
Import-Module -Name DscBuildHelpers

if (-not $ModuleVersion)
    $ModuleVersion = '0.0.0'

$environment = $node.Environment
if (-not $environment)
    $environment = 'NA'

#Compiling MOF from RSOP cache
$rsopCache = Get-DatumRsopCache

This information is taken from build.yaml
  - Name: CommonTasks
    Version: 0.3.259
  - PSDesiredStateConfiguration

if (-not $BuildInfo.'Sampler.DscPipeline')
    Write-Error -Message "There are no modules to import defined in the 'build.yml'. Expected the element 'Sampler.DscPipeline'"
if (-not $BuildInfo.'Sampler.DscPipeline'.DscCompositeResourceModules)
    Write-Error -Message "There are no modules to import defined in the 'build.yml'. Expected the element 'Sampler.DscPipeline'.DscCompositeResourceModules"
if ($BuildInfo.'Sampler.DscPipeline'.DscCompositeResourceModules.Count -lt 1)
    Write-Error -Message "There are no modules to import defined in the 'build.yml'. Expected at least one module defined under 'Sampler.DscPipeline'.DscCompositeResourceModules"

Write-Host -Object "RootConfiguration will import these composite resource modules as defined in 'build.yaml':"
foreach ($module in $BuildInfo.'Sampler.DscPipeline'.DscCompositeResourceModules)
    if ($module -is [hashtable])
        Write-Host -Object "`t- $($module.Name) ($($module.Version))"
        Write-Host -Object "`t- $module"

Write-Host -Object ''
Write-Host -Object 'Preloading available resources'

# An emptu path in the PSModulePath causes an error when loading DSC resources. Only then the PSModulePath is modified to remove the empty path.
# If you want to remove 'Program Files' or 'Documents' from the PSModulePath, please add the Sampler task 'Set_PsModulePath' to the task sequence.
if ($env:PSModulePath -like '*;;*')
    $previousPSModulePath = $env:PSModulePath
    $env:PSModulePath = $env:PSModulePath -replace "$([System.IO.Path]::PathSeparator)$([System.IO.Path]::PathSeparator)", [System.IO.Path]::PathSeparator

    $availableResources = Get-DscResource
    if ($_.Exception -is [System.Management.Automation.ParameterBindingException] -and $_.Exception.ParameterName -eq 'Path')
        Write-Error -Message "There was error while loading DSC resources because the 'PSModulePath' contained a path that does not exist. The error was: $($_.Exception.Message)" -Exception $_.Exception
        Write-Error -Message "There was error while loading DSC resources. The error was: $($_.Exception.Message)" -Exception $_.Exception

if ($previousPSModulePath)
    $env:PSModulePath = $previousPSModulePath

Write-Host -Object ''

$configData = @{}
$configData.Datum = $ConfigurationData.Datum

if (-not $rsopCache)
    Write-Error -Message "No RSOP cache found. The task 'CompileDatumRsop' must be run before this task."

foreach ($node in $rsopCache.GetEnumerator())
    $importStatements = foreach ($configurationItem in $node.Value.Configurations)
        $resource = $availableResources.Where({ $_.Name -eq $configurationItem })
        if ($null -eq $resource)
            Write-Debug -Message "No DSC resource found for configuration '$configurationItem'"

        "Import-DscResource -ModuleName $($resource.ModuleName) -ModuleVersion $($resource.Version) -Name $($resource.Name)`n"

    $rootConfiguration = Get-Content -Path $PSScriptRoot\RootConfiguration.ps1 -Raw
    $rootConfiguration = $rootConfiguration -replace '#<importStatements>', ($importStatements | Select-Object -Unique)

    Invoke-Expression -Command $rootConfiguration

    $configData.AllNodes = @([hashtable]$node.Value)
        $path = Join-Path -Path MOF -ChildPath $node.Value.Environment
        RootConfiguration -ConfigurationData $configData -OutputPath (Join-Path -Path $BuildOutput -ChildPath $path)
        Write-Host -Object "Error occured during compilation of node '$($node.NodeName)' : $($_.Exception.Message)" -ForegroundColor Red
        $relevantErrors = $Error | Where-Object Exception -IsNot [System.Management.Automation.ItemNotFoundException]
        foreach ($relevantError in ($relevantErrors | Select-Object -First 3))
            Write-Error -ErrorRecord $relevantError