############################################################################## #.SYNOPSIS # Stores the credentials for accessing the ScienceLogic EM7 API in-memory # and tests the connection to the web service. ############################################################################## function Connect-EM7 { [CmdletBinding()] param( # The API root URI [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true)] [Uri]$URI, # The credentials to use when calling the API. [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [PSCredential]$Credential, # Specify this when you'll be using a HTTP debugger like Fiddler. # It will cause the JSON to be formatted with whitespace for easier # reading, but is more likely to result in errors with larger responses. [Parameter()] [Switch]$Formatted, # If specified, SSL errors will be ignored in all SSL requests made # from this PowerShell session. This is an awful hacky way of doing # this and it should only be used for testing. [Parameter()] [Switch]$IgnoreSSLErrors ) # Force trailing slash if ($URI -notlike '*/') { $URI = "$URI/" } $Globals.IgnoreSSLErrors = $IgnoreSSLErrors.IsPresent if ($IgnoreSSLErrors) { [Net.ServicePointManager]::ServerCertificateValidationCallback = {$true} } if (Test-Path $Globals.CredentialPath) { Remove-Item $Globals.CredentialPath } $Globals.ApiRoot = $URI $Globals.FormatResponse = $Formatted.IsPresent $Globals.Credentials = $Credential $Globals.Credentials | Add-Member NoteProperty URI $URI $Globals.Credentials | Add-Member NoteProperty FormatResponse $Formatted.IsPresent # Will throw not-authorized if the credentials are invalid HttpInvoke $URI | Out-Null $Globals.Credentials | Export-Clixml $Globals.CredentialPath } ############################################################################## #.SYNOPSIS # Retrieves a specific EM7 object by its ID. ############################################################################## function Get-EM7Object { [Alias('gslo')] [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName="ByURI")] param( # The URI of a single ScienceLogic object, such as /api/device/1 [Parameter(ParameterSetName="ByURI", Position=0, Mandatory=$True, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [String[]]$URI, # The name of the resource index to query. # See the documentation for value values. # Examples include, device, device_group, organization, account... [Parameter(ParameterSetName="ByID", Position=0, Mandatory=$true)] [String]$Resource, # The ID of a specific entity to retrieve. [Parameter(ParameterSetName="ByID", Position=1, Mandatory=$true)] [Int32[]]$ID, # Specifies one or more property names that ordinarily contain a link # to a related object to automatically retrieve and place in the # returned object. [Parameter()] [String[]]$ExpandProperty ) begin { EnsureConnected -ErrorAction Stop } process { # If URI specified, convert URI into Resource + ID. # All URIs must refer to resources of the same type in a given call. # This is a hack due to a design flaw and I'll correct it later. if ($URI.Length) { if ($URI[0] -match $Globals.UriPattern) { $Resource = $Matches.r $ID = $URI -replace $Globals.UriPattern,'$3' } } $FindArgs = @{ Resource = $Resource ExpandProperty = $ExpandProperty Filter = @{} Limit = $Globals.DefaultPageSize } $IDQueue = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.Queue[Int32] -ArgumentList (,$ID) $IDBatch = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[Int32] -ArgumentList ($Globals.DefaultPageSize) do { $IDBatch.Clear() for ($i=0;$i -lt $Globals.DefaultPageSize -and $IDQueue.Count;$i++) { $IDBatch.Add($IDQueue.Dequeue()) } if ($IDBatch.Count) { $FindArgs.Filter[''] = $IDBatch -join ',' } Find-EM7Object @FindArgs } while ($IDQueue.Count); } } ############################################################################## #.SYNOPSIS # Queries the specified resource index for resources matching an optional # filter specification. ############################################################################## function Find-EM7Object { [Alias('fslo')] [CmdletBinding()] param( # The name of the resource index to query. # See the documentation for value values. # Examples include, device, device_group, organization, account... [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true)] [String]$Resource, # If specifieed, the keys of this hashtable are prefixed with # 'filter.' and used as filters. For example: @{organization=6} [Parameter()] [Hashtable]$Filter = @{}, # Limits the results to the specified number. The default is 1000. [Parameter()] [Int32]$Limit = $Globals.DefaultLimit, # The starting offset in the results to return. # If retrieving objects in pages of 100, you would specify 0 for page 1, # 100 for page 2, 200 for page 3, and so on. [Parameter()] [Int32]$Offset = 0, # Optionally sorts the results by this field in ascending order, or if # the field is prefixed with a dash (-) in descending order. # You can also pipe the output to PowerShell's Sort-Object cmdlet, but # this parameter is processed on the server, which will affect how # results are paginated when there are more results than fit in a # single page. [Parameter()] [String]$OrderBy, # Specifies one or more property names that ordinarily contain a link # to a related object to automatically retrieve and place in the # returned object. [Parameter()] [String[]]$ExpandProperty ) begin { EnsureConnected -ErrorAction Stop } process { $UriArgs = @{ Resource = $Resource Filter = $Filter Limit = $Limit Offset = $Offset Extended = $true OrderBy = $OrderBy } if ($UriArgs.Limit -gt $Globals.DefaultPageSize) { $UriArgs.Limit = $Globals.DefaultPageSize } $OutputCount = 0 do { $URI = CreateUri @UriArgs $Response = HttpInvoke $URI $TotalMatched = $Response.total_matched -as [Int32] $TotalReturned = $Response.total_returned -as [Int32] $Result = @($Response | UnrollArray) if ($ExpandProperty.Length) { $Cache = @{} foreach ($Obj in $Result) { ExpandProperty $Obj $ExpandProperty -Cache:$Cache } } if ($Result.Length) { Write-Output $Result $OutputCount += $Result.Length $UriArgs.Offset += $Result.Length if ($UriArgs.Offset + $UriArgs.Limit -gt $Limit) { $UriArgs.Limit = $Limit - $UriArgs.Offset } } else { break } } while ($OutputCount -lt $Limit -and $OutputCount -lt $TotalMatched); } } ############################################################################## #.SYNOPSIS # Updates the properties of a EM7 object at the specified URI. Only the # properties specified in the -InputObject parameter will be updated. ############################################################################## function Set-EM7Object { [Alias('sslo')] [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess=$True)] param( # A custom object (which may be a Hashtable or other PSObject # such as a deserialized JSON object or PSCustomObject.) [ValidateNotNull()] [Parameter(Position=0)] [PSObject]$InputObject, # The relative or absolute URI of the resource, such as # /api/organization/1 or https://servername/api/device/9. [Alias("__URI")] [ValidateNotNull()] [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)] [Uri]$URI, # If specified, the output of the update will be deserialized # and written to the pipeline. [Parameter()] [Switch]$PassThru ) begin { EnsureConnected -ErrorAction Stop } process { # Cmdlet takes an absolute or relative URL # If relative was specified, make it absolute against the API root if (!$URI.IsAbsoluteUri) { $URI = New-Object Uri ($Globals.ApiRoot, $URI.OriginalString) } if ($InputObject -is [Hashtable]) { if ($InputObject.Count) { $Compress = !$Globals.FormatResponse # Typically Hashtables were passed in as an argument # They are expected to only contain the properties we want to # update. No scrubbing will be done. $JSON = ConvertTo-Json -InputObject:$InputObject -Compress:$Compress } else { Write-Warning "No properties were updated." return } } else { # If it's another PSObject, it's probably been piped in from # another command such as Get-EM7Object and modified. # We need to exclude aliases and internal properties. $Properties = @( $InputObject | Get-Member -MemberType NoteProperty | Where Name -NotLike __* | Select -ExpandProperty Name ) if ($Properties.Length) { $InputObject = $InputObject | Select $Properties $JSON = $InputObject | ConvertTo-Json } else { Write-Warning "No writable properties specified." return } } if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($URI, "POST: $JSON")) { $Result = HttpInvoke $URI -Method POST -PostData $JSON if ($PassThru) { if ($URI.AbsolutePath -match $Globals.UriPattern) { $TypeName = $Matches.t $ID = $ if ($ID -as [Int32]) { $ID = $ID -as [Int32] } $Result | Add-Member -TypeName $TypeName $Result | Add-Member NoteProperty __ID $ID $Result | Add-Member NoteProperty __URI $URI.AbsolutePath } Write-Output $Result } } } } ############################################################################## #.SYNOPSIS # Creates a new EM7 object at the specified URI using the properties of the # input object. # #.RETURNS # The object that was created. ############################################################################## function Add-EM7Object { [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess=$True)] param( # A custom object (which may be a Hashtable or other PSObject # such as a deserialized JSON object or PSCustomObject.) [ValidateNotNull()] [Parameter(Position=0)] [PSObject]$InputObject, # The relative or absolute URI of the resource index, such as /api/organization/. # Do not include an identity value in this property, as the ID will be provided. [Alias("__URI")] [ValidateNotNull()] [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)] [Uri]$URI, # If specified, the output of the post will be deserialized # and written to the pipeline. [Parameter()] [Switch]$PassThru ) begin { EnsureConnected -ErrorAction Stop } process { if ($InputObject -is [Hashtable]) { if ($InputObject.Count) { $Compress = !$Globals.FormatResponse # Typically Hashtables were passed in as an argument # They are expected to only contain the properties we want to # update. No scrubbing will be done. $JSON = ConvertTo-Json -InputObject:$InputObject -Compress:$Compress } else { Write-Warning "No properties were updated." return } } else { # If it's another PSObject, it's probably been piped in from # another command such as Get-EM7Object and modified. # We need to exclude aliases and internal properties. $Properties = @( $InputObject | Get-Member -MemberType NoteProperty | Where Name -NotLike __* | Select -ExpandProperty Name ) if ($Properties.Length) { $InputObject = $InputObject | Select $Properties $JSON = $InputObject | ConvertTo-Json } else { Write-Warning "No writable properties specified." return } } if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($URI, "POST: $JSON")) { $Result = HttpInvoke $URI -Method POST -PostData $JSON if ($PassThru) { #if ($URI.AbsolutePath -match '^(.*)/([A-Za-z0-9_\-\.]+)$') { # $TypeName = $Matches[1] # $ID = $Matches[2] # if ($ID -as [Int32]) { $ID = $ID -as [Int32] } # $Result | Add-Member -TypeName $TypeName # $Result | Add-Member NoteProperty __ID $ID # $Result | Add-Member NoteProperty __URI $URI.AbsolutePath #} Write-Output $Result } } } } |