Function Connect-SKYAPI { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='NoParameters')] param( [parameter( Position=0, ParameterSetName = 'ForceReauthentication', ValueFromPipeline=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)] [Switch]$ForceReauthentication, [parameter( Position=1, ParameterSetName = 'ForceRefresh', ValueFromPipeline=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)] [Switch]$ForceRefresh, [parameter( Position=2, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)] [ValidateSet('EdgeWebView2','MiniHTTPServer',"LegacyIEControl")] [string]$AuthenticationMethod ) # Make -ClearBrowserControlCache Parameter Only Appear if ForceReauthentication is Used DynamicParam { if ($ForceReauthentication) { $ParameterAttributes = [System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute]@{ ParameterSetName = "ForceReauthentication" Mandatory = $false } $AttributeCollection = [System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[System.Attribute]]::new() $AttributeCollection.Add($ParameterAttributes) $DynamicParameter1 = [System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter]::new( 'ClearBrowserControlCache', [switch], $AttributeCollection) $ParameterDictionary = [System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary]::new() $ParameterDictionary.Add('ClearBrowserControlCache', $DynamicParameter1) } return $ParameterDictionary } begin { $ClearBrowserControlCache = $PSBoundParameters['ClearBrowserControlCache'] } process { # Set the Necesasary Configuration Variables $sky_api_config = Get-SKYAPIConfig -ConfigPath $sky_api_config_file_path $client_id = $sky_api_config.client_id $client_secret = $sky_api_config.client_secret $redirect_uri = $sky_api_config.redirect_uri $token_uri = $sky_api_config.token_uri # If Key File Does Not Exist or the -ForceReauthentication Parameter is Set, Ask User to Reauthenticate if ((-not (Test-Path $sky_api_tokens_file_path)) -or ($ForceReauthentication)) { Get-NewTokens -sky_api_tokens_file_path $sky_api_tokens_file_path -AuthenticationMethod $AuthenticationMethod -ClearBrowserControlCache:$ClearBrowserControlCache } # Get Tokens & Set Creation Times try { $AuthTokensFromFile = Get-SKYAPIAuthTokensFromFile $refresh_token_creation = $AuthTokensFromFile.refresh_token_creation $access_token_creation = $AuthTokensFromFile.access_token_creation } catch { throw "Key JSON tokens file is corrupted or invalid. Please run Connect-SKYAPI with the -ForceReauthentication parameter to recreate it." } # If Refresh Token Has Expired Because it Hasn't Been Used for Max Refresh Token Timespan, Ask User to Reauthenticate if (-not (Confirm-TokenIsFresh -TokenCreation $refresh_token_creation -TokenType Refresh)) { Get-NewTokens -sky_api_tokens_file_path $sky_api_tokens_file_path -AuthenticationMethod $AuthenticationMethod -ClearBrowserControlCache:$ClearBrowserControlCache # Get Tokens & Set Creation Times try { $AuthTokensFromFile = Get-SKYAPIAuthTokensFromFile $refresh_token_creation = $AuthTokensFromFile.refresh_token_creation $access_token_creation = $AuthTokensFromFile.access_token_creation } catch { throw "Key JSON tokens file is corrupted or invalid. Please run Connect-SKYAPI with the -ForceReauthentication parameter to recreate it." } } # If the Access Token Expired OR the -ForceRefresh Parameter is Set, Then Refresh Access Token if ((-not (Confirm-TokenIsFresh -TokenCreation $access_token_creation -TokenType Access)) -or ($ForceRefresh)) { # Run Invoke Command and Catch Responses [int]$InvokeCount = 0 [int]$MaxInvokeCount = 5 do { $InvokeCount += 1 $NextAction = $null try { $Authorization = Get-AccessToken -grant_type 'refresh_token' -client_id $client_id -redirect_uri $redirect_uri -client_secret $client_secret -authCode $($AuthTokensFromFile.refresh_token) -token_uri $token_uri } catch { # Process Invoke Error $LastCaughtError = ($_) $NextAction = CatchInvokeErrors($_) # Just in case the token was refreshed by the error catcher, update the $AuthTokensFromFile variable $AuthTokensFromFile = Get-SKYAPIAuthTokensFromFile } }while ($NextAction -eq 'retry' -and $InvokeCount -lt $MaxInvokeCount) if ($InvokeCount -ge $MaxInvokeCount) { Write-Warning $("Invoke tried running $InvokeCount times, but failed each time. " ` + "It is possible that the Key JSON tokens file is corrupted or invalid. Try running Connect-SKYAPI with the -ForceReauthentication parameter to recreate it.") throw $LastCaughtError } # Add Refresh & Access Token expirys to PSCustomObject and Save credentials to file $Authorization | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "refresh_token_creation" -Value $((Get-Date).ToUniversalTime().ToString("o")) -Force $Authorization | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "access_token_creation" -Value $((Get-Date).ToUniversalTime().ToString("o")) -Force $Authorization | Select-Object access_token, refresh_token, refresh_token_creation, access_token_creation | ConvertTo-Json ` | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force ` | ConvertFrom-SecureString ` | Out-File -FilePath $sky_api_tokens_file_path -Force } } } |