function Connect-SMAX { <# .SYNOPSIS Establishes a connection to the Service Management Automation X (SMAX) platform. .DESCRIPTION The Connect-SMAX function allows you to establish a connection to the SMAX platform by providing the URL, tenant, and credentials. It also supports reusing an existing SMAX connection. .PARAMETER Url Specifies the URL of the SMAX instance to connect to. .PARAMETER Tenant Specifies the tenant ID for the SMAX instance. .PARAMETER Credential Specifies the credentials used for authentication. .PARAMETER OldConnection Specifies an existing SMAX connection to reuse. .PARAMETER SkipCheck Specifies checks to skip during the connection process, such as certificate checks, HTTP error checks, or header validation checks. .PARAMETER EnableException Indicates whether exceptions should be enabled. By default, exceptions are enabled. .EXAMPLE $connection=Connect-SMAX -Url $url -Credential $cred -Tenant 888220 Connect directly with a Credential-Object .EXAMPLE $connection=Connect-SMAX -Url $url -Credential $cred $connection=Export-Clixml -Path ".\connection.xml" $importedConnection=Import-Clixml -Path ".\connection.xml" $secondConnection=Connect-SMAX -OldConnection $importedConnection Connect with the information from a serialized object .NOTES #> <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a new Connection Object to a SMAX instance. .DESCRIPTION Creates a new Connection Object to a SMAX instance. .PARAMETER Credential Credential-Object for direct login. .PARAMETER Tenant The Tenant ID for the connection .PARAMETER Url The server root URL. .PARAMETER OldConnection An old connection to be revived. This can be obtained e.g. by Export-Clixml/Import-Clixml. .PARAMETER SkipCheck Array of checks which should be skipped while using Invoke-WebRequest. Possible Values 'CertificateCheck', 'HttpErrorCheck', 'HeaderValidation'. If neccessary by default for the connection set $connection.SkipCheck .PARAMETER EnableException Should Exceptions been thrown? .EXAMPLE $connection=Connect-SMAX -Url $url -Credential $cred -Tenant 888220 Connect directly with a Credential-Object .EXAMPLE $connection=Connect-SMAX -Url $url -Credential $cred $connection=Export-Clixml -Path ".\connection.xml" $importedConnection=Import-Clixml -Path ".\connection.xml" $secondConnection=Connect-SMAX -OldConnection $importedConnection Connect with the information from a serialized object .NOTES #> # [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSReviewUnusedParameter', '')] # [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseDeclaredVarsMoreThanAssignments', '')] [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "credential")] Param ( [parameter(mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = "credential")] [string]$Url, [parameter(mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = "credential")] [string]$Tenant, [parameter(mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = "credential")] [pscredential]$Credential, [parameter(mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = "oldConnection")] $OldConnection, [ValidateSet('CertificateCheck', 'HttpErrorCheck', 'HeaderValidation')] [String[]]$SkipCheck, [bool]$EnableException = $true ) if ($OldConnection) { Write-PSFMessage "Getting parameters from existing (mistyped) Connection object" $connection = Get-ARAHConnection -Url $OldConnection.ServerRoot -APISubPath "/rest/$($OldConnection.tenantId)" if ($SkipCheck) { $connection.SkipCheck = $SkipCheck } Add-Member -InputObject $connection -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "tenantId" -Value $OldConnection.tenantId Add-Member -InputObject $connection -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "psfConfPrefix" -Value $OldConnection.psfConfPrefix Set-PSFConfig -Module 'SMAX' -Name 'lastConfPrefix' -Value $OldConnection.psfConfPrefix -AllowDelete -Validation string -Description "The last connection prefix; needed for TEPP if no connection available" -PassThru | Register-PSFConfig -Scope UserDefault $token = $OldConnection.authCookie.Value $connection.ContentType = "application/json;charset=UTF-8" $connection.authenticatedUser = $OldConnection.authenticatedUser $Cookie = New-Object System.Net.Cookie $Cookie.Name = "SMAX_AUTH_TOKEN" # Add the name of the cookie $Cookie.Value = $token # Add the value of the cookie $Cookie.Domain = ([System.Uri]$OldConnection.ServerRoot).DnsSafeHost Add-Member -InputObject $connection -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "authCookie" -Value $Cookie Set-PSFConfig -Module 'SMAX' -Name 'LastConnection' -Value $connection -Description "Last known Connection" -AllowDelete return $connection } $connection = Get-ARAHConnection -Url $Url -APISubPath "/rest/$Tenant" if ($SkipCheck) { $connection.SkipCheck = $SkipCheck } Add-Member -InputObject $connection -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "tenantId" -Value $Tenant $psfConfPrefix = ("SMAX." + (([System.Uri]$connection.WebServiceRoot).DnsSafeHost -replace '\.', '_') + ".$Tenant") Add-Member -InputObject $connection -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "psfConfPrefix" -Value $psfConfPrefix Set-PSFConfig -Module 'SMAX' -Name 'lastConfPrefix' -Value $psfConfPrefix -AllowDelete -Validation string -Description "The last connection prefix; needed for TEPP if no connection available" -PassThru | Register-PSFConfig -Scope UserDefault $connection.ContentType = "application/json;charset=UTF-8" $connection.authenticatedUser = $Credential.UserName $restParam = @{ Uri = "$($connection.ServerRoot)/auth/authentication-endpoint/authenticate/token" ContentType = $connection.ContentType Method = "Post" Body = (@{login = $Credential.UserName ; password = $Credential.GetNetworkCredential().Password } | ConvertTo-Json) } $token = Invoke-RestMethod @restParam if ($null -eq $token) { Stop-PSFFunction -Message "No API Results" -EnableException $EnableException -FunctionName $functionName } $Cookie = New-Object System.Net.Cookie $Cookie.Name = "SMAX_AUTH_TOKEN" # Add the name of the cookie $Cookie.Value = $token # Add the value of the cookie $Cookie.Domain = ([System.Uri]$restParam.uri).DnsSafeHost Add-Member -InputObject $connection -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "authCookie" -Value $Cookie Set-PSFConfig -Module 'SMAX' -Name 'LastConnection' -Value $connection -Description "Last known Connection" -AllowDelete return $connection } |