
#Region '.\Public\Get-DatumNodesRecursive.ps1' -1

using module datum

function Get-DatumNodesRecursive
        $AllDatumNodes = (Get-Variable -Name Datum -ValueOnly).AllNodes

    $datumContainers = [System.Collections.Queue]::new()

    Write-Verbose -Message "Inspecting [$($AllDatumNodes.PSObject.Properties.Where({$_.MemberType -eq 'ScriptProperty'}).Name -join ', ')]"
    $AllDatumNodes.PSObject.Properties.Where({ $_.MemberType -eq 'ScriptProperty' }).ForEach({
            Write-Verbose -Message "Working on '$($_.Name)'."
            $val = $_.Value | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Name -Value $_.Name -PassThru -ErrorAction Ignore -Force
            if ($val -is [FileProvider])
                Write-Verbose -Message "Adding '$($val.Name)' to the queue."
                Write-Verbose -Message "Adding Node '$($_.Name)'."
                $val['Name'] = $_.Name

    while ($datumContainers.Count -gt 0)
        $currentContainer = $datumContainers.Dequeue()
        Write-Debug -Message "Working on Container '$($currentContainer.Name)'."

        $currentContainer.PSObject.Properties.Where({ $_.MemberType -eq 'ScriptProperty' }).ForEach({
                $val = $currentContainer.($_.Name)
                $val | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Name -Value $_.Name -ErrorAction Ignore
                if ($val -is [FileProvider])
                    Write-Verbose -Message "Found Container '$($_.Name).'"
                    Write-Verbose -Message "Found Node '$($_.Name)'."
                    $val['Name'] = $_.Name
#EndRegion '.\Public\Get-DatumNodesRecursive.ps1' 54
#Region '.\Public\Get-DscErrorMessage.ps1' -1

function Get-DscErrorMessage

    switch ($Exception)
        { $_ -is [System.Management.Automation.ItemNotFoundException] }
            #can be ignored, very likely caused by Get-Item within the PSDesiredStateConfiguration module

        { $_.Message -match "Unable to find repository 'PSGallery" }
            'Error in Package Management'

        { $_.Message -match 'A second CIM class definition' }
            # This happens when several versions of same module are available.
            # Mainly a problem when when $Env:PSModulePath is polluted or
            # DscResources or DSC_Configuration are not clean
            'Multiple version of the same module exist'

        { $_ -is [System.Management.Automation.ParentContainsErrorRecordException] }
            "Compilation Error: $_.Message"

        { $_.Message -match ([regex]::Escape("Cannot find path 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Powershell\3\DSC'")) }
            if ($_.InvocationInfo.PositionMessage -match 'PSDscAllowDomainUser')
                # This tend to be repeated for all nodes even if only 1 is affected
                'Domain user credentials are used and PSDscAllowDomainUser is not set'
            elseif ($_.InvocationInfo.PositionMessage -match 'PSDscAllowPlainTextPassword')
                "It is not recommended to use plain text password. Use PSDscAllowPlainTextPassword = `$false"
                #can be ignored
#EndRegion '.\Public\Get-DscErrorMessage.ps1' 60
#Region '.\Public\Get-DscMofEnvironment.ps1' -1

function Get-DscMofEnvironment
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]

        if (-not (Test-Path -Path $Path))
            Write-Error -Message "The MOF file '$Path' cannot be found."

        $content = Get-Content -Path $Path

        $xRegistryDscEnvironment = $content | Select-String -Pattern '\[xRegistry\]DscEnvironment' -Context 0, 10
        if (-not $xRegistryDscEnvironment)
            Write-Error -Message "No environment information found in MOF file '$Path'. The environment information must be added using the 'xRegistryx' named 'DscEnvironment'."

        $valueData = $xRegistryDscEnvironment.Context.PostContext | Select-String -Pattern 'ValueData' -Context 0, 1
        if (-not $valueData)
            Write-Error -Message "Found the resource 'xRegistry' named 'DscEnvironment' in '$Path' but no ValueData in the expected range (10 lines after defining '[xRegistry]DscEnvironment'."

        $valueData.Context.PostContext[0].Trim().Replace('"', '')
#EndRegion '.\Public\Get-DscMofEnvironment.ps1' 37
#Region '.\Public\Get-DscMofVersion.ps1' -1

function Get-DscMofVersion
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]

        if (-not (Test-Path -Path $Path))
            Write-Error -Message  "The MOF file '$Path' cannot be found."

        $content = Get-Content -Path $Path

        $xRegistryDscVersion = $content | Select-String -Pattern '\[xRegistry\]DscVersion' -Context 0, 10

        if (-not $xRegistryDscVersion)
            Write-Error -Message "No version information found in MOF file '$Path'. The version information must be added using the 'xRegistry' named 'DscVersion'."

        $valueData = $xRegistryDscVersion.Context.PostContext | Select-String -Pattern 'ValueData' -Context 0, 1
        if (-not $valueData)
            Write-Error -Message "Found the resource 'xRegistry' named 'DscVersion' in '$Path' but no ValueData in the expected range (10 lines after defining '[xRegistry]DscVersion'."

            $value = $valueData.Context.PostContext[0].Trim().Replace('"', '')
            Write-Error -Message  "ValueData could not be converted into 'System.Version'. The value taken from the MOF file was '$value'"
#EndRegion '.\Public\Get-DscMofVersion.ps1' 49
#Region '.\Public\Get-FilteredConfigurationData.ps1' -1

function Get-FilteredConfigurationData
        $Filter = {},

        $CurrentJobNumber = 1,

        $TotalJobCount = 1,

        $Datum = $(Get-Variable -Name Datum -ValueOnly -ErrorAction Stop)

    if ($null -eq $Filter)
        $Filter = {}

        $allDatumNodes = [System.Collections.Hashtable[]]@(Get-DatumNodesRecursive -AllDatumNodes $Datum.AllNodes -ErrorAction Stop)
        Write-Error -Message "Could not get datum nodes. Pretty likely there is a syntax error in one of the node's yaml definitions." -Exception $_.Exception
    $totalNodeCount = $allDatumNodes.Count

    Write-Verbose -Message "Node count: $($allDatumNodes.Count)"

    if ($Filter.ToString() -ne {}.ToString())
        Write-Verbose -Message "Filter: $($Filter.ToString())"
        $allDatumNodes = [System.Collections.Hashtable[]]$allDatumNodes.Where($Filter)
        Write-Verbose -Message "Node count after applying filter: $($allDatumNodes.Count)"

    if (-not $allDatumNodes.Count)
        Write-Error -Message "No node data found. There are in total $totalNodeCount nodes defined, but no node was selected. You may want to verify the filter: '$Filter'."

    if ($TotalJobCount -gt 1)
            $allDatumNodes = Split-Array -List $allDatumNodes -ChunkCount $TotalJobCount -ErrorAction Stop
            Write-Error -Exception $_.Exception -Message "Error calling 'Split-Array': $($_.Exception.Message). Please make sure the 'TotalJobCount' is not greater than the number of nodes." -ErrorAction Stop
        $allDatumNodes = @($allDatumNodes[$CurrentJobNumber].ToArray())

    return @{
        AllNodes = $allDatumNodes
        Datum    = $Datum
#EndRegion '.\Public\Get-FilteredConfigurationData.ps1' 72
#Region '.\Public\Split-Array.ps1' -1

function Split-Array
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'MaxChunkSize')]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'ChunkCount')]
        [ValidateRange(2, [long]::MaxValue)]


    if (-not $AllowEmptyChunks -and ($list.Count -lt $ChunkCount))
        Write-Error "List count ($($List.Count)) is smaller than ChunkCount ($ChunkCount)."

    if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'MaxChunkSize')
        $ChunkCount = [Math]::Ceiling($List.Count / $MaxChunkSize)
    $containers = foreach ($i in 1..$ChunkCount)
        New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[object]

    $iContainer = 0
    foreach ($item in $List)
        if ($iContainer -ge $ChunkCount)
            $iContainer = 0

#EndRegion '.\Public\Split-Array.ps1' 51
#Region '.\suffix.ps1' -1

# Inspired from
Get-ChildItem -Path (Join-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -ChildPath 'Tasks\*') -Include '*.build.*' |
    ForEach-Object -Process {
        $ModuleName = ([System.IO.FileInfo] $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name).BaseName
        $taskFileAliasName = "$($_.BaseName).$ModuleName.ib.tasks"

        Set-Alias -Name $taskFileAliasName -Value $_.FullName

        Export-ModuleMember -Alias $taskFileAliasName
#EndRegion '.\suffix.ps1' 11