#requires -Module PSSVG $psChevronPolygonPoints = @( "40,20" "45,20" "60,50" "35,80" "32.5,80" "55,50" ) -join ' ' $psChevronPolygon = =<svg.polygon> -Points $psChevronPolygonPoints $psChevronWhite = =<svg.polygon> -Points $psChevronPolygonPoints -Fill White -Opacity .8 $psChevron = =<svg.symbol> -Id psChevron -Content @( $psChevronPolygon ) -ViewBox 100, 100 $usePSChevron = =<svg.use> -Href '#psChevron' -Fill 'White' -Opacity .8 -Width 100% -Height 100% $assetsRoot = Join-Path $PSScriptRoot Assets if (-not (Test-Path $assetsRoot)) { $null = New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $assetsRoot } =<svg> -ViewBox '28','28' -Content @( =<> -Cx 14 -Cy 14 -R 12 -Fill '#224488' -Stroke white -StrokeWidth .25 -Opacity .9 $psChevron $usePSChevron ) -Style @{"background-color"="#224488"} -OutputPath (Join-Path $assetsRoot ScriptDeck.svg) =<svg> -ViewBox '56','56' -Content @( =<> -Cx 28 -Cy 28 -R (28*12/14) -Fill '#224488' -Stroke white -StrokeWidth .5 -Opacity .9 $psChevron $usePSChevron ) -OutputPath (Join-Path $assetsRoot "ScriptDeck@2x.svg") $scriptDeckLogoAsSymbol = =<svg.symbol> -ViewBox 56,56 -Content @( =<> -Cx 28 -Cy 28 -R (28*12/14) -Stroke white -StrokeWidth .5 -Opacity .9 $psChevron $usePSChevron ) -Id ScriptDeckLogo $windowsScriptDeckRoot = Join-Path $PSScriptRoot 'com.start-automating.windowsscriptdeck.sdPlugin' if (-not (Test-Path $windowsScriptDeckRoot)) { $null = New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $windowsScriptDeckRoot } =<svg> -ViewBox 1280, 640 -Content @( =<svg> -ViewBox 100,100 -Content @( =<> -Cx 50 -Cy 50 -R 40 -Stroke 'White' -StrokeWidth 1.5 -Opacity .9 -Fill '#224488' $psChevronWhite ) -X 25% -Width 50% -Height 33% -Y 33% =<svg.text> -Content "WindowsScriptDeck" -FontSize 48 -X 50% -Y 70% -DominantBaseline 'middle' -TextAnchor 'middle' -FontFamily sans-serif -Fill '#224488' =<svg.text> -Content "Supercharge your StreamDeck with Windows PowerShell" -FontSize 36 -X 50% -Y 80% -DominantBaseline 'middle' -TextAnchor 'middle' -FontFamily sans-serif -Fill '#224488' ) -OutputPath (Join-Path $windowsScriptDeckRoot "1-preview.svg") =<svg> -ViewBox 1280, 640 -Content @( =<svg.rect> -Fill white -Width 100% -Height 100% =<svg> -ViewBox 100,100 -Content @( =<> -Cx 50 -Cy 50 -R 40 -Stroke 'White' -StrokeWidth .5 -Opacity .9 -Fill '#224488' $psChevronWhite ) -X 10% -Width 10% -Height 10% -Y 10% -Fill '#224488' =<svg.text> -Content "WindowsScriptDeck Features" -FontSize 48 -X 20% -Y 16% -DominantBaseline 'middle' -TextAnchor 'left' -FontFamily sans-serif -Fill '#224488' =<svg.text> -FontSize 24 -Y 30% -DominantBaseline 'middle' -TextAnchor 'left' -FontFamily sans-serif -Fill '#224488' -Content @( =<svg.tspan> -Content "- Map Any StreamDeck Button to a PowerShell Script" -Dy 0 -X 20% =<svg.tspan> -Content "- The PowerShell Engine is always running (so it's nice and responsive)" -X 20% -Dy 2em =<svg.tspan> -Content "- Share `$global variables between buttons" -X 20% -Dy 2em =<svg.tspan> -Content "- Run any PowerShell command from any module in the gallery" -X 20% -Dy 2em =<svg.tspan> -Content "- Paste a Script's Output" -X 20% -Dy 2em =<svg.tspan> -Content "- Start any Process" -X 20% -Dy 2em =<svg.tspan> -Content "- Open URLs programatically" -X 20% -Dy 2em ) ) -OutputPath (Join-Path $windowsScriptDeckRoot "2-preview.svg") =<svg> -ViewBox 1280, 640 -Content @( =<svg.rect> -Fill white -Width 100% -Height 100% =<svg> -ViewBox 100,100 -Content @( =<> -Cx 50 -Cy 50 -R 40 -Stroke 'White' -StrokeWidth .5 -Opacity .9 -Fill '#224488' $psChevronWhite ) -X 10% -Width 10% -Height 10% -Y 10% -Fill '#224488' # =<svg.use> -href '#ScriptDeckLogo' =<svg.text> -Content "Windows ScriptDeck Support" -FontSize 48 -X 20% -Y 16% -DominantBaseline 'middle' -TextAnchor 'left' -FontFamily sans-serif -Fill '#224488' =<svg.text> -FontSize 24 -Y 30% -DominantBaseline 'middle' -TextAnchor 'left' -FontFamily sans-serif -Fill '#224488' -Content @( =<svg.tspan> -Content "WindowsScriptDeck is open source!" -Dy 0 -X 20% =<svg.tspan> -Content "" -X 30% -Dy 2em =<svg.tspan> -Content "Got a problem?" -X 20% -Dy 2em =<svg.tspan> -Content "please file an issue" -X 30% -Dy 2em =<svg.tspan> -Content "(we'd love to fix it)" -Dy 0em -FontSize 12 =<svg.tspan> -Content "Want a feature?" -X 20% -Dy 2em =<svg.tspan> -Content "please tell us about it" -X 30% -Dy 2em =<svg.tspan> -Content "(ideas are always welcome)" -Dy 0em -FontSize 12 ) ) -OutputPath (Join-Path $windowsScriptDeckRoot "3-preview.svg") =<svg> -ViewBox '100','100' -Content @( =<> -Cx 50 -Cy 50 -R 45 -Fill '#224488' -Stroke white -StrokeWidth .5 -Opacity .9 $psChevronWhite ) -OutputPath (Join-Path $windowsScriptDeckRoot WindowsScriptDeck.svg) $ScriptDeckPluginRoot = Join-Path $PSScriptRoot 'com.start-automating.scriptdeck.sdPlugin' if (-not (Test-Path $ScriptDeckPluginRoot)) { $null = New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $ScriptDeckPluginRoot } =<svg> -ViewBox '100','100' -Content @( =<> -Cx 50 -Cy 50 -R 45 -Fill 'black' -Stroke white -StrokeWidth .5 -Opacity .9 $psChevronWhite ) -OutputPath (Join-Path $ScriptDeckPluginRoot ScriptDeck.svg) =<svg> -ViewBox 1280, 640 -Content @( =<svg.rect> -Fill black -Width 100% -Height 100% =<svg> -ViewBox 100,100 -Content @( =<> -Cx 50 -Cy 50 -R 40 -Stroke 'White' -StrokeWidth 1.5 -Opacity .9 -Fill 'black' $psChevronWhite ) -X 25% -Width 50% -Height 33% -Y 33% # $scriptDeckLogoAsSymbol # =<svg.use> -href '#ScriptDeckLogo' -X 25% -Width 50% -Height 33% -Y 33% =<svg.text> -Content "ScriptDeck" -FontSize 48 -X 50% -Y 70% -DominantBaseline 'middle' -TextAnchor 'middle' -FontFamily sans-serif -Fill 'white' =<svg.text> -Content "Supercharge your StreamDeck with PowerShell" -FontSize 36 -X 50% -Y 80% -DominantBaseline 'middle' -TextAnchor 'middle' -FontFamily sans-serif -Fill 'white' ) -OutputPath (Join-Path $ScriptDeckPluginRoot "1-preview.svg") =<svg> -ViewBox 1280, 640 -Content @( =<svg.rect> -Fill black -Width 100% -Height 100% =<svg> -ViewBox 100,100 -Content @( =<> -Cx 50 -Cy 50 -R 40 -Stroke 'White' -StrokeWidth .5 -Opacity .9 -Fill 'black' $psChevronWhite ) -X 10% -Width 10% -Height 10% -Y 10% -Fill '#224488' =<svg.text> -Content "ScriptDeck Features" -FontSize 48 -X 20% -Y 16% -DominantBaseline 'middle' -TextAnchor 'left' -FontFamily sans-serif -Fill 'white' =<svg.text> -FontSize 24 -Y 30% -DominantBaseline 'middle' -TextAnchor 'left' -FontFamily sans-serif -Fill 'white' -Content @( =<svg.tspan> -Content "- Map Any StreamDeck Button to a PowerShell Script" -Dy 0 -X 20% =<svg.tspan> -Content "- The PowerShell Engine is always running (so it's nice and responsive)" -X 20% -Dy 2em =<svg.tspan> -Content "- Share `$global variables between buttons" -X 20% -Dy 2em =<svg.tspan> -Content "- Run any PowerShell command from any module in the gallery" -X 20% -Dy 2em =<svg.tspan> -Content "- Paste a Script's Output" -X 20% -Dy 2em =<svg.tspan> -Content "- Start any Process" -X 20% -Dy 2em =<svg.tspan> -Content "- Open URLs programatically" -X 20% -Dy 2em ) ) -OutputPath (Join-Path $ScriptDeckPluginRoot "2-preview.svg") =<svg> -ViewBox 1280, 640 -Content @( =<svg.rect> -Fill black -Width 100% -Height 100% =<svg> -ViewBox 100,100 -Content @( =<> -Cx 50 -Cy 50 -R 40 -Stroke 'White' -StrokeWidth .5 -Opacity .9 -Fill 'black' $psChevronWhite ) -X 10% -Width 10% -Height 10% -Y 10% -Fill '#224488' =<svg.text> -Content "ScriptDeck Support" -FontSize 48 -X 20% -Y 16% -DominantBaseline 'middle' -TextAnchor 'left' -FontFamily sans-serif -Fill 'white' =<svg.text> -FontSize 24 -Y 30% -DominantBaseline 'middle' -TextAnchor 'left' -FontFamily sans-serif -Fill 'white' -Content @( =<svg.tspan> -Content "ScriptDeck is open source!" -Dy 0 -X 20% =<svg.tspan> -Content "" -X 30% -Dy 2em =<svg.tspan> -Content "Got a problem?" -X 20% -Dy 2em =<svg.tspan> -Content "please file an issue" -X 30% -Dy 2em =<svg.tspan> -Content "(we'd love to fix it)" -Dy 0em -Dx 2em -FontSize 12 =<svg.tspan> -Content "Want a feature?" -X 20% -Dy 2em =<svg.tspan> -Content "please tell us about it" -X 30% -Dy 2em =<svg.tspan> -Content "(ideas are always welcome)" -Dy 0em -FontSize 12 -Dx 2em ) ) -OutputPath (Join-Path $ScriptDeckPluginRoot "3-preview.svg") |