$here = $PSScriptRoot $sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path) -replace '\.Tests\.', '.' $ProjectPath = "$here\..\..\.." | Convert-Path $ProjectName = (Get-ChildItem $ProjectPath\*\*.psd1 | Where-Object { ($_.Directory.Name -match 'source|src' -or $_.Directory.Name -eq $_.BaseName) -and $(try { Test-ModuleManifest $_.FullName -ErrorAction Stop }catch{$false}) } ).BaseName Import-Module $ProjectName InModuleScope $ProjectName { Describe Get-Something { Mock Get-PrivateFunction { $PrivateData } Context 'Return values' { BeforeEach { $return = Get-Something -Data 'value' } It 'Returns a single object' { ($return | Measure-Object).Count | Should -Be 1 } It 'Returns a string from Get-PrivateFunction' { Assert-MockCalled Get-PrivateFunction -Times 1 -Exactly -Scope It $return | Should -Be 'value' } } Context 'Pipeline' { It 'Accepts values from the pipeline by value' { $return = 'value1', 'value2' | Get-Something Assert-MockCalled Get-PrivateFunction -Times 2 -Exactly -Scope It $return[0] | Should -Be 'value1' $return[1] | Should -Be 'value2' } It 'Accepts value from the pipeline by property name' { $return = 'value1', 'value2' | ForEach-Object { [PSCustomObject]@{ Data = $_ OtherProperty = 'other' } } | Get-Something Assert-MockCalled Get-PrivateFunction -Times 2 -Exactly -Scope It $return[0] | Should -Be 'value1' $return[1] | Should -Be 'value2' } } Context 'ShouldProcess' { It 'Supports WhatIf' { (Get-Command Get-Something).Parameters.ContainsKey('WhatIf') | Should -Be $true { Get-Something -Data 'value' -WhatIf } | Should -Not -Throw } It 'Does not call Get-PrivateFunction if WhatIf is set' { $return = Get-Something -Data 'value' -WhatIf $return | Should -BeNullOrEmpty Assert-MockCalled Get-PrivateFunction -Times 0 -Scope It } } } } |