreference -eq 'Continue'
    $Vault = Get-SecretVault -Name $params.Name -ErrorAction Stop
    if ($Vault.ModuleName -ne $ModuleName) { Throw $ErrorMessages.Unregister_NotLpass_1 -f $Vault.ModuleName }
    Unregister-SecretVault @Params 

Synchronize the local cache with the LastPass servers.

Synchronize the local cache with the LastPass servers and does not exit until the local cache is synchronized or until an error occurs

Name of the vault

Sync-LastPass -Vault MyVault

function Sync-LastPassVault {
    param ([String]$Vault)
    $VaultParams = (Get-SelectedVault -Vault $Vault).VaultParameters
    Invoke-lpass -Arguments 'sync' -VaultParams $VaultParams

function Get-SelectedVault {
    if ([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($Vault)) { 
        $DefaultVault = Get-SecretVault -Name $ModuleName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
        if ($null -ne $DefaultVault) { return $DefaultVault }

        # If no vault name provided and SecretManagement.LastPass is not a valid vault
        # We pick the vault automatically if there's only one or throw an error.
        $AllVaults = Get-SecretVault | Where-Object ModuleName -eq $ModuleName
        switch ($AllVaults.count) {
            0 { Throw $ErrorMessages.GetVaultParams0; break }
            1 { return $AllVaults[0] }
            Default { Throw $ErrorMessages.GetVaultParamsMany_1 -f $AllVaults.Name -join ',' }

    $SelectedVault = (Get-SecretVault -Name $Vault -ErrorAction Stop)
    return $SelectedVault


Show LastPass Grid view secrets then show the selected secret.

Show LastPass Grid view secrets then show the selected secret.

Name of the vault used for the lookup

Pre-filter secrets based on the specified keywords

If set, the secrets GridView will be automatically reloaded after a secret is shown.

.PARAMETER Formatted
If set, Secret will be returned with the title and in a Format-Table -Wrap to show multiline note properly.

Show-LastPassGridView -Vault MyVault -KeepOpen

This cmdlet can make use of the improved Out-ConsoleGridView cmdlet if using Powershell 6.2 or newer and Microsoft.PowerShell.ConsoleGuiTools is installed.
Otherwise, Out-GridView will be used.

function Show-LastPassGridView {
    $UseConsoleGridView = $false
    try {
        import-module 'Microsoft.PowerShell.ConsoleGuiTools' -ErrorAction Stop
        $UseConsoleGridView = $true
    catch {
        Write-Debug "Microsoft.Powershell.ConsoleGuiTools could not be loaded.`n$($_ | Out-String)"
        if ($null -eq (Get-Command Out-GridView -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) {
            throw "Can't find a grid view cmdlet. Try installing the 'Microsoft.PowerShell.ConsoleGuiTools' module and try again."

    $Vault = (Get-SelectedVault -Vault $Vault).Name
    $LastPassSecretInfoCache = Microsoft.Powershell.SecretManagement\Get-SecretInfo -Vault $Vault -Name "$Filter*"

    do {
        if ($UseConsoleGridView) {
            $Result = $LastPassSecretInfoCache | Out-ConsoleGridView -Title "LastPass ($Vault)" -OutputMode Single
        } else {
            $Result = $LastPassSecretInfoCache | Out-GridView -Title "LastPass ($Vault)" -OutputMode Single
        if ($null -eq $Result) { break }
            $Secret = Microsoft.Powershell.SecretManagement\Get-Secret -Vault $Vault -Name $Result.Name -AsPlainText
            # By default, return the secret as is, everything will be fine
            if (!$Formatted) {return $Secret}

            # Intended for view, not for assignement. Add secret title and expand multiline notes in the console.
            Write-host $Result.Name -ForegroundColor Cyan
            # If outputType is Default, we won't get a hashtable for simple secret but might get a PSCredential
            if ($Secret -is [pscredential]) {
                $Secret = @{
                 UserName = $Secret.UserName
                 Password = $Secret.GetNetworkCredential().Password

            $Secret | Format-Table -Wrap
            if ($KeepOpen) { 

    } while ($Keepopen)

#region VaultNameArgumentCompleter
$VaultArgcompleter = {
    param($commandName, $parameterName, $wordToComplete, $commandAst, $fakeBoundParameters)
    return (Get-SecretVault -Name "*$wordToComplete*") | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name
$VaultLPArgcompleter = {
    param($commandName, $parameterName, $wordToComplete, $commandAst, $fakeBoundParameters)
    return Get-SecretVault -Name "*$wordToComplete*" | Where-Object ModuleName -eq $ModuleName | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name

Register-ArgumentCompleter -CommandName 'Register-LastPassVault' -ParameterName 'Name' -ScriptBlock $VaultArgcompleter
Register-ArgumentCompleter -CommandName 'Unregister-LastPassVault' -ParameterName 'Name' -ScriptBlock $VaultLPArgcompleter