Function Get-ScheduledJobResult { [cmdletbinding()] [OutputType("ScheduledJobResult")] [Alias("ljr")] Param( [Parameter(Position = 0)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$Name = "*", [ValidateScript({ $_ -gt 0 })] [int]$Newest = 1, [switch]$All ) Begin { Write-Verbose "[$((Get-Date).TimeOfDay) BEGIN] Starting $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)" } #begin Process { #only show results for Enabled jobs Try { Write-Verbose "[$((Get-Date).TimeOfDay) PROCESS] Getting scheduled jobs for $name" $jobs = Get-ScheduledJob -Name $name -ErrorAction Stop #-ErrorVariable ev } Catch { Write-Warning "$Name : $($_.exception.message)" # $ev.errorRecord.Exception } if ($jobs) { #filter unless asking for all jobs if ($All) { Write-Verbose "[$((Get-Date).TimeOfDay) PROCESS] Getting all jobs" } else { Write-Verbose "[$((Get-Date).TimeOfDay) PROCESS] Getting enabled jobs only" $jobs = $jobs | Where-Object Enabled } Write-Verbose "[$((Get-Date).TimeOfDay) PROCESS] Processing $($jobs.count) found jobs" Write-Verbose "[$((Get-Date).TimeOfDay) PROCESS] Getting newest $newest job results" $data = $jobs | ForEach-Object { #get job and select all properties to create a custom object Try { Write-Verbose "[$((Get-Date).TimeOfDay) PROCESS] Trying to get jobs for $($" Get-Job -Name $ -Newest $Newest -ErrorAction stop | ForEach-Object { [ScheduledJobResult]::new($_) } } #Try Catch { Write-Warning $_.exception.message Write-Warning "Scheduled job $($_.TargetObject) has not been run yet." } } #Foreach Scheduled Job #write a sorted result to the pipeline Write-Verbose "[$((Get-Date).TimeOfDay) PROCESS] Here are your $($data.count) results" $data | Sort-Object -Property PSEndTime -Descending } #if $jobs } #process End { Write-Verbose "[$((Get-Date).TimeOfDay) END] Ending $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)" } #end } #end function |