param ( [Parameter()] [System.String] $ProjectName = (property ProjectName ''), [Parameter()] [System.String] $SourcePath = (property SourcePath ''), [Parameter()] [System.String] $OutputDirectory = (property OutputDirectory (Join-Path $BuildRoot "output")), [Parameter()] [System.String] $BuiltModuleSubdirectory = (property BuiltModuleSubdirectory ''), [Parameter()] [System.String] $BuildModuleOutput = (property BuildModuleOutput (Join-Path $OutputDirectory $BuiltModuleSubdirectory)), [Parameter()] [System.String] $ReleaseNotesPath = (property ReleaseNotesPath (Join-Path $OutputDirectory 'ReleaseNotes.md')), [Parameter()] [System.String] $ModuleVersion = (property ModuleVersion ''), [Parameter()] [System.Collections.Hashtable] $BuildInfo = (property BuildInfo @{ }) ) Import-Module -Name "$PSScriptRoot/Common.Functions.psm1" # Synopsis: Build the Module based on its Build.psd1 definition Task Build_Module_ModuleBuilder { if ([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($ProjectName)) { $ProjectName = Get-ProjectName -BuildRoot $BuildRoot } if ([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($SourcePath)) { $SourcePath = Get-SourcePath -BuildRoot $BuildRoot } $moduleManifestPath = "$SourcePath/$ProjectName.psd1" $getBuildVersionParameters = @{ ModuleManifestPath = $moduleManifestPath ModuleVersion = $ModuleVersion } <# This will get the version from $ModuleVersion if is was set as a parameter or as a property. If $ModuleVersion is $null or an empty string the version will fetched from GitVersion if it is installed. If GitVersion is _not_ installed the version is fetched from the module manifest in SourcePath. #> $ModuleVersion = Get-BuildVersion @getBuildVersionParameters "`tProject Name = $ProjectName" "`tModule Version = $ModuleVersion" "`tSource Path = $SourcePath" "`tOutput Directory = $OutputDirectory" "`tBuild Module Output = $BuildModuleOutput" "`tModule Manifest Path = $moduleManifestPath" if (-not (Split-Path -IsAbsolute $ReleaseNotesPath)) { $ReleaseNotesPath = Join-Path -Path $OutputDirectory -ChildPath $ReleaseNotesPath } Import-Module -Name ModuleBuilder -ErrorAction 'Stop' $buildModuleParams = @{} foreach ($paramName in (Get-Command -Name Build-Module).Parameters.Keys) { if ($paramName -eq 'SourcePath') { <# To support building the without a build manifest the SourcePath must be set to the path to the source module manifest. #> $buildModuleParams.Add($paramName, $moduleManifestPath) } else { $valueFromBuildParam = Get-Variable -Name $paramName -ValueOnly -ErrorAction 'SilentlyContinue' $valueFromBuildInfo = $BuildInfo[$paramName] <# If Build-Module parameters are available in current session, use those otherwise use params from BuildInfo if specified. #> if ($valueFromBuildParam) { Write-Build -Color 'DarkGray' -Text "Adding $paramName with value $valueFromBuildParam from current Variables" if ($paramName -eq 'OutputDirectory') { $buildModuleParams.Add($paramName, (Join-Path -Path $BuildModuleOutput -ChildPath $ProjectName)) } else { $buildModuleParams.Add($paramName, $valueFromBuildParam) } } elseif ($valueFromBuildInfo) { Write-Build -Color 'DarkGray' "Adding $paramName with value $valueFromBuildInfo from Build Info" $buildModuleParams.Add($paramName, $valueFromBuildInfo) } else { Write-Debug -Message "No value specified for $paramName" } } } Write-Build -Color 'Green' -text "Building Module to $($buildModuleParams['OutputDirectory'])..." $BuiltModule = Build-Module @buildModuleParams -SemVer $ModuleVersion -PassThru if (Test-Path -Path $ReleaseNotesPath) { $releaseNotes = Get-Content -Path $ReleaseNotesPath -Raw $outputManifest = $BuiltModule.Path Update-Metadata -Path $outputManifest -PropertyName 'PrivateData.PSData.ReleaseNotes' -Value $releaseNotes } } Task Build_NestedModules_ModuleBuilder { if ([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($ProjectName)) { $ProjectName = Get-ProjectName -BuildRoot $BuildRoot } if ([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($SourcePath)) { $SourcePath = Get-SourcePath -BuildRoot $BuildRoot } "`tProject Name = $ProjectName" "`tSource Path = $SourcePath" "`tOutput Directory = $OutputDirectory" "`tBuild Module Output = $BuildModuleOutput" Import-Module -Name 'ModuleBuilder' -ErrorAction 'Stop' $builtModuleManifest = "$BuildModuleOutput/$ProjectName/*/$ProjectName.psd1" "`tBuilt Module Manifest = $builtModuleManifest" $getModuleVersionParameters = @{ OutputDirectory = $BuildModuleOutput ProjectName = $ProjectName } $ModuleVersion = Get-BuiltModuleVersion @getModuleVersionParameters $ModuleVersionFolder, $preReleaseTag = $ModuleVersion -split '\-', 2 "`tModule Version = $ModuleVersion" "`tModule Version Folder = $ModuleVersionFolder" "`tPre-release Tag = $preReleaseTag" $nestedModule = $BuildInfo.NestedModule $nestedModulesToAdd = @() foreach ($nestedModuleName in $nestedModule.Keys) { $cmdParam = $nestedModule[$nestedModuleName] $addToManifest = [bool]$cmdParam['AddToManifest'] # Either copy only or Build if ([System.Boolean] $cmdParam['CopyOnly']) { Write-Debug -Message "Using parameters to copy nested module from Source to Destination" $cmd = Get-Command -Name 'Copy-Item' if (-not $cmdParam.ContainsKey('Path')) { $cmdParam['Path'] = '$SourcePath/Modules/$nestedModuleName' } if (-not $cmdParam.ContainsKey('Recurse')) { $cmdParam['Recurse'] = $true } # Set default Destination (substitute later) if (-not $cmdParam.ContainsKey('Destination')) { $cmdParam['Destination'] = '$BuildModuleOutput/$ProjectName/$ModuleVersionFolder/Modules/$nestedModuleName' } Write-Build -Color 'Yellow' -Text "Copying Nested Module files for $nestedModuleName" } else { $cmd = Get-Command -Name 'Build-Module' Write-Build -Color 'Yellow' -Text "Building Nested Module $nestedModuleName" } $cmdParamKeys = @() + $cmdParam.Keys foreach ($paramName in $cmdParamKeys) { # remove param not available in command if ($paramName -notin @($cmd.Parameters.keys + $cmd.Parameters.values.aliases)) { Write-Build -Color 'White' -Text "Removing Parameter $paramName for $($cmd.Name)" $cmdParam.Remove($paramName) } elseif ($paramName -in @('Path', 'Destination', 'OutputDirectory', 'SemVer')) { # Substitute & Resolve Resolve Path to absolutes (relative assumed is $BuildRoot) Write-Build -Color 'White' -Text "Resolving Absolute path for $paramName $($cmdParam[$paramName])" $cmdParam[$paramName] = $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.ExpandString($cmdParam[$paramName]) if (-not (Split-Path -Path $cmdParam[$paramName] -IsAbsolute) -and $paramName -ne 'SemVer') { $cmdParam[$paramName] = Join-Path -Path $BuildRoot -ChildPath $cmdParam[$paramName] } Write-Build -Color 'White' -Text " The $paramName is: $($cmdParam[$paramName])" } } $builtModuleBase = Split-Path -Parent -Path $BuiltModuleManifest Write-Build -Color 'Green' -Text "$($cmd.Verb) $nestedModuleName..." if ($cmdParam.Verbose) { Write-Verbose -Message ($CmdParam | ConvertTo-Json) -Verbose } & $cmd @cmdParam if ($addToManifest) { Write-Build -Color 'DarkMagenta' -Text " Preparing to Add to Manifest" if ($cmd.Name -eq 'Copy-Item') { $nestedModulePath = $cmdParam['Destination'] } else { $nestedModulePath = $cmdParam['OutputDirectory'] } Write-Build -Color 'DarkMagenta' -Text " Looking in $nestedModulePath" $nestedModuleFile = (Get-ChildItem -Path $nestedModulePath -Recurse -Include '*.psd1' | Where-Object -FilterScript { ( $_.Directory.Name -eq $_.BaseName -or $_.Directory.Name -as [version]) ` -and $( try { Test-ModuleManifest -Path $_.FullName -ErrorAction 'Stop' } catch { $false } ) } ).FullName -replace [Regex]::Escape($builtModuleBase), ".$([System.IO.Path]::DirectorySeparatorChar)" if (-not $nestedModuleFile) { $nestedModuleFile = Get-ChildItem -Path $nestedModulePath -Recurse -Include '*.psm1' | ForEach-Object -Process { $_.FullName -replace [Regex]::Escape($builtModuleBase), ".$([System.IO.Path]::DirectorySeparatorChar)" } } Write-Build -Color 'DarkMagenta' -Text "Found $($nestedModuleFile -join ';')" $nestedModulesToAdd += $nestedModuleFile } Write-Build -Color 'Green' -Text "Done `r`n" } $ModuleInfo = Import-PowerShellDataFile -Path $BuiltModuleManifest -ErrorAction 'Stop' # Add to NestedModules to ModuleManifest if ($ModuleInfo.ContainsKey('NestedModules') -and $nestedModulesToAdd) { Write-Build -Color 'Green' -Text "Updating the Module Manifest's NestedModules key..." $nestedModulesToAdd = $ModuleInfo.NestedModules + $nestedModulesToAdd # Get Nested Module Manifest or PSM1 $updateMetadataParams = @{ Path = (Get-Item -Path $BuiltModuleManifest).FullName PropertyName = 'NestedModules' Value = $nestedModulesToAdd ErrorAction = 'Stop' } Write-Build -Color 'Green' -Text " Adding $($NestedModuleToAdd -join ', ') to Module Manifest $($updateMetadataParams.Path)" Update-Metadata @updateMetadataParams } } |