
function Watch-StreamDeck
        Watches StreamDeck
        Watches StreamDeck for events.
        This function provides the backbone of a StreamDeck plugin written in PowerShell.
        Watch-StreamDeck should not be called directly, unless you are testing a plugin.
        # This will start watching the plugin with arguments passed by StreamDeck
        Watch-StreamDeck -StreamDeckInfo $args

    # The StreamDeck Information.
    # This will be the JSON object initially passed in.

    # The path containing event handlers. By default, the current directory.
    $HandlerPath = $pwd,

    # If set, will receive events from StreamDeck in a background job.
    # This allows Watch-StreamDeck to not block and still mostly work as expected.
    # The main runspace will not be able to send data back to the StreamDeck.

    # The log path.
    # If no log path is provided, one will be created in the same directory as this script.

    begin {
        $allArgs = @()

    process {
        if ($StreamDeckInfo -is [string]) {
            $allArgs += $StreamDeckInfo

    end {
        # If we have not been provided with a -LogPath
        if (-not $LogPath) {
            # use a global variable if already declared
            if ($global:STREAMDECK_PLUGINLOGPATH) {
                $LogPath = $global:STREAMDECK_PLUGINLOGPATH
            else {
                # Set up a log path for this plugin instance (make it based off of the starttime)
                $global:STREAMDECK_PLUGINLOGPATH = $logPath = 
                    Join-Path $psScriptRoot (        
                        ([Datetime]::Now.ToString('o').replace(':','.') -replace '\.\d+(?=[+-])') + '.log'
                # Clear older logs (only keep the last 10 executions around)
                Get-ChildItem -Path $psScriptRoot -Filter *.log |
                    Sort-Object LastWriteTime -Descending |
                    Select-Object -Skip 10 |

                "Log Started @ $([DateTime]::Now.ToString('s')). Running under process ID $($pid)" | Add-Content -Path $logPath

        if ($StreamDeckInfo -is [Object[]]) {
            $allArgs = $StreamDeckInfo

        # If the stream deck info is an array, it is an array of arguments
        if ($allArgs) {# Put each named argument into a dictionary.
            $argObject = [Ordered]@{}
            for ($i = 0; $i -lt $allArgs.Length; $i+=2 ) # We do this by going in twos thru the arguments
                $k = $allArgs[$i].TrimStart('-') # removing the - from the key
                $v = $allArgs[$i + 1]
                $argObject[$k] = 
                    if ("$v".StartsWith('{')) { # and converting any JSON-like input.
                        $v | ConvertFrom-Json
                    } else {
            $StreamDeckInfo = [PSCustomObject]$argObject

        # We will want to declare a few globals to keep track of state.
        if (-not $Global:STREAMDECK_DEVICES)  { $Global:STREAMDECK_DEVICES = @{} }
        if (-not $Global:STREAMDECK_BUTTONS)  { $Global:STREAMDECK_BUTTONS = @{} }
        if (-not $global:STREAMDECK_SETTINGS) { $global:STREAMDECK_SETTINGS = @{} }

        # Next, we'll want to wire up all of the files in the handler path.
        $localFiles = Get-ChildItem -Path $HandlerPath -Filter *.ps1    
        # Walk over each file we find
        foreach ($file in $localFiles) {
            # If it does not look like a .handler.ps1 or is not like On_*.ps1
            if ($file.Name -notlike '*.handler.ps1' -and 
                $file.Name -notlike 'On_*.ps1' -and 
                $file.Name -notmatch '@') {
                continue # keep moving.
            # Remove the naming hints from the file to get the source identifier
            $sourceIdentifier = $file.Name -replace '^On_' -replace '\.ps1$' -replace '\.handler$' -replace '@', '.'
            # and then break the source identifier into chunks.
            $sourceIdentifierParts = @($sourceIdentifier -split '\.')            
            # If we only have two chunks and the first chunk is not 'StreamDeck'
            if (($sourceIdentifierParts -ne '').Length -le 2 -and 
                $sourceIdentifierParts[0] -ne 'StreamDeck') {
                # then we need to include the plugin UUID in the source identifier
                $sourceIdentifierParts = @($ + $sourceIdentifierParts
                $sourceIdentifier = $sourceIdentifierParts -ne '' -join '.'                

            # Get the list of event names.
            $eventNames = 
                # multiple events can be separated with a plus sign or a comma
                @(if ($sourceIdentifierParts[-1] -match '[\,\+]') {
                    $sourceIdentifierParts[-1] -split '[\,\+]' -ne ''
                } else {

            # If there was not an event name, register for all possible events.
            if (-not $eventNames) {
                $eventNames = 
                    'KeyDown', 'KeyUp', 
                    'WillAppear', 'WillDisappear', 
                    'DeviceDidConnect', 'DeviceDidDisconnect',
                    'DidReceiveSettings', 'DidReceiveGlobalSettings',

            # Walk over each of the event names
            foreach ($eventName in $eventNames) {
                # and get the full source identifier for each event.
                $sourceIdentifier =
                            $sourceIdentifierParts[0..$($sourceIdentifierParts.Length - 2)] -notmatch 
                                '^\.$' -ne ''
                        ) +
                    ) -join '.'

                # Log what we're about to do.
                Add-Content -Path $logPath -value "Registering Handler for '$sourceIdentifier': $($file.fullname)"
                $actionScriptBlock = [ScriptBlock]::Create(@"
try { . '$($file.Fullname)' } catch {
    `$err = `$_
    `$errorString = `$err | Out-String
    `$errorString | Add-Content -Path `$global:STREAMDECK_PLUGINLOGPATH
    if (-not `$IsLinux -or `$IsMac) {
        Start-Job -ScriptBlock {
            (New-Object -ComObject WScript.Shell).Popup(`"`$args`",0,`"`StreamDeck - ProcessID: `$pid`", 16)
        } -ArgumentList `$errorString
                # And register each handler.
                Register-EngineEvent -SourceIdentifier $sourceIdentifier -Action $actionScriptBlock

        # Now, set up a heartbeat (every 10 minutes)
        $heartbeatTimer = [Timers.Timer]::new()
        $heartbeatTimer.Interval = [Timespan]::FromMinutes(10).totalmilliseconds
        $heartbeatTimer.AutoReset = $true
        Register-ObjectEvent -InputObject $heartbeatTimer -EventName Elapsed -Action {
            "Heartbeat @ $([DateTime]::Now.ToString('s'))" | Add-Content -Path $global:STREAMDECK_PLUGINLOGPATH

        if ($AsJob) {
            $StreamDeckInfo | Receive-StreamDeck -AsJob -OutputType Message
        $Host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle = "StreamDeck $pid"

        # And now begin monitoring the StreamDeck
        do {
            "Starting Watching Streamdeck @ $([DateTime]::Now.ToString('s'))" | Add-Content -Path $logPath
            $StreamDeckInfo | 
                Receive-StreamDeck -OutputType Message 2>&1 | 
                Foreach-Object {
                    if ($Global:STREAMDECK_WEBSOCKET.State -in 'Aborted' ,'CloseReceived') {
                        $_ | Out-String | Add-Content -Path $logPath
                    $_ | Out-String | Add-Content -Path $logPath

            if ($Global:STREAMDECK_WEBSOCKET.State -in 'Aborted' ,'CloseReceived') {
            $sleepTime = (Get-Random -Minimum 30 -Maximum 180)        
            "Finished Watching Streamdeck @ $([DateTime]::Now.ToString('s')). Trying again in $($sleepTime)" | Add-Content -Path $logPath
            Start-Sleep -Seconds $sleepTime
        } while ($true)