function Get-SPSitePermission { <# .SYNOPSIS Resolve the effective permissions on the specified sites. .DESCRIPTION Resolve the effective permissions on the specified sites. .PARAMETER Url Url to the sharepoint site to scan. .PARAMETER Exclude What kinds of principals to ignore By default, System, Sharepoint Roles (SPRole) and Sharepoint Users (SPUser) are ignored. .PARAMETER LogLevel How detailed a log should be written. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-PnPTenanteSite | Get-SPSitePermission Retrieve all permissions for all sites in the tenant. #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] [string[]] $Url, [ValidateSet('None', 'System', 'SPRole', 'SPUser', 'AAD', 'AADRole', 'Unknown')] [string[]] $Exclude = @('System', 'SPRole', 'SPUser'), [LogLevel] $LogLevel = 'Medium' ) begin { if ($Exclude -contains 'None') { $Exclude = 'None' } } process { foreach ($link in $Url) { if ($LogLevel -gt 0) { Write-PSFMessage 'Retrieving permissions from site {0}' -StringValues $link } try { $session = Select-Site -Url $link } catch { Write-PSFMessage -Level Warning -Message 'Failed to connect to site: {0}' -StringValues $link -ErrorRecord $_ -Target $link } try { $web = Get-PnPWeb -Includes RoleAssignments -Connection $session -ErrorAction Stop } catch { if ($_ -like "*(404)*") { continue } Write-PSFMessage -Level Warning -Message 'Failed to access site: {0}' -StringValues $link -ErrorRecord $_ -Target $link continue } foreach ($roleAssignment in $web.RoleAssignments) { $members = $roleAssignment.Member Invoke-PSFProtectedCommand -Action "Retrieving properties for a member of roleassignment to site: $link" -Target $roleAssignment -ScriptBlock { $null = Get-PnPProperty -ClientObject $members -Property LoginName, ID, PrincipalType -Connection $session -ErrorAction Stop $null = Get-PnPProperty -ClientObject $roleAssignment -Property RoleDefinitionBindings -Connection $session -ErrorAction Stop } -PSCmdlet $PSCmdlet -EnableException $false -Continue -RetryCount 3 -RetryWait 1 foreach ($member in $members) { if ($LogLevel -gt 1) { Write-PSFMessage -Message "Processing $($member.LoginName) | $($member.TypedObject.ToString())" -Target $member } switch ($member.TypedObject.ToString()) { 'Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.User' { if ($Exclude -contains 'SPUser') { break } [PSCustomObject]@{ Site = $link SiteIdentity = $member.LoginName Permission = $roleAssignment.RoleDefinitionBindings.Name Title = $null LoginName = $null EMail = $null ID = $null Type = 'SPUser' } } 'Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.Group' { $count = 0 do { try { $spGroupMembers = Get-PnPGroupMember -Group $member.Id -Connection $session -ErrorAction Stop break } catch { $lastError = $_ $count++ } } while ($count -lt 5) if ($count -ge 5 -and -not $spGroupMembers) { Write-PSFMessage -Level Warning -Message "Failed to retrieve members of group $($group.Id)" -ErrorRecord $lastError } foreach ($spGroupMember in $spGroupMembers) { #region Process individual memberships #region System if ($spGroupMember.LoginName -like "SHAREPOINT\*") { if ($Exclude -contains 'System') { continue } [PSCustomObject]@{ Site = $link SiteIdentity = $member.LoginName Permission = $roleAssignment.RoleDefinitionBindings.Name Title = $spGroupMember.Title LoginName = $spGroupMember.LoginName EMail = $spGroupMember.Email ID = $null Type = 'System' } continue } #endregion System #region SPRole if ($spGroupMember.LoginName -like "*|rolemanager|*") { if ($Exclude -contains 'SPRole') { continue } [PSCustomObject]@{ Site = $link SiteIdentity = $member.LoginName Permission = $roleAssignment.RoleDefinitionBindings.Name Title = $spGroupMember.Title LoginName = $spGroupMember.LoginName EMail = $spGroupMember.Email ID = $spGroupMember.LoginName.Split('|')[-1] Type = 'SPRole' } continue } #endregion SPRole #region AAD if ($spGroupMember.LoginName -like "*|federateddirectoryclaimprovider|*") { if ($Exclude -contains 'AAD') { continue } [PSCustomObject]@{ Site = $link SiteIdentity = $member.LoginName Permission = $roleAssignment.RoleDefinitionBindings.Name Title = $spGroupMember.Title LoginName = $spGroupMember.LoginName EMail = $spGroupMember.Email ID = $spGroupMember.LoginName.Split('|')[-1] -replace '_o$' Type = 'AAD' } continue } #endregion AAD #region AADRole if ($spGroupMember.LoginName -like "*|tenant|*") { if ($Exclude -contains 'AADRole') { continue } [PSCustomObject]@{ Site = $link SiteIdentity = $member.LoginName Permission = $roleAssignment.RoleDefinitionBindings.Name Title = $spGroupMember.Title LoginName = $spGroupMember.LoginName EMail = $spGroupMember.Email ID = $spGroupMember.LoginName.Split('|')[-1] Type = 'AADRole' } continue } #endregion AADRole #region Unknown if ($Exclude -contains 'Unknown') { continue } [PSCustomObject]@{ Site = $link SiteIdentity = $member.LoginName Permission = $roleAssignment.RoleDefinitionBindings.Name Title = $spGroupMember.Title LoginName = $spGroupMember.LoginName EMail = $spGroupMember.Email ID = $null Type = 'Unknown' } #endregion Unknown #endregion Process individual memberships } } } } } } } } |