
function New-SPCase {
        Create a new eDiscovery case and add searches for the locations identified.
        Create a new eDiscovery case and add searches for the locations identified.
        Users the user-associated site permissions returned by Invoke-SPPermissionScan or
        ConvertTo-UserSitePermission commands to dynamically generate searches.
        Technically this supports advanced eDiscovery, but the search will not be accessible through the UI.
    .PARAMETER PermissionData
        Data generated by Invoke-SPPermissionScan or ConvertTo-UserSitePermission.
        Technically accepts any objects that contain two properties:
        - UserPrincipalName
        - Site
        With "Site" containing the sharepoint site Url.
        Name of the case to create or use.
        Adds searches to an existing case if present.
    .PARAMETER Search
        Name of the search to generate.
        Searches have their case-name prepended to ensure uniqueness.
        Whether to use basic or advanced eDiscovery.
        Defaults to basic, which is for now the recommended way to create searches.
    .PARAMETER CaseMode
        Create one case in total or one per user?
        Note: When selecting per user, the same site may be searched multiple times.
        Defaults to: Bulk
    .PARAMETER SearchMode
        Create one search in total or one per user? (or none at all?)
        Note: When selecting per user, the same site may be searched multiple times.
        Defaults to: Bulk
    .PARAMETER HoldMode
        Create holds for the identified sites. One in total, one per user?
        Note: When selecting per user, the same site may be put on hold multiple times.
        Multiple holds do not conflict, but ALL of them must be lifted for the site to be released.
        Defaults to: None
    .PARAMETER SitesPerSearch
        How many sites to add to a single search.
        If set to higher than 0, each search will have its index number appended to the name.
    .PARAMETER SitesPerHold
        How many sites to add to a single hold.
        Defaults to 100, cannot be larger than 100.
        PS C:\> New-SPCase -PermissionData $permissions -Case contoso_test -Search Test
        Creates a new case named 'contoso_test' for the permissions scanned in $permissions.
        PS C:\> New-SPCase -PermissionData (Import-Csv .\export-result.csv) -Case contoso_test -Search Test -SearchMode PerUser -SitesPerSearch 40
        Creates a new case named 'contoso_test'
        It uses the results of the permission scan stored in "export-result.csv" to generate searches.
        For each user, a separate set of searches will be created (which may include some site duplication).
        For each user, the total set of applicable sites will be split into sets of no more than 40 sites per search.
        PS C:\> New-SPCase -PermissionData (Import-Csv .\export-result.csv) -Case contoso_test -Search Test -SearchMode None -HoldMode Bulk
        Creates a new case named 'contoso_test'
        It uses the results of the permission scan stored in "export-result.csv" to generate a hold over all sites found.

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions', '')]
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        $Search = 'Sharepoint',

        [ValidateSet('Advanced', 'Basic')]
        $Type = 'Basic',

        [ValidateSet('Bulk', 'PerUser')]
        $CaseMode = 'Bulk',

        [ValidateSet('Bulk', 'PerUser', 'None')]
        $SearchMode = 'Bulk',

        [ValidateSet('Bulk', 'PerUser', 'None')]
        $HoldMode = 'None',

        $SitesPerSearch = -1,

        $SitesPerHold = 100

    begin {
        #region Utility Functions
        function New-Case {
            [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions', '')]
            param (
                [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

                [ValidateSet('Bulk', 'PerUser', 'None')]

                [ValidateSet('Bulk', 'PerUser', 'None')]




                [ValidateSet('Advanced', 'Basic')]


            begin {
                $typeHash = @{
                    Advanced = 'AdvancedEdiscovery'
                    Basic = 'eDiscovery'
            process {
                $caseObject = Get-ComplianceCase -Identity $Name -ErrorAction Ignore
                if (-not $caseObject) {
                    $caseObject = New-ComplianceCase -Name $Name -CaseType $typeHash[$Type]

                switch ($SearchMode) {
                    Bulk {
                        New-Search -Name $Search -PermissionData $PermissionData -SitesPerSearch $SitesPerSearch -CaseObject $caseObject
                    PerUser {
                        foreach ($group in $PermissionData | Group-Object UserPrincipalName) {
                            New-Search -Name "$($Search)_$($group.Name -replace '@','_')" -PermissionData $group.Group -SitesPerSearch $SitesPerSearch -CaseObject $caseObject

                switch ($HoldMode) {
                    Bulk {
                        New-Hold -Name $Search -PermissionData $PermissionData -CaseObject $caseObject -SitesPerHold $SitesPerHold
                    PerUser {
                        foreach ($group in $PermissionData | Group-Object UserPrincipalName) {
                            New-Hold -Name "$($Search)_$($group.Name -replace '@','_')" -PermissionData $group.Group -CaseObject $caseObject -SitesPerHold $SitesPerHold
        function New-Hold {
            [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions', '')]
            param (




            $sites = @($PermissionData.Site | Sort-Object -Unique)
            $index = 0
            $count = 0
            do {
                $policy = $null
                $holdName = '{0}_{1}' -f $Name, $count
                Write-PSFMessage -Message 'Creating hold: {0}' -StringValues $holdName

                $length = $SitesPerHold
                if (($sites.Count - $index) -lt $length) { $length = $sites.Count - $index }
                $endIndex = $index + $length - 1
                $currentSites = $sites[$index..$endIndex]
                Creating a Hold Policy will fail if the sites no longer exist or are in readonly mode.
                Even if only one site in the list is affected, it will fail.
                So we parse the error for the bad site, remove it from the list and try again, until either:
                - No bad site is in the list
                - No sites remain
                - Another, unrelated error occurs

                while ($true) {
                    # Case: All sites were deleted/readonly
                    if (-not $currentSites) { break}
                    try {
                        $policy = New-CaseHoldPolicy -Name $holdName -Case $CaseObject.Identity -SharePointLocation $currentSites -ErrorAction Stop
                    catch {
                        $wasNotFound = $_ -match 'No exact match was found'
                        $wasReadOnly = $_ -match 'locked in ReadOnly mode'
                        if (-not ($wasNotFound -or $wasReadOnly)) { Stop-PSFFunction -Message 'Unexpected Error' -ErrorRecord $_ -EnableException $true -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet }
                        $siteLink = @(($_ | Select-String '(https://[^\s"]+)').Matches.Groups)[1].Value
                        if ($wasNotFound) { Write-PSFMessage -Level Warning -Message 'Site no longer exists: {0}' -StringValues $siteLink }
                        if ($wasReadOnly) { Write-PSFMessage -Level Warning -Message 'Site is read only: {0}' -StringValues $siteLink }
                        $currentSites = $currentSites | Where-Object { $_ -ne $siteLink }
                if ($policy) {
                    $null = New-CaseHoldRule -Name $holdName -Policy $policy.Guid
                $index = $index + $length
            while ($index -lt $sites.Count)
        function New-Search {
            [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions', '')]
            param (




            $sites = $PermissionData.Site | Sort-Object -Unique

            if ($SitesPerSearch -lt 1) {
                New-ComplianceSearch -Name "$($CaseObject.Name)_$($Name)" -Case $CaseObject.Name -SharePointLocation $sites

            $index = @{ Number = 0 }
            foreach ($set in $sites | Group-Object { $index.Number++; ('{0}' -f (($index.Number - 1) / $SitesPerSearch) -replace '\.\d+$' -as [int]) + 1 }) {
                New-ComplianceSearch -Name "$($CaseObject.Name)_$($Name)_$($set.Name)" -Case $CaseObject.Name -SharePointLocation $set.Group
        #endregion Utility Functions
    process {
        switch ($CaseMode) {
            Bulk {
                $param = $PSBoundParameters | ConvertTo-PSFHashtable -Include PermissionData, SearchMode, SitesPerSearch, SitesPerHold, Search, Type, HoldMode -Inherit
                New-Case @param -Name $Case
            PerUser {
                foreach ($group in $PermissionData | Group-Object UserPrincipalName) {
                    $param = $PSBoundParameters | ConvertTo-PSFHashtable -Include SearchMode, SitesPerSearch, SitesPerHold, Search, Type, HoldMode -Inherit
                    $param.PermissionData = $group.Group
                    New-Case @param -Name "$($Case)_$($group.Name -replace '@','_')"