function Get-ScriptMessageConfig { <# .LINK .SYNOPSIS Get the configuration and secrets to connect to the messaging service(s). .DESCRIPTION Get the configuration and secrets to connect to the messaging service(s). .PARAMETER ConfigPath Optional. If not provided, the function will use the path used in the current session (if set). .EXAMPLE Get-ScriptMessageConfig .EXAMPLE Get-ScriptMessageConfig -Path '.\Config\config_scriptmessage.json' #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter( Position=0, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)] [string]$Path = $scriptmessage_config_file_path # If not entered will see if it can pull path from this variable. ) begin {} process { # Make Sure Requested Path Isn't Null or Empty (better to catch it here than validating on the parameter of this function) if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Path)) { throw "`'`$scriptmessage_config_file_path`' is not specified. Don't forget to first use the `'Set-ScriptMessageConfigFilePath`' cmdlet!" } # Get Config and Secrets try { $ScriptMessageConfig = Get-Content -Path "$Path" -ErrorAction 'Stop' | ConvertFrom-Json return $ScriptMessageConfig } catch { throw "Can't find the JSON configuration file. Use 'Set-ScriptMessageConfigFilePath' to create one." } } end {} } |