param ( $count = 10 , [switch]$whatif, [switch]$Verbose, [switch]$nobulk ) BEGIN { . ./Common.ps1 $RANDOM = new-object System.Random $PTYPE = "System.WorkItem.Incident.ProjectionType" ### ### SETUP ### Retrieve stuff from the CMDB which will be used later ### Write-Progress -Activity "Setting Up Environment" -Status "Getting Users" $Users = Get-scsmobject (get-scsmclass Microsoft.AD.User$) -MaxCount 60 if ( $Users.Count -lt 10 ) { Write-Error "Not enough users, go make some more" exit } Write-Progress -Activity "Setting Up Environment" -Status "Getting Config Items" $CIList = get-scsmobject (get-scsmclass System.ConfigItem$) -MaxCount 60 if ( $CIList.Count -lt 10 ) { Write-Error "Not enough CIs, go make some more" exit } Write-Progress -Activity "Setting Up Environment" -Status "Getting Knowledge Articles" $KAList = get-scsmobject (get-scsmclass System.Knowledge.Article) -MaxCount 60 if ( $KAList.Count -lt 20 ) { Write-Error "Not enough KAs, go make some more" exit } Write-Progress -Activity "Setting Up Environment" -Status "Getting Enumerations" # ENUMERATIONS # the "." at the end of the enumeration is required to be sure we get the list $TierQueueList = Get-SCSMEnumeration IncidentTierQueuesEnum. $StatusList = Get-SCSMEnumeration IncidentStatusEnum. $SourceList = get-scsmenumeration IncidentSourceEnum. $ResolutionList = Get-SCSMEnumeration IncidentResolutionCategoryEnum. $ClassificationList = Get-SCSMEnumeration IncidentClassificationEnum. # RELATIONSHIPS $billableTimeUser = Get-SCSMRelationshipClass System.WorkItem.BillableTimeHasWorkingUser $billableTimeWork = Get-SCSMRelationshipClass System.WorkItemHasBillableTime # CLASSES $billableTimeClass = get-scsmclass system.workitem.billabletime $RelatedwIList = get-scsmclass System.Workitem | ?{$_.Name -match "m.Incident$|ChangeRequest$|Problem$|Activity$|ReleaseRecord$" -and ! $_.abstract}|get-scsmobject $relatedServiceList = get-scsmobject (get-scsmclass Microsoft.SystemCenter.BusinessService) Write-Progress -Activity "Setting Up Environment" -Status "Starting Incident Creation" } END { $ProjectionArgs = @{ Type = $PType bulk = ! $nobulk verbose = $verbose whatif = $whatif } 1..$count|%{ $i = $_ Write-Progress -Activity "Creating Incident" -Status $i -perc ([int]($i/$count * 100)) # This is the date $CreatedDate = [datetime]::Now.AddDays(-$RANDOM.Next(30,90)) $ACIs = Get-RandomListFromList $CIList 5 # $CIList[$rlist] $ACIs += Get-RandomItemFromList $relatedServiceList $KAIs = Get-RandomListFromList $KAList 4 # $CIList[$rlist] $RCIs = Get-RandomListFromList $CIList 4 # $CIList[$rlist] $PriorityHash = @{ Low = 1; Medium = 2; High = 3 } $ImpactList = "Low","Medium","High" $Impact = Get-RandomItemFromList $ImpactList # bloody random numbers - sleep for a bit here start-sleep -m 5 $Urgency = Get-RandomItemFromList $ImpactList $PriorityValue = $PriorityHash[$Urgency] * $PriorityHash[$Impact] $Priority = $PriorityValue $TierQueue = Get-RandomItemFromList $TierQueueList $Status = Get-RandomItemFromList $StatusList # DEBUG::: $Status = $StatusList | ?{$_.Name -match "Resolv"} $Source = Get-RandomItemFromList $SourceList $Classification = Get-RandomItemFromList $ClassificationList $Escalated = $false if ( $Resolution.Name -eq "IncidentResolutionCategoryEnum.FixedByHigherTierSupport") { $Escalated = $true } if ( $Urgency -match "high" ) { $TargetResolutionTime = $CreatedDate.AddHours(4) } elseif ( $Urgency -match "medium" ) { $TargetResolutionTime = $CreatedDate.AddHours(24) } elseif ( $Urgency -match "high" ) { $TargetResolutionTime = $CreatedDate.AddHours(72) } else { $TargetResolutionTime = $CreatedDate.AddHours(48) } $PrimaryOwner = Get-RandomItemFromList $users # [$RANDOM.Next(0,$users.Count)] $AffectedUser = Get-RandomItemFromList $users # [$RANDOM.Next(0,$users.Count)] $AssignedUser = Get-RandomItemFromList $users # [$RANDOM.Next(0,$users.Count)] $CreatedByUser = Get-RandomItemFromList $users # [$RANDOM.Next(0,$users.Count)] $RelatedWIs = Get-RandomListFromList $RelatedWIList 2 # by default this creates 5 # $global:FASTREAMS = new-FileAttachmentStream # CREATE THE SEED HASH TABLE $IncidentSeed = @{ Status = $Status Source = $Source Impact = $Impact Urgency = $Urgency TierQueue = $TierQueue CreatedDate = $CreatedDate Classification = $Classification Title = get-lorem 6 Description = get-lorem 22 Priority = $Priority Escalated = $Escalated TargetResolutionTime = $TargetResolutionTime Id = "CustomIR{0}" } # FINISH THE SEED HASH TABLE # set up for closed and resolved status if ( $status -match "Closed" -or $status -match "Resolved" ) { $IncidentSeed['ResolutionDescription'] = get-lorem 22 $IncidentSeed['ResolutionCategory'] = Get-RandomItemFromList $ResolutionList $ResolveDiff = ($TargetResolutionTime - $CreatedDate).TotalHours $TimeVariance = $RANDOM.Next(-$ResolveDiff,$ResolveDiff) $ResolvedDate = $TargetResolutionTime.AddHours($TimeVariance) $IncidentSeed['ResolvedDate'] = $ResolvedDate if ( $status -match "Closed" ) { $IncidentSeed['ClosedDate'] = $ResolvedDate.AddHours($RANDOM.Next(0,2)*24) } } # NOW CREATE THE REST OF THE INCIDENT # User 10 Comments $UserComments = 1..10 | %{ @{ __CLASS = "System.WorkItem.TroubleTicket.UserCommentLog" __OBJECT = @{ Id = [string][guid]::NewGuid() Comment = get-lorem 20 EnteredDate = $CreatedDate.AddHours($RANDOM.Next(0,5)) EnteredBy = $CreatedByUser.DisplayName } } } # Create 10 analyst comments $AnalystComments = 1..10 | %{ @{ __CLASS = "System.WorkItem.TroubleTicket.AnalystCommentLog" __OBJECT = @{ Id = [string][guid]::NewGuid().ToString(); Comment = get-lorem 20 EnteredDate = $CreatedDate.AddHours($RANDOM.Next(2,6)); EnteredBy = $AssignedUser.DisplayName } } } $KnowledgeArticles = @{ __CLASS = "System.Knowledge.Article" __OBJECT = @{ Status = "Published" ArticleId = "CustomKA{0}" Title = get-lorem 6 Abstract = get-lorem 4 CreatedBy = "Joe User" CreatedDate = $CreatedDate } },$KAs #### File Attachments must have a new instance for each attachement #### even if it's the same file # NO FILE ATTACHMENTS FOR NOW # $FileAttachments = $FASTREAMS | %{ # $stream = $_ # @{ # __CLASS = "System.FileAttachment" # ### New-FileAttachmentInstance needs clean up which is done in the finally # ### block. It creates a script scope array of file streams # ### which must be cleaned up # __OBJECT = @{ # Description = Get-Lorem 12 # AddedDate = [datetime]::Now.AddDays(-180) # Extension = ".tmp" # Id = [guid]::NewGuid().ToString() # Content = $stream # Size = $stream.Length # } # } # } $p = @{ __CLASS = "System.WorkItem.Incident" __OBJECT = $IncidentSeed # Now for the Aliases PrimaryOwner = $PrimaryOwner AffectedUser = $AffectedUser AssignedUser = $AssignedUser CreatedByUser = $CreatedByUser UserComments = $UserComments AnalystComments = $AnalystComments RelatedWorkItems = $RelatedWIs RelatedConfigItems = $RCIs RelatedKnowledgeArticles = $KnowledgeArticles AffectedConfigItems = $ACIs # FileAttachments } $p } | new-SCSMOBjectProjection @ProjectionArgs # Create the Billable time - this doesn't use a projection, so create the relationships # directly # New-SCSMObjectProjection must use -passthru and then this is done in a foreach loop #| %{ # $workitem = $_.object # 1..3 | %{ # $id = [guid]::NewGuid().ToString() # $bti = new-scsmobject -NoCommit $BillableTimeClass -PropertyHashtable @{ # DisplayName = $id # Id = $id # TimeInMinutes = $RANDOM.Next(30,55); # LastUpdated = [datetime]::Now # } # @{ # Relationship = $billableTimeUser # Source = $workitem # Target = $bti # } # @{ # Relationship = $billableTimeWork # Source = $bti # Target = $AssignedUser # } # start-sleep -mil 10 # } #} | new-scsmRelationshipObject #$wi = $pp.object #for($itr = 0; $itr -lt 3; $itr++) #{ # $id = [guid]::newGuid().ToString() # # this requires an uncommited instance # # when the relationship is commited, so will the instance # $bti = new-scsmobject -NoCommit $BillableTimeClass -PropertyHashtable @{ # DisplayName = $id # Id = $id # TimeInMinutes = $RANDOM.Next(30,55); # LastUpdated = [datetime]::Now # } # New-SCSMRelationshipObject -Relationship $billableTimeUser -Source $wi -Target $bti # New-SCSMRelationshipObject -Relationship $billableTimeWork -Source $bti -Target $AssignedUser # this sleep is to be sure that the time spent changes #} } |