
#Region './Public/Get-SQLBitsSchedule.ps1' 0

function Get-SQLBitsSchedule {
        Gets the SQLBits Schedule from the Sessionize API

        Gets the SQLBits Schedule from the Sessionize API and outputs to json, excel, psobject, html or csv

    .PARAMETER output
        The type of output required. Valid values are json, excel, psobject, html or csv

    .PARAMETER search
        A wild card search beat used to find a speaker

    .PARAMETER fileDirectory
        The directory to save the output file to - defaults to Env:Temp

        Whether to open the output file after it has been created

        Get-SQLBitsSchedule -output Excel -Show

        Gets the SQLBits Schedule from the Sessionize API and outputs to excel, opens the file and saves it to the default temp directory

        Get-SQLBitsSchedule -output Raw

        Gets the SQLBits Schedule from the Sessionize API and outputs as json on the screen

        Get-SQLBitsSchedule -output csv -Show

        Gets the SQLBits Schedule from the Sessionize API and outputs to csv, opens the file and saves it to the default temp directory

        Get-SQLBitsSchedule -output object

        Gets the SQLBits Schedule from the Sessionize API and outputs as a psobject on the screen

        Get-SQLBitsSchedule -output html -Show

        Gets the SQLBits Schedule from the Sessionize API and outputs to html, opens the file and saves it to the default temp directory

        Get-SQLBitsSchedule -search Buck -output object | ft

            Day StartTime EndTime Room speakers Session
            --- --------- ------- ---- -------- -------
        Thursday 14:10 15:00 MR 1B Buck Woody Arc, Arc and Arc: De-mystifying Azure Arc for Data…
        Friday 12:00 12:50 Expo Room 2 Buck Woody The Microsoft Intelligent Data Platform…

        Gets the SQLBits Schedule from the Sessionize API searches fro Buck and outputs an object

        Author: Rob Sewell
        December 2022

    param (
        [ValidateSet('raw', 'excel', 'object', 'csv', 'html')]
        $output = 'excel',
        $fileDirectory = $env:TEMP,

    $BaseUri = 'https://sessionize.com/api/v2/u1qovn3p/view'
    $Date = Get-Date -Format 'yyyy-MM-dd-HH-mm-ss'

    #TODO Add other options
    $filter = 'Schedule'
    switch ($filter) {
        'All' {
            $uri = '{0}/All' -f $BaseUri
        'Schedule' {
            $uri = '{0}/All' -f $BaseUri
        'Sessions' {
            $uri = '{0}/sessions' -f $BaseUri
        'speakers' {
            $uri = '{0}/speakers' -f $BaseUri
        Default {
            $uri = '{0}/All' -f $BaseUri

    $Data = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri

    if (-not $Data) {
        Write-Warning 'No data returned from Sessionize API'
    $rooms = ($data.rooms | Sort-Object name)
    if (-not $rooms) {
        Write-Warning 'No rooms returned from Sessionize API'
    $speakers = $data.speakers
    if (-not $speakers) {
        Write-Warning 'No speakers returned from Sessionize API'
    # Thank you Shane - https://nocolumnname.blog/2020/10/29/pivot-in-powershell/
    $props = @(
        @{ Name = 'Day' ; Expression = { $Psitem.Group[0].startsAt.DayOfWeek } }
        @{ Name = 'Date' ; Expression = { $Psitem.Group[0].startsAt.tolongdatestring() } }
        @{ Name = 'StartTime' ; Expression = { $Psitem.Group[0].startsAt.ToShortTimeString() } }
        @{ Name = 'EndTime' ; Expression = { $Psitem.Group[0].EndsAt.ToShortTimeString() } }
        foreach ($room in $rooms) {
            $rn = $room.Name
                Name       = $rn
                Expression = {
  -f @(
                        ($Psitem.Group | Where-Object { $PSItem.roomID -eq $room.id }).title,
                        (($Psitem.Group | Where-Object { $PSItem.roomID -eq $room.id }).speakers.ForEach{ $speakers | Where-Object id -EQ $_ }.FullName -join ' ')

    if ($IsCoreCLR) {
        $rawsessions = $Data.sessions 
    } else {
        $rawsessions = $Data.sessions | select -Property id, title, @{Name = 'startsAt'; expression = { [datetime]$_.startsAt } } , @{Name = 'endsAt'; expression = { [datetime]$_.endsAt } }, roomID, speakers

    $sessions = $rawsessions | Group-Object -Property StartsAt | Select-Object $props

    # if we have a search filter, filter the sessions
    if ($search) {
        $Results = @{Name = 'Results'; Expression = {
                $_.psobject.properties.Value -like "*$search*" 
        $RoomSearch = @{Name = 'Room'; Expression = {
            ($_.psobject.properties | Where-Object { $_.Value -like "*$search*" } ).Name
        $speakerSearch = @{Name = 'speakers'; Expression = { ($_.Results -Split "`n")[1] } }
        $Session = @{Name = 'Session'; Expression = { ($_.Results -Split "`n")[0] } }
        $sessions = $sessions | Select-Object -Property *, $RoomSearch, $Results | Where-Object { $null -ne $_.Results } | Select-Object -Property Day, StartTime, EndTime, Room, $speakerSearch, $Session

    switch ($output) {
        'Raw' {
        'object' {
        'Excel' {
            if (Get-Module -Name ImportExcel -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -ListAvailable) {
                if ($filter -eq 'Schedule') {

                    $FilePath = '{0}\SQLBitsSchedule{1}_{2}.xlsx' -f $fileDirectory, $filter, $Date

                    $sessions | Group-Object Day | ForEach-Object {

                        $worksheetName = $_.Name
                        $excel = $_.Group | Export-Excel -Path $FilePath -WorksheetName $worksheetName -AutoSize  -FreezePane 2, 5 -PassThru
                        1..15 | ForEach-Object {
                            Set-ExcelRow -ExcelPackage $excel -WorksheetName $worksheetName -Row $_ -Height 30 -WrapText

                        $rulesparam = @{
                            Address   = $excel.Workbook.Worksheets[$WorkSheetName].Dimension.Address
                            WorkSheet = $excel.Workbook.Worksheets[$WorkSheetName]

                        Add-ConditionalFormatting @rulesparam -RuleType 'Expression'  -ConditionValue 'NOT(ISERROR(FIND("Coffee Break",$E1)))' -BackgroundColor GoldenRod -ForegroundColor White -StopIfTrue
                        Add-ConditionalFormatting @rulesparam -RuleType 'Expression'  -ConditionValue 'NOT(ISERROR(FIND("Quick Break",$E1)))' -BackgroundColor GoldenRod -ForegroundColor White -StopIfTrue
                        Add-ConditionalFormatting @rulesparam -RuleType 'Expression'  -ConditionValue 'NOT(ISERROR(FIND("Keynote",$E1)))' -BackgroundColor BlueViolet -ForegroundColor White -StopIfTrue
                        Add-ConditionalFormatting @rulesparam -RuleType 'Expression'  -ConditionValue 'NOT(ISERROR(FIND("Lunch",$E1)))' -BackgroundColor Chocolate  -ForegroundColor White -StopIfTrue
                        Add-ConditionalFormatting @rulesparam -RuleType 'Expression'  -ConditionValue 'NOT(ISERROR(FIND("Prize",$E1)))' -BackgroundColor PowderBlue  -ForegroundColor White -StopIfTrue
                        Add-ConditionalFormatting @rulesparam -RuleType 'Expression'  -ConditionValue 'NOT(ISERROR(FIND("Free Time",$E1)))' -BackgroundColor GoldenRod  -ForegroundColor White -StopIfTrue
                        Add-ConditionalFormatting @rulesparam -RuleType 'Expression'  -ConditionValue 'NOT(ISERROR(FIND("Registration",$E1)))' -BackgroundColor DarkOrange  -ForegroundColor White -StopIfTrue
                        Close-ExcelPackage $excel
                    if ($Show) {
                        Invoke-Item $filepath
                    } else {
                        Write-output "Excel file saved to $FilePath"
            } else {
                Write-Warning 'You need to install ImportExcel to use this option but here is a CSV instead'
                $FilePath = '{0}\SQLBits_{1}_{2}.csv' -f $fileDirectory, $filter, $Date
                $sessions | Sort-Object Day, StartsAt | Export-Csv -Path $FilePath -NoTypeInformation
                if ($Show) {
                    Invoke-Item $filepath
                } else {
                    Write-output "Csv file saved to $FilePath"

        'CSv' {
            $FilePath = '{0}\SQLBits_{1}_{2}.csv' -f $fileDirectory, $filter, $Date
            $sessions | Sort-Object Day, StartsAt | Export-Csv -Path $FilePath -NoTypeInformation
            if ($Show) {
                Invoke-Item $filepath
            } else {
                Write-output "Csv file saved to $FilePath"
        'html' {
            $FilePath = '{0}\SQLBits_{1}_{2}.html' -f $fileDirectory, $filter, $Date
            $sessions | ConvertTo-Html | Out-File $FilePath
            if ($Show) {
                Invoke-Item $filepath
            } else {
                Write-output "Html file saved to $FilePath"
        Default {

#EndRegion './Public/Get-SQLBitsSchedule.ps1' 234
#Region './Public/Get-SQLBitsTrainingDay.ps1' 0

function Get-SQLBitsTrainingDay {
Gets the SQLBits Training Day Schedule from the Sessionize API

Gets the SQLBits Training Day Schedule from the Sessionize API and outputs to json, excel, psobject, html or csv

The type of output required. Valid values are json, excel, psobject, html or csv

.PARAMETER fileDirectory
The directory to save the output file to - defaults to Env:Temp

Whether to open the output file after it has been created

Get-SQLBitsTrainingDay -Output Excel -Show

Gets the SQLBits Training Day Schedule from the Sessionize API and outputs to excel, opens the file and saves it to the default temp directory

Get-SQLBitsTrainingDay -Output Raw

Gets the SQLBits Training Day Schedule from the Sessionize API and outputs as json on the screen

Get-SQLBitsTrainingDay -Output csv -Show

Gets the SQLBits Training Day Schedule from the Sessionize API and outputs to csv, opens the file and saves it to the default temp directory

Get-SQLBitsTrainingDay -Output object

Gets the SQLBits Training Day Schedule from the Sessionize API and outputs as a psobject on the screen

Get-SQLBitsTrainingDay -Output html -Show

Gets the SQLBits Training Day Schedule from the Sessionize API and outputs to html, opens the file and saves it to the default temp directory

Author: Rob Sewell
December 2022

    param (
        [ValidateSet('raw', 'excel', 'object', 'csv', 'html')]
        $Output = 'excel',
        $fileDirectory = $env:TEMP,

    $BaseUri = 'https://sessionize.com/api/v2/sydgl43f/view'
    $Date = Get-Date -Format 'yyyy-MM-dd-HH-mm-ss'

    #TODO Add other options
    $filter = 'Schedule'
    switch ($filter) {
       # 'All' {
       # $uri = '{0}/All' -f $BaseUri
       # }
        'Schedule' {
            $uri = '{0}/All' -f $BaseUri
        'Sessions' {
            $uri = '{0}/sessions' -f $BaseUri
        'Speakers' {
            $uri = '{0}/speakers' -f $BaseUri
        Default {
            $uri = '{0}/All' -f $BaseUri

    $Data = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri
    if(-not $Data){
        Write-Warning 'No data returned from Sessionize API'
    $rooms = ($data.rooms | Sort-Object name)
    if(-not $rooms){
        Write-Warning 'No rooms returned from Sessionize API'
    $Speakers = $data.speakers
    if(-not $Speakers){
        Write-Warning 'No Speakers returned from Sessionize API'
    # Thank you Shane - https://nocolumnname.blog/2020/10/29/pivot-in-powershell/
    $props = @(
        @{ Name = 'Day' ; Expression = { $Psitem.Group[0].startsAt.DayOfWeek } }
        @{ Name = 'Date' ; Expression = { $Psitem.Group[0].startsAt.tolongdatestring() } }
        @{ Name = 'StartTime' ; Expression = { $Psitem.Group[0].startsAt.ToShortTimeString() } }
        @{ Name = 'EndTime' ; Expression = { $Psitem.Group[0].EndsAt.ToShortTimeString() } }
        foreach ($room in $rooms) {
            $rn = $room.Name
                Name       = $rn
                Expression = {
  -f @(
                        ($Psitem.Group | Where-Object { $PSItem.roomID -eq $room.id }).title,
                        (($Psitem.Group | Where-Object { $PSItem.roomID -eq $room.id }).Speakers.ForEach{ $Speakers | Where-Object id -EQ $_ }.FullName -join ' ')


        $rawsessions = $Data.sessions 
    } else {
        $rawsessions = $Data.sessions | Select -Property id, title,@{Name = 'startsAt';expression = {[datetime]$_.startsAt}} , @{Name = 'endsAt';expression = {[datetime]$_.endsAt}}, roomID, speakers

    $sessions = $rawsessions | Group-Object -Property StartsAt | Select-Object $props

    switch ($output) {
        'Raw' {
        'object' {
        'Excel' {
            if (Get-Module -Name ImportExcel -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -ListAvailable) {
                if ($filter -eq 'Schedule') {

                    $FilePath = '{0}\SQLBitsSchedule{1}_{2}.xlsx' -f $fileDirectory, $filter, $Date

                    $sessions | Group-Object Day | ForEach-Object {

                        $worksheetName = $_.Name
                        $excel = $_.Group | Export-Excel -Path $FilePath -WorksheetName $worksheetName -AutoSize  -FreezePane 2, 5 -PassThru
                        1..15 | ForEach-Object {
                            Set-ExcelRow -ExcelPackage $excel -WorksheetName $worksheetName -Row $_ -Height 30 -WrapText

                        $rulesparam = @{
                            Address   = $excel.Workbook.Worksheets[$WorkSheetName].Dimension.Address
                            WorkSheet = $excel.Workbook.Worksheets[$WorkSheetName]

                        Add-ConditionalFormatting @rulesparam -RuleType 'Expression'  -ConditionValue 'NOT(ISERROR(FIND("Coffee Break",$E1)))' -BackgroundColor GoldenRod -ForegroundColor White -StopIfTrue
                        Add-ConditionalFormatting @rulesparam -RuleType 'Expression'  -ConditionValue 'NOT(ISERROR(FIND("Quick Break",$E1)))' -BackgroundColor GoldenRod -ForegroundColor White -StopIfTrue
                        Add-ConditionalFormatting @rulesparam -RuleType 'Expression'  -ConditionValue 'NOT(ISERROR(FIND("Keynote",$E1)))' -BackgroundColor BlueViolet -ForegroundColor White -StopIfTrue
                        Add-ConditionalFormatting @rulesparam -RuleType 'Expression'  -ConditionValue 'NOT(ISERROR(FIND("Lunch",$E1)))' -BackgroundColor Chocolate  -ForegroundColor White -StopIfTrue
                        Add-ConditionalFormatting @rulesparam -RuleType 'Expression'  -ConditionValue 'NOT(ISERROR(FIND("Prize",$E1)))' -BackgroundColor PowderBlue  -ForegroundColor White -StopIfTrue
                        Add-ConditionalFormatting @rulesparam -RuleType 'Expression'  -ConditionValue 'NOT(ISERROR(FIND("Free Time",$E1)))' -BackgroundColor GoldenRod  -ForegroundColor White -StopIfTrue
                        Add-ConditionalFormatting @rulesparam -RuleType 'Expression'  -ConditionValue 'NOT(ISERROR(FIND("Registration",$E1)))' -BackgroundColor DarkOrange  -ForegroundColor White -StopIfTrue
                        Close-ExcelPackage $excel
                    if ($Show) {
                        Invoke-Item $filepath
                    }else {
                        Write-Output "Excel file saved to $FilePath"
            } else {
                Write-Warning 'You need to install ImportExcel to use this option but here is a CSV instead'
                $FilePath = '{0}\SQLBits_{1}_{2}.csv' -f $fileDirectory, $filter, $Date
                $sessions | Sort-Object Day, StartsAt | Export-Csv -Path $FilePath -NoTypeInformation
                if ($Show) {
                    Invoke-Item $filepath
                }else {
                    Write-Output "Csv file saved to $FilePath"

        'CSv' {
            $FilePath = '{0}\SQLBits_{1}_{2}.csv' -f $fileDirectory, $filter, $Date
            $sessions | Sort-Object Day, StartsAt | Export-Csv -Path $FilePath -NoTypeInformation
            if ($Show) {
                Invoke-Item $filepath
            }else {
                Write-Output "Csv file saved to $FilePath"
        'html' {
            $FilePath = '{0}\SQLBits_{1}_{2}.html' -f $fileDirectory, $filter, $Date
            $sessions | ConvertTo-Html | out-file $FilePath
                if ($Show) {
                    Invoke-Item $filepath
                }else {
                    Write-Output "Html file saved to $FilePath"
        Default {

#EndRegion './Public/Get-SQLBitsTrainingDay.ps1' 203