(Get-ChildItem -Path $PSScriptRoot\functions\*.ps1).Foreach( { . $_.FullName }) Class ScheduledJobResult { [string]$Name [DateTime]$StartTime [DateTime]$EndTime [TimeSpan]$Runtime [Int]$ID [string]$State [bool]$HasMoreData [System.Management.Automation.Job[]]$ChildJobs [PSObject[]]$Output [PSObject[]] GetResults() { if ($this.HasMoreData) { $data = Receive-Job -Id $ -Keep } else { $data = $null } return $data } ScheduledJobResult ([int]$ID) { $job = Get-Job -Id $ID $this.Name = $job.Name $this.StartTime = $job.PSBeginTime $this.EndTime = $job.PSEndTime $this.Runtime = $job.PSEndTime - $job.PSBeginTime $this.ID = $job.Id $this.state = $job.State $this.HasMoreData = $job.HasMoreData $this.ChildJobs = $job.ChildJobs $this.Output = $job.Output } ScheduledJobResult ([Microsoft.PowerShell.ScheduledJob.ScheduledJob]$job) { $this.Name = $job.Name $this.StartTime = $job.PSBeginTime $this.EndTime = $job.PSEndTime $this.Runtime = $job.PSEndTime - $job.PSBeginTime $this.ID = $job.Id $this.state = $job.State $this.HasMoreData = $job.HasMoreData $this.ChildJobs = $job.ChildJobs $this.Output = $job.Output } } #set default display properties Update-TypeData -TypeName ScheduledJobResult -DefaultDisplayPropertySet Name, ID, State, Runtime, StartTime, EndTime, HasMoreData -Force #add a property to the ScheduledJob that shows the next run time #17 Oct 2024 -these have been moved to the types ps1xml file. # Update-TypeData -TypeName Microsoft.PowerShell.ScheduledJob.ScheduledJobDefinition -MemberName "NextRun" -MemberType ScriptProperty -Value { (Get-ScheduledTask -TaskName $ | Get-ScheduledTaskInfo).nextRunTime } -Force # Update-TypeData -TypeName Microsoft.PowerShell.ScheduledJob.ScheduledJobDefinition -MemberName "LastRun" -MemberType ScriptProperty -Value { (Get-job $This.Name -Newest 1).PSEndTime } -Force #add argument completers to auto populate scheduled job names $sb = { param($commandName, $parameterName, $wordToComplete, $commandAst, $fakeBoundParameter) (Get-ScheduledJob -Name "$WordToComplete*").name | ForEach-Object { [System.Management.Automation.CompletionResult]::new($_, $_, 'ParameterValue', $_) } } $completerParams = @{ CommandName = 'Export-ScheduledJob', 'Get-ScheduledJobResult', 'Remove-OldJobResult', 'Get-ScheduledJobDetail' ParameterName = 'Name' ScriptBlock = $sb } Register-ArgumentCompleter @completerParams |