
Function to save and push application packages to a NuGet feed.
The `Save-NuGetPackage` function scans a specified directory for application files (.app), packages them into NuGet packages, and pushes them to a specified NuGet feed.
.PARAMETER nugetFeed
Specifies the URL of the NuGet feed where the packages will be pushed. For example, ``.
.PARAMETER appBasePath
Specifies the path to the directory containing the application files (.app) to be packaged and pushed. For example, `$(Pipeline.Workspace)\output`.
$nugetFeed = ""
$appBasePath = "$(Pipeline.Workspace)\output"
Save-NuGetPackage -nugetFeed $nugetFeed -appBasePath $appBasePath
This function is designed to work with Azure Artifacts and NuGet feeds.

function Save-NuGetPackage {
    param (
        [string] $nugetFeed,
        [string] $appBasePath,
        [string] $appNames

    if (('','*') -contains $appNames) {
        $appFiles = Get-ChildItem -Path $appBasePath -Filter *.app
    } else {
        $appNamesArray = $appNames -split ','
        $appFiles = @()
        foreach ($appName in $appNamesArray) {
            $appPath = Get-ChildItem -Path $basePath -Filter "*$appName*.app" -Recurse
            if ($appPath) {
                $appFiles += $appPath.FullName

    $tempFolder = $appBasePath
    Set-Location -Path $tempFolder

    foreach ($appFile in $appNames) {
        $fileName = [System.IO.Path]::GetFileName($appFile)
        Write-Host "##[group]Push $fileName on Azure Artifacts"
        Write-Output "Push $appFile on Azure Artifacts"
        $nupkgFile = New-BcNuGetPackage -appfile $appFile
        Push-BcNuGetPackage -nuGetServerUrl $nugetFeed -nuGetToken "$env:SystemAccessToken" -bcNuGetPackage $nupkgFile
        Write-Host "##[endgroup]"