
function Get-IdentityNowSourceAccounts {
    Get IdentityNow Accounts on a Source.
    Gets IdentityNow Accounts on a Source
    (required) The ID of an IdentityNow Source. eg. 45678
.PARAMETER attributes
    (optional -Switch) defaults to False. If specified each account on the Source is queried to obtain their attributes
    NOTE: For large sources this will take time.
    Get-IdentityNowSourceAccounts -sourceID 12345

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]

    # v2 Auth
    $clientSecretv2 = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.marshal]::PtrToStringAuto([System.Runtime.InteropServices.marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($IdentityNowConfiguration.v2.Password))
    $Bytes = [System.Text.Encoding]::utf8.GetBytes("$($IdentityNowConfiguration.v2.UserName):$($clientSecretv2)") 
    $encodedAuth = [Convert]::ToBase64String($Bytes)     
    $Headersv2 = @{Authorization = "Basic $($encodedAuth)" }
    try {
        if ($sourceID) {                
            $searchLimit = "2500"
            $sourceObjects = @()                 
            $results = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri "https://$($IdentityNowConfiguration.orgName)$($sourceID)&limit=$($searchLimit)&org=$($IdentityNowConfiguration.orgName)" -Headers $Headersv2                            
            if ($results) {
                $sourceObjects += $results
            $offset = 0
            do { 
                if ($results.Count -eq $searchLimit) {
                    # Get Next Page
                    [int]$offset = $offset + $searchLimit 
                    $results = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri "https://$($IdentityNowConfiguration.orgName)$($sourceID)&limit=$($searchLimit)&offset=$($offset)&org=$($IdentityNowConfiguration.orgName)" -Headers $Headersv2      
                    if ($results) {
                        $sourceObjects += $results
            } until ($results.Count -lt $searchLimit)
            if ($attributes) {
                $temp = $sourceObjects
                $sourceObjects = @()
                $i = 0
                foreach ($object in $temp) {
                    Write-Progress -Activity "fetching account attributes $($i) of $($temp.count)" -PercentComplete ($i / $temp.count * 100)
                    $result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri "https://$($IdentityNowConfiguration.orgName)$($" -Headers $Headersv2
                    $sourceObjects += $result
            return $sourceObjects
    catch {
        Write-Error "Source doesn't exist? Check SourceID and OrgName. $($_)" 