
function Clear-StreamDeckProfile
        Clears StreamDeck Profiles
        Clears rows or columns from a StreamDeck profile. By default, clears an entire profile.

    # The name of one or more profiles

    # The root directory to look for profiles.

    # One or more rows to clear

    # One or more columns to clear

    # One or more action UUIDs to clear


    begin {
        $sdProfiles = Get-StreamDeckProfile -ProfileRoot $ProfileRoot | 
            Where-Object Name -In $ProfileName

        if (-not $sdProfiles) {
            Write-Error "StreamDeck Profile $ProfileName not found"           

    process {
        if (-not $UUID -and -not $Row -and -not $Column) {
            $row, $Column = '*', '*'

        if ($UUID) {
            foreach ($prof in $sdProfiles) {
                $prof.Actions.psobject.Properties |
                    Where-Object { $_.Value.UUID -in $UUID } | 
                    Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name | 
                    ForEach-Object { $c, $r = $_ -split ','; $Row += $r; $Column += $c }

        if ($Row -and $Column) {
            foreach ($prof in $sdProfiles) {
                foreach ($r in $row) {
                    foreach ($c in $Column) {
                        if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Remove Action at $r, $c")) {
                            $prof.RemoveAction($R, $C)