
function Export-SPLibrary {
        Copy the contents of a SharePoint document library to disk
        This function copies all files from within the chosen SharePoint libraries to a folder. Use of the -Recurse switch will also include all subfolders and their contents
        .PARAMETER Url
        URL of the SharePoint site
        .PARAMETER Path
        Output location for exporting files and folders
        .PARAMETER Library
        This is the name of the SharePoint libraries to be exported. This should be their name and NOT their title
        .PARAMETER Recurse
        Switch to iterate through all subfolders of the provided library/Libraries
        Export-SPLibrary -Url https://SharePointURL/Sites/SiteName -Path "C:\SharePointDocuments\Output" -Library "Library1","Library2"
        Export-SPLibrary -Url https://SharePointURL/Sites/SiteName -Path "C:\SharePointDocuments\Output" -Library "Library1","Library2" -Recurse -Verbose
            Author: Craig Porteous
            Created: July 2018
            Based on script written by Anatoly Mironov

    [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true, ConfirmImpact = 'Medium')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateScript( {Test-Path -Path $_})]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    #TODO Work around the need for SharePoint files

    Write-Verbose "Connecting to SP Site to retrieve Web"
    $site = new-object microsoft.sharepoint.spsite($Url)
    $web = $site.OpenWeb()

    for ($i = 0; $i -lt $Library.Length; $i++) {
        if (!$web.GetFolder($Library[$i])) {            
            #TODO Test against libraries in site
            Write-Error "The '$Library[$i]' library cannot be found"
        else {
            Write-Verbose "Retrieving library:$($Library[$i]) from SharePoint"
            $folder = $web.GetFolder($Library[$i])

            # Create local path
            $rootDirectory = $Path
            $directory = Join-Path $Path $folder.Name

            if (Test-Path $directory) {
                #TODO Put in an Overwrite option here
                Write-Error "The folder $Library in the current directory already exists, please remove it"
            else {
                $fileArray = @()

                #TODO Add file count - # $fileCount = Get-SPFileCount $folder
                if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($folder, "Copying documents to disk")) {
                    try {
                        if ($Recurse) {
                            Write-Verbose "Saving files from $($folder.Name) and subfolders to $directory"
                            $fileArray = Save-SPLibrary $folder $rootDirectory -Recurse 
                            $fileArray | Export-Csv -Path "$($rootDirectory)\$($folder.Name).csv" -NoTypeInformation
                        else {                    
                            Write-Verbose "Saving files from $($folder.Name) to $directory"
                            $fileArray = Save-SPLibrary $folder $rootDirectory
                            $fileArray | Export-Csv -Path "$($rootDirectory)\$($folder.Name).csv" -NoTypeInformation
                        throw (New-Object System.Exception("Exception occurred while exporting contents of $($folder.Name) to $directory! $($_.Exception.Message)", $_.Exception))