using namespace KeePassLib using namespace KeePassLib.Interfaces using namespace KeePassLib.Keys using namespace KeepassLib.Security using namespace KeePassLib.Serialization using namespace Microsoft.PowerShell.SecretManagement using namespace System.Collections.Generic using namespace System.Collections.ObjectModel using namespace System.Management.Automation using namespace System.Runtime.InteropServices #This file normally is intentionally left blank for $publicFunctions = Get-ChildItem "$PSScriptRoot/Public" -Exclude "*.Tests.ps1" | Foreach-Object { . $PSItem.FullName #Output the name of the function assuming it is the same as the .ps1 file so it can be exported $PSItem.BaseName } Export-ModuleMember $publicFunctions function Register-KeepassSecretVault { <# .SYNOPSIS Registers a Keepass Vault with the Secret Management engine .DESCRIPTION Enables you to register a keepass vault with the secret management engine, with more discoverable parameters and safety checks .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Register-KeepassSecretVault -Path $HOME/Desktop/MyVault.kdbx Explanation of what the example does #> [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'UseMasterPassword')] param( #Path to your kdbx database file [Parameter(Mandatory,ValueFromPipeline,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)][String]$Path, #Name of your secret management vault. Defaults to the base filename [String]$Name, #Path to your kdbx keyfile path if you use one. Only v1 keyfiles (2.44 and older) are currently supported [String]$KeyPath, #Prompt for a master password for the vault [Switch]$UseMasterPassword, #Use your Windows Login account as an authentication factor for the vault [Switch]$UseWindowsAccount, #Automatically create a keepass database with the specifications you provided [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Create')][Switch]$Create, #Specify the master password to use when automatically creating a vault [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Create')][SecureString]$MasterPassword, #Report key titles as full paths including folders. Useful if you want to view conflicting Keys [Switch]$ShowFullTitle, #Show Recycle Bin entries [Switch]$ShowRecycleBin, #Don't validate the vault operation upon registration. This is useful for pre-staging #vaults or vault configurations in deployments. [Parameter(ParameterSetName='SkipValidate')][Switch]$SkipValidate ) $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop' if (-not ($SkipValidate -or $Create)) { $Path = Resolve-Path $Path } if (-not $Name) { $Name = ([IO.FileInfo]$Path).BaseName } if ($UseWindowsAccount -and -not ($PSEdition -eq 'Desktop' -or $IsWindows)) { throw [NotSupportedException]'-UseWindowsAccount parameter is only supported on Windows' } if (-not $UseMasterPassword -and -not $UseWindowsAccount -and -not $KeyPath) { throw [InvalidOperationException]'No authentication methods specified. You must specify at least one of: UseMasterPassword, UseWindowsAccount, or KeyPath' } if ($Create) { $ConnectKPDBParams = @{ Path = $Path KeyPath = $KeyPath UseWindowsAccount = $UseWindowsAccount Create = $Create MasterPassword = $MasterPassword } $dbConnection = Connect-KeePassDatabase @ConnectKPDBParams if (-not $dbConnection) {throw 'Connect-KeePassDatabase was executed but a database connection was not returned. This should not happen.'} } #BUG: Workaround for if (Get-Module SecretManagement.KeePass -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -OutVariable KeePassModule) { $ModuleName = $KeePassModule.Path } else { $ModuleName = 'SecretManagement.KeePass' } Register-SecretVault -ModuleName $ModuleName -Name $Name -VaultParameters @{ Path = $Path UseMasterPassword = $UseMasterPassword.IsPresent UseWindowsAccount = $UseWindowsAccount.IsPresent KeyPath = $KeyPath ShowFullTitle = $ShowFullTitle.IsPresent ShowRecycleBin = $ShowRecycleBin.IsPresent } if (-not (Get-SecretVault -Name $Name)) { throw 'Register-SecretVault did not return an error but the vault is not registered.' } #Create does the same validation if (-not $SkipValidate -and -not $Create) { if (-not (Test-SecretVault -VaultName $Name)) { Unregister-SecretVault -Name $Name -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue throw "$Name is an invalid vault configuration, removing. Consider using -SkipValidate if you wish to pre-load a configuration without testing it" } } } function Unlock-KeePassSecretVault { <# .SYNOPSIS Enables the entry of a master password prior to vault activities for unattended scenarios. If registering a vault for the first time unattended, be sure to use the -SkipValidate parameter of Register-KeepassSecretVault .EXAMPLE Get-SecretVault 'MyKeepassVault' | Unlock-KeePassSecretVault -Password $MySecureString .EXAMPLE Unlock-KeePassSecretVault -Name 'MyKeepassVault' -Password $MySecureString #> param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)][SecureString]$Password, [Parameter(Mandatory,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)][String]$Name ) Unlock-SecretVault -Password $Password -Name $Name } function ConvertTo-ReadOnlyDictionary { <# .SYNOPSIS Converts a hashtable to a ReadOnlyDictionary[String,Object]. Needed for SecretInformation #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline)][hashtable]$hashtable ) process { $dictionary = [SortedDictionary[string,object]]::new([StringComparer]::OrdinalIgnoreCase) $hashtable.GetEnumerator().foreach{ $dictionary[$_.Name] = $_.Value } [ReadOnlyDictionary[string,object]]::new($dictionary) } } function GetKeepassParams ([String]$VaultName, [Hashtable]$AdditionalParameters) { $KeepassParams = @{} if ($VaultName) { $KeepassParams.KeePassConnection = (Get-Variable -Scope Script -Name "Vault_$VaultName").Value } return $KeepassParams } function Test-DBChanged ($dbConnection) { [string]$currentDbFileHash = (Get-FileHash -Path $dbConnection.IOConnectionInfo.Path).Hash [byte[]]$dbHashBytes = $dbConnection.HashOfFileOnDisk #Convert to String [string]$dbHash = $dbHashBytes.foreach{[String]::Format('{0:X2}', $_)} -join '' #Return true or false $currentDbFileHash -ne $dbHash } function Unlock-SecureString ([SecureString]$SecureString) { <# .SYNOPSIS Compatibility function to convert a secure string to plain text .OUTPUT String #> if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion -ge '6.0.0') { ConvertFrom-SecureString -AsPlainText -SecureString $SecureString } else { #Legacy Windows Powershell Workaround Method [PSCredential]::new('SecureString',$SecureString).GetNetworkCredential().Password } } function VaultError ([String]$Message) { <# .SYNOPSIS Takes a terminating error and first writes it as a non-terminating error to the user to better surface the issue. #> #FIXME: Use regular errors if is resolved $ErrorActionPreference = 'Continue' Write-Error "Vault ${VaultName}: $Message" $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop' } function Connect-KeePassDatabase { <# .SYNOPSIS Open a connection to a keepass database #> param ( #Path to the Keepass database [Parameter(Mandatory)][String]$Path, #Prompt for a master password [Switch]$UseMasterPassword, #The master password to unlock the database [SecureString]$MasterPassword, #The path to the key file for the database [String]$KeyPath, #Whether to use a secure key stored via DPAPI in your windows profile [Switch]$UseWindowsAccount, #Create a new database at the specified path. Will error if a database does not exist at the specified path [Switch]$Create, #Allow clobbering an existing database [Switch]$AllowClobber ) $DBCompositeKey = [CompositeKey]::new() if (-not $MasterPassword -and -not $KeyPath -and -not $UseWindowsAccount) { Write-Verbose "No vault authentication mechanisms specified. Assuming you wanted to prompt for the Master Password" $UseMasterPassword = $true } if ($UseMasterPassword -and -not $MasterPassword) { $CredentialParams = @{ Username = 'Keepass Master Password' Message = "Enter the Keepass Master password for: $Path" } #PS7+ Only if ($PSEdition -ne 'Desktop') { $CredentialParams.Title = 'Keepass Master Password' } $MasterPassword = (Get-Credential @CredentialParams).Password } #NOTE: Order in which the CompositeKey is created is important and must follow the order of : MasterKey, KeyFile, Windows Account if ($MasterPassword) { $DBCompositeKey.AddUserKey( [KcpPassword]::new( #Decode SecureString [Marshal]::PtrToStringUni([Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($MasterPassword)) ) ) } if ($KeyPath) { if (-not (Test-Path $KeyPath)) { if ($Create) { #Create a new key [KcpKeyFile]::Create( $KeyPath, $null ) } else { #Will emit a path not found error Resolve-Path $KeyPath } } else { Write-Verbose "A keepass key file was already found at $KeyPath. Reusing this key for safety. Please manually delete this key if you wish to use a new one" } $resolvedKeyPath = Resolve-Path $KeyPath # Assume UNC path if no drive present. if ($Null -eq $resolvedKeyPath.Drive) { $dbCompositeKey.AddUserKey( [KcpKeyFile]::new( $resolvedKeyPath.ProviderPath, #Path to keyfile $true #Error if it is a database file ) ) } else { $dbCompositeKey.AddUserKey( [KcpKeyFile]::new( $resolvedKeyPath, #Path to keyfile $true #Error if it is a database file ) ) } } if ($UseWindowsAccount) { if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion -gt '5.99.99' -and -not $IsWindows) { throw [NotSupportedException]'The -UseWindowsAccount parameter is only supported on a Windows Platform' } $DBCompositeKey.AddUserKey([KcpUserAccount]::new()) } $ParentPath = (Resolve-Path ($Path | Split-Path)).ProviderPath $DBFile = $Path | Split-Path -Leaf $resolvedPath = Join-Path -Path $ParentPath -ChildPath $DBFile $DBConnection = [PWDatabase]::new() $DBConnectionInfo = [IOConnectionInfo]::FromPath($resolvedPath) if ($Create) { if (-not $AllowClobber -and (Test-Path $resolvedPath)) { throw "-Create was specified but a database already exists at $resolvedPath. Please specify -AllowClobber to overwrite the database." } $DBConnection.New( $DBConnectionInfo, $DBCompositeKey ) $DBConnection.Save($null) } #Establish the connection $DBConnection.Open( $DBConnectionInfo, $DBCompositeKey, $null #No status logger ) if (-not $DBConnection.IsOpen) { throw "Unable to connect to the database at $resolvedPath. Please check you supplied proper credentials" } $DBConnection } function Get-Secret { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [string]$Name, [Alias('Vault')][string]$VaultName, [Alias('VaultParameters')][hashtable]$AdditionalParameters = (Get-SecretVault -Name $VaultName).VaultParameters ) trap { VaultError $PSItem throw $PSItem } if ($AdditionalParameters.Verbose) {$VerbosePreference = 'continue'} if (-not (Test-SecretVault -VaultName $vaultName -AdditionalParameters $AdditionalParameters)) { throw 'There appears to be an issue with the vault (Test-SecretVault returned false)' } if (-not $Name) {throw "You must specify a secret Name"} $KeepassParams = GetKeepassParams $VaultName $AdditionalParameters if ($Name) { $KeePassParams.Title = $Name } $keepassGetResult = Get-SecretInfo -Vault $vaultName -Filter $Name -AsKPPSObject if ($keepassGetResult.count -gt 1) { throw "Multiple ambiguous entries found for $Name, please remove the duplicate entry or specify the full path of the secret" } $result = if (-not $keepassGetResult.Username) { $keepassGetResult.Password } else { [PSCredential]::new($KeepassGetResult.UserName, $KeepassGetResult.Password) } return $result } function Get-SecretInfo { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Alias('Name')][string]$Filter, [Alias('Vault')][string]$VaultName = (Get-SecretVault).VaultName, [Alias('VaultParameters')][hashtable]$AdditionalParameters = (Get-SecretVault -Name $VaultName).VaultParameters, [Switch]$AsKPPSObject ) if ($AdditionalParameters.Verbose) {$VerbosePreference = 'continue'} trap { VaultError $PSItem throw $PSItem } if (-not (Test-SecretVault -VaultName $vaultName)) { throw 'There appears to be an issue with the vault (Test-SecretVault returned false)' } $KeepassParams = GetKeepassParams -VaultName $VaultName -AdditionalParameters $AdditionalParameters $KeepassGetResult = Get-KPEntry @KeepassParams | ConvertTo-KPPSObject if (-not $AdditionalParameters.ShowRecycleBin) { $KeepassGetResult = $KeepassGetResult | Where-Object FullPath -notmatch '^[^/]+?/Recycle ?Bin$' } #TODO: Split this off into private function for testing function Get-KPSecretName ([PSCustomObject]$KPPSObject) { <# .SYNOPSIS Gets the secret name for the vault context, contingent on some parameters WARNING: Relies on external context $AdditionalParameters #> if ($AdditionalParameters.ShowFullTitle) { #Strip everything before the first / $i = $KPPSObject.FullPath.IndexOf('/') $prefix = if ($i -eq -1) {$null} else { $KPPSObject.FullPath.Substring($i+1) } #Output Prefix/Title if ($prefix) { return $prefix,$KPPSObject.Title -join '/' } else { return $KPPSObject.Title } } else { return $KPPSObject.Title } } if ($Filter) { $KeepassGetResult = $KeepassGetResult | Where-Object { (Get-KPSecretName $PSItem) -like $Filter } } #Used by internal commands like Get-Secret if ($AsKPPSObject) { return $KeepassGetResult } [Object[]]$secretInfoResult = $KeepassGetResult | Foreach-Object { if (-not $PSItem.Title) { Write-Warning "Keepass Entry with blank title found at $($PSItem.FullPath). These are not currently supported and will be omitted" return } [ReadOnlyDictionary[String,Object]]$metadata = [ordered]@{ UUID = $PSItem.uuid.ToHexString() Title = $PSItem.Title ParentGroup = $PSItem.ParentGroup Path = $PSItem.FullPath,$PSItem.Title -join '/' Notes = $PSItem.Notes URL = $PSItem.Url Tags = $PSItem.Tags -join ', ' Created = $PSItem.CreationTime Accessed = $PSItem.LastAccessTimeUtc Modified = $PSItem.LastModifiedTimeUtc Moved = $PSItem.LocationChanged IconName = $PSItem.IconId UsageCount = $PSItem.UsageCount Expires = if ($Expires) {$PSItem.ExpireTime} } | ConvertTo-ReadOnlyDictionary #TODO: Find out why the fully qualified is required on Linux even though using Namespace is defined above [Microsoft.PowerShell.SecretManagement.SecretInformation]::new( (Get-KPSecretName $PSItem), #string name #TODO: Add logic to mark as securestring if there is no username [Microsoft.PowerShell.SecretManagement.SecretType]::PSCredential, #SecretType type $VaultName, #string vaultName $metadata #ReadOnlyDictionary[string,object] metadata ) } [Object[]]$sortedInfoResult = $secretInfoResult | Sort-Object -Unique -Property Name if ($sortedInfoResult.count -lt $secretInfoResult.count) { $nonUniqueFilteredRecords = Compare-Object $sortedInfoResult $secretInfoResult -Property Name | Where-Object SideIndicator -eq '=>' Write-Warning "Vault ${VaultName}: Entries with non-unique titles were detected, the duplicates were filtered out. $(if (-not $additionalParameters.ShowFullTitle) {'Consider adding the ShowFullTitle VaultParameter to your vault registration'})" Write-Warning "Vault ${VaultName}: Filtered Non-Unique Titles: $($nonUniqueFilteredRecords.Name -join ', ')" } $sortedInfoResult } function Remove-Secret { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][string]$Name, [Alias('Vault')][string]$VaultName, [Alias('VaultParameters')][hashtable]$AdditionalParameters = (Get-SecretVault -Name $VaultName).VaultParameters ) trap { VaultError $PSItem throw $PSItem } if ($AdditionalParameters.Verbose) {$VerbosePreference = 'continue'} if (-not (Test-SecretVault -VaultName $vaultName)) { throw 'There appears to be an issue with the vault (Test-SecretVault returned false)' } $KeepassParams = GetKeepassParams $VaultName $AdditionalParameters $GetKeePassResult = Get-SecretInfo -VaultName $VaultName -Name $Name -AsKPPSObject if ($GetKeePassResult.count -gt 1) { VaultError "There are multiple entries with the name $Name and Remove-Secret will not proceed for safety." return $false } if (-not $GetKeePassResult) { VaultError "No Keepass Entry named $Name found" return $false } Remove-KPEntry @KeepassParams -KeePassEntry $GetKeePassResult.KPEntry -ErrorAction stop -Confirm:$false return $true } function Set-Secret { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [string]$Name, [object]$Secret, [Alias('Vault')][string]$VaultName, [Alias('VaultParameters')][hashtable]$AdditionalParameters = (Get-SecretVault -Name $VaultName).VaultParameters ) trap { VaultError $PSItem throw $PSItem } if ($AdditionalParameters.Verbose) {$VerbosePreference = 'continue'} if (-not $Name) {throw [NotSupportedException]'The -Name parameter is mandatory for the KeePass vault'} if (-not (Test-SecretVault -VaultName $vaultName)) { throw throw 'There appears to be an issue with the vault (Test-SecretVault returned false)' } $KeepassParams = GetKeepassParams $VaultName $AdditionalParameters if (Get-SecretInfo -Name $Name -Vault $VaultName) { Write-Warning "Vault ${VaultName}: A secret with the title $Name already exists. This vault currently does not support overwriting secrets. Please remove the secret with Remove-Secret first." return $false } #Set default group #TODO: Support Creating Secrets with paths $KeepassParams.KeePassGroup = (Get-Variable "VAULT_$VaultName").Value.RootGroup switch ($Secret.GetType()) { ([String]) { $KeepassParams.Username = $null $KeepassParams.KeepassPassword = [ProtectedString]::New($true, $Secret) break } ([SecureString]) { $KeepassParams.Username = $null $KeepassParams.KeepassPassword = [ProtectedString]::New($true, (Unlock-SecureString $Secret)) break } ([PSCredential]) { $KeepassParams.Username = $Secret.Username $KeepassParams.KeepassPassword = [ProtectedString]::New($true, $Secret.GetNetworkCredential().Password) break } default { throw [NotImplementedException]'This vault provider only accepts string, securestring, and PSCredential secrets' } } $KPEntry = Add-KPEntry @KeepassParams -Title $Name -PassThru #Save the changes immediately #TODO: Consider making this optional as a vault parameter $KeepassParams.KeepassConnection.Save($null) return [Bool]($KPEntry) } function Test-SecretVault { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName,Mandatory)] [Alias('Vault')][Alias('Name')][string]$VaultName, #This intelligent default is here because if you call test-secretvault from other commands it doesn't populate like it does when called from SecretManagement [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [Alias('VaultParameters')][hashtable]$AdditionalParameters = (get-secretvault $VaultName).VaultParameters ) trap { VaultError $PSItem return $false } if ($AdditionalParameters.Verbose) {$VerbosePreference = 'continue'} Write-Verbose "SecretManagement: Testing Vault ${VaultName}" #TODO: Hash vault parameter settings and reset vault state if they change. May be a bug if user changes vault parameters in same session #Test if connection already open, no need to do further testing if so try { $DBConnection = (Get-Variable -Name "Vault_$VaultName" -Scope Script -ErrorAction Stop).Value if (-not $DBConnection.isOpen) {throw 'Connection closed, starting a new connection'} if (Test-DBChanged $DBConnection) { $dbConnection.close() throw 'Database file on disk has changed, starting a new connection' } Write-Verbose "Vault ${VaultName}: Connection already open, using existing connection" return $dbConnection.isOpen } catch { Write-Verbose "${VaultName}: $PSItem" } #Basic Sanity Checks if (-not $VaultName) { throw 'Keepass: You must specify a Vault Name to test' } if (-not $AdditionalParameters.Path) { #TODO: Create a default vault if path isn't supplied #TODO: Add ThrowUser to throw outside of module scope throw "You must specify the Path vault parameter as a path to your KeePass Database" } if (-not (Test-Path $AdditionalParameters.Path)) { throw "Could not find the keepass database $($AdditionalParameters.Path). Please verify the file exists or re-register the vault" } #3 Scenarios Supported: Master PW, Keyfile, PW + Keyfile $ConnectKPDBParams = @{ Path = $AdditionalParameters.Path KeyPath = $AdditionalParameters.KeyPath UseWindowsAccount = $AdditionalParameters.UseWindowsAccount UseMasterPassword = $AdditionalParameters.UseMasterPassword } [SecureString]$vaultMasterPassword = Get-Variable -Name "Vault_${VaultName}_MasterPassword" -ValueOnly -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if ($vaultMasterPassword) { Write-Verbose "Cached Master Password Found for $VaultName" $ConnectKPDBParams.MasterPassword = $vaultMasterPassword } $DBConnection = Connect-KeePassDatabase @ConnectKPDBParams if ($DBConnection.IsOpen) { Set-Variable -Name "Vault_$VaultName" -Scope Script -Value $DBConnection return $DBConnection.IsOpen } #If we get this far something went wrong Write-Error "Unable to open connection to the database" return $false # if (-not $AdditionalParameters.Keypath -or $AdditionalParameters.UseMasterKey) { # } # if (-not (Get-KeePassDatabaseConfiguration -DatabaseProfileName $VaultName)) { # New-KeePassDatabaseConfiguration @KeePassDBConfigParams # Write-Verbose "Vault ${VaultName}: A PoshKeePass database configuration was not found but was created." # return $true # } # try { # Get-KeePassEntry -DatabaseProfileName $VaultName -MasterKey $VaultMasterKey -Title '__SECRETMANAGEMENT__TESTSECRET_SHOULDNOTEXIST' -ErrorAction Stop # } catch { # Clear-Variable -Name "Vault_$VaultName" -Scope Script -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue # throw $PSItem # } } function Unlock-SecretVault { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)][SecureString]$Password, [Parameter(Mandatory)][String]$Name ) $vault = Get-SecretVault -Name $Name -ErrorAction Stop $vaultName = $vault.Name if ($vault.ModuleName -ne 'SecretManagement.KeePass') {throw "$vaultName was found but is not a Keepass Vault."} Set-Variable -Name "Vault_${vaultName}_MasterPassword" -Scope Script -Value $Password -Force #Force a reconnection Remove-Variable -Name "Vault_${vaultName}" -Scope Script -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if (-not (Microsoft.Powershell.SecretManagement\Test-SecretVault -Name $vaultName)) {throw "${vaultName}: Failed to unlock the vault"} } function Unregister-SecretVault { [CmdletBinding()] param( [string] $VaultName, [hashtable] $AdditionalParameters ) if ($AdditionalParameters.Verbose) {$VerbosePreference = 'continue'} try { Remove-Variable -Name "Vault_$VaultName" -Scope Script -Force -ErrorAction Stop } catch [ItemNotFoundException] { Write-Verbose "Vault ${VaultName}: Vault was not loaded at time of deregistration" } } param( [Switch]$Credential, [Switch]$KeyFile, [Switch]$Invalid ) It "should not have a vault variable by default" { { InModuleScope $ExtensionModule { param($vaultName) Get-Variable "Vault_$vaultName" } @{ vaultName = $vaultParams.VaultName } } | Should -Throw 'Cannot find a variable with the name*' } if (-not $Invalid) { if ($KeyFile) { It 'Should not request a credential' { Test-SecretVault @vaultParams Should -Invoke -CommandName 'Get-Credential' -Exactly 0 -Scope Context } } if ($Credential) { It 'should request a credential on the first pass' { Mock -Verifiable -ModuleName $ExtModuleName -CommandName 'Get-Credential' -MockWith { $VaultMasterKey } Test-SecretVault @vaultParams Should -ModuleName $ExtModuleName -Invoke -CommandName 'Get-Credential' -Exactly 1 -Scope Context } It 'Should not request a credential on the second pass' { Test-SecretVault @vaultParams Test-SecretVault @vaultParams Should -ModuleName $ExtModuleName -Invoke -CommandName 'Get-Credential' -Exactly 1 -Scope Context } } It "should have a Vault variable upon unlock" { Test-SecretVault @vaultParams | Should -BeTrue $vaultVars = InModuleScope $ExtensionModule { (Get-Variable -Name Vault_*).Name } "Vault_$($vaultParams.VaultName)" | Should -BeIn $vaultVars } It 'should return true' { Test-SecretVault @vaultParams | Should -BeTrue } } else { It 'Detects Invalid Composite Key and does not set a vault variable' { $result = Test-SecretVault @vaultParams -ErrorVariable myerr 2>$null $myerr[-1] | Should -BeLike $KeePassMasterKeyError $result | Should -BeFalse } } |