
# May want to reconsider how New-SPSAeriesDistrictAssetAssociation and Update-SPSAeriesDistrictAssetAssociation operate.
# One option would be to get rid of New- and run everything out of update and have -checkin and -checkout parameters
# Another option would be to make aliases the run those functions ex. CheckIn-AeriesDistrictAsset & CheckOut-AeriesDistrictAsset
Function Update-SPSAeriesDistrictAssetAssociation {
    Updates District Asset Association in Aeries
    The Update-SPSAeriesDistrictAssetAssociation function uses SQL to update a new District Asset Association in the Aeries DB.

    [CmdletBinding()] #Enable all the default paramters, including -Verbose
            # HelpMessage='HelpMessage',

            # HelpMessage='HelpMessage',



        Write-Verbose -Message "Starting $($MyInvocation.InvocationName) with $($PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName) parameterset..."
        Write-Verbose -Message "Parameters are $($PSBoundParameters | Select-Object -Property *)"
        $CurrentAsset = (Get-SPSAeriesDistrictAssetAssociation -AssetTitleNumber $AssetTitleNumber -AssetItemNumber $AssetItemNumber) | Select-Object -Last 1
        if (!$CurrentAsset) {
            Write-Error "No association to update. Try using New-SPSAeriesDistrictAssetAssociation."
        $query = "UPDATE $SQLDB.dbo.DRA SET "
        $DateTime = Get-Date -Format 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff'
        if ($Comment) {$query += "CO = '$Comment', "}
        # Should probably build in a check to see if it's already checked in first.
        if ($CheckIn) {$query += "RD = '$DateTime', "
            Update-SPSAeriesDistrictAssetItem -AssetTitleNumber $AssetTitleNumber -AssetItemNumber $AssetItemNumber -NewStatus None
        # Delete's the last ', ' on the query
        $query = $query -replace ".{2}$"

        $query += " WHERE RID = $AssetTitleNumber AND RIN = $AssetItemNumber AND SQ = $($CurrentAsset.SQ)"

        Write-Verbose $query
        Invoke-Sqlcmd @InvokeSQLSplat -Query $query
        Write-Verbose -Message "Ending $($MyInvocation.InvocationName)..."