
Exports secrets from a specified vault to a JSON file.

This function exports secrets from a specified vault to a JSON file. It retrieves secret information from the vault and converts it to a JSON format for export.

Specifies the name of the vault from which to export secrets. This parameter is mandatory.

Specifies the output path where the JSON file will be saved. If not provided, the current location will be used as the default output path.

Export-Secret -VaultName 'MyVault' -OutPath 'C:\Backups'
Exports secrets from the 'MyVault' vault and saves the JSON file to the 'C:\Backups' directory.

Export-Secret -VaultName 'MyVault'
Exports secrets from the 'MyVault' vault and saves the JSON file to the current location.

Exports secretes in plain text. Make sure you protect the exported data.

function Export-Secret {
    param (
        $OutPath = (Get-Location).Path
    Test-VaultAccess -VaultName $VaultName

    $Data = New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.ArrayList

    $AllSecrets = Get-SecretInfo -Vault $VaultName
    foreach ($Secret in $AllSecrets) {
        if ($Secret.Type -eq 'String' -or $Secret.Type -eq 'SecureString') {
            $Obj = [PSCustomObject]@{
                Name     = $Secret.Name
                Type     = [string]$Secret.Type
                Secret   = Get-Secret -Vault $VaultName -Name $Secret.Name -AsPlainText
                Metadata = $Secret.Metadata #| ConvertTo-Json -Compress
        } elseif ($Secret.Type -eq 'PSCredential') {
            $SecInfo = Get-Secret -Vault $VaultName -Name $Secret.Name -AsPlainText
            $Obj = [PSCustomObject]@{
                Name     = $Secret.Name
                Type     = [string]$Secret.Type
                Secret   = @{
                    UserName = $SecInfo.UserName
                    Password = $SecInfo.Password | ConvertFrom-SecureString -AsPlainText
                Metadata = $Secret.Metadata #| ConvertTo-Json -Compress
        } else {
            'Secret {0} of type {1} is not supported' -f $Secret.Name, $Secret.Type | Write-Warning
        $Data.Add($Obj) | Out-Null
    $outFileName = 'Vault_Backup_{0}.json' -f (Get-Date).ToString('yyyyMMdd_HHmm')
    $outFile = Join-Path -Path $OutPath -ChildPath $outFileName
    $Data | ConvertTo-Json | Out-File -FilePath $outFile
    if ($?) {
        'Successfully exported backup to: {0}' -f $outFile | Write-Host
    } else {
        'Someting went wrong, export failed' | Write-Error
Imports secrets from a backup file into a specified vault.

This function imports secrets from a backup file (generated by same module) into a specified vault. It checks if the secret already exists in the vault and either adds it or updates it based on the OverWrite switch parameter.

The name of the vault where the secrets will be imported.

The path to the backup file containing the secrets to be imported.

A switch parameter that specifies whether existing secrets in the vault should be overwritten if they already exist.

Import-Secret -VaultName "MyVault" -BackupFile "C:\Path\to\backup.json" -OverWrite
Imports secrets from the specified backup file into the "MyVault" vault, overwriting existing secrets if they already exist.

function Import-Secret {
    param (
    Test-VaultAccess -VaultName $VaultName
    # Test-ValidJSONInput -JSONFile $BackupFile
    $RestoredCount = 0
    $JSONData = Get-Content -Path $BackupFile -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json
    foreach ($Secret in $JSONData) {
        if (Get-SecretInfo -Vault $VaultName -Name $Secret.Name) {
            $SecretExists = $true
        } else {
            $SecretExists = $false
        if (-not $SecretExists -or $OverWrite) {
            $Metadata = $Secret.Metadata | ConvertTo-Json | ConvertFrom-Json -AsHashtable
            if ($Secret.Type -eq 'String' -or $Secret.Type -eq 'SecureString') {
                Set-Secret -Vault $VaultName -Name $Secret.Name -Secret $Secret.Secret -Metadata $Metadata
                $RestoredCount ++
            } elseif ($Secret.Type -eq 'PSCredential') {
                $username = $Secret.Secret.UserName
                $password = $Secret.Secret.Password | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText
                $credential = New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList $username, $password
                Set-Secret -Vault $VaultName -Name $Secret.Name -Secret $credential -Metadata $Metadata
                $RestoredCount ++
    "Imported $RestoredCount secrets" | Write-Host
function Test-ValidJSONInput {
    param (
    # TODO Check in depth with json schema
    if (-not(Test-Json -Json $JSONFile -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) {
        Write-Error 'Provided backup file is corrupted and not supported' -ErrorAction Stop
function Test-VaultAccess {
    param (
    if (-not(Get-Command Test-SecretVault -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) {
        'SecretManagement module is not found, aborting' | Write-Error -ErrorAction Stop
    Try {
        Test-SecretVault -Name $VaultName -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null
    } Catch {
        "Unable to access Vault! `n{0}" -f $Error[0] | Write-Error -ErrorAction Stop