
using namespace KeePassLib
using namespace KeePassLib.Keys
using namespace KeePassLib.Serialization
using namespace KeePassLib.Interfaces
using namespace System.Runtime.InteropServices

function Connect-KeePassDatabase {
    Open a connection to a keepass database

    param (
        #Path to the Keepass database
        #The master password to unlock the database
        #The path to the key file for the database
        #Whether to use a secure key stored via DPAPI in your windows profile

    $DBCompositeKey = [CompositeKey]::new()
    #NOTE: Order in which the CompositeKey is created is important and must follow the order of : MasterKey, KeyFile, Windows Account
    if ($MasterPassword) {
                #Decode SecureString
    if ($KeyFile) {
    if ($UseWindowsAccount) {
        if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion -gt '5.0.0' -and -not $IsWindows) {
            throw [NotSupportedException]'The -UseWindowsAccount parameter is only supported on a Windows Platform'

    #Establish the connection
    $DBConnection = [PWDatabase]::new()
    if (-not $DBConnection.IsOpen) {throw "Unable to connect to the database at $Path. Please check you supplied proper credentials"}